
This Week in Web3 and NFTs: y00ts, DeGods, Pudgy Penguins, and more

This Week in Web3 and NFTs: y00ts, DeGods, Pudgy Penguins, and moreThis Week in Web3 and NFTs: y00ts, DeGods, Pudgy Penguins, and more


This Week in Web3 and NFTs: y00ts, DeGods, Pudgy Penguins, and more

This Week in Web3 and NFTs: y00ts, DeGods, Pudgy Penguins, and more

Welcome to the OpenSea digest. Let’s look back through the biggest NFT and web3 news of the week.

y00ts Initiates Transition from Polygon to Ethereum

Following its August 8 announcement, the NFT collection y00ts has officially transitioned from Polygon to Ethereum. This shift has garnered considerable enthusiasm from those in the NFT community, particularly among long-time followers who supported the project during its early days on Solana before it migrated to Polygon and now, finally, Ethereum. 

In the first seven hours following the transition's initiation, a remarkable 4,600 y00ts holders successfully migrated their assets.

To incentivize early adopters, y00ts is generously covering all gas fees for those who make the switch within the first 24 hours. Additionally, 10 y00ts NFTs, valued at approximately $1225 each, will be randomly distributed to early movers. Starting on October 22, y00ts will impose a royalty fee of 33.3% to further encourage prompt action.

The Ethereum transition was made possible through a partnership with the cross-chain NFT standard developed by the interoperability network Wormhole, ensuring a secure and efficient process for holders. However, Ethereum validation can take up to an hour, and there's a migration limit of 30 y00ts per user.

Moving forward, y00ts will exclusively operate on the Ethereum network. The project’s move to Ethereum aligns with its ambition to become a leading multi-chain NFT community.

DeGods ‘Resets’ to Chapter One

On October 9, Frank, the founder of the DeGods and y00ts NFT collections, announced a complete reset for DeGods NFTs.
“We just reset all DeGods back to Season 1,” wrote Frank in a tweet graphic entitled “The Comeback: Chapter One.” According to the announcement, holders still retain the ability to switch between Seasons 1, 2, and 3 on chain.

Once the top two projects on Solana, DeGods and y00ts have undergone major changes this month. According to Frank’s tweet, DeGods’ “reset” is meant to unify the y00ts and DeGods communities, thereby fostering a synergistic growth path for both projects into the foreseeable future.

DeLabs, the Los Angeles-based startup behind both entities, has said it will remain available to answer questions regarding art updates, intellectual property (IP) concerns, DeGods’ token $DUST or any outstanding questions regarding either project.

Flow Is Becoming EVM Compatible

Flow, a blockchain designed for mainstream-scale decentralized applications, is set to bring full Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) equivalence to its ecosystem. 

According to a recent Flow blog post, this development will allow developers to seamlessly deploy Ethereum dApps on Flow without the need for code changes. Popular Ethereum tools and protocols, such as Uniswap, Metamask, Chainlink Oracle and more, will be able to function on Flow without modifications. 

Developers can continue using Cadence, Flow's resource-oriented programming language, alongside Solidity, enhancing smart contract composability. The move aims to combine the strengths of both platforms, providing a secure and efficient bridge for asset and functionality transfers between Flow and Ethereum.

Pudgy Penguins and Last Crumb Collaborate on Limited-Edition Cookies 

A new, mouth-watering collaboration between Pudgy Penguins and high-end cookie brand Last Crumb is sparking discussions about the evolving landscape of web3

The partnership, which resulted in a limited-edition Pudgy cookie gift box released on October 11, marks a unique convergence of the digital and physical worlds

Last Crumb, known for its luxury cookies and disruptive business model, employs a scarcity-based sales approach that caught investors’ eyes and secured $3 million in funding in 2022. Pudgy Penguins, meanwhile, is a prominent web3 brand that has recently ventured into physical goods through its Amazon store of plushies and toy figurines.

The collaboration between Pudgy Penguins and Last Crumb signifies not just a new cross-brand partnership, but also a bold move by Pudgy Penguins to explore new markets and bring web3 into the world of food.

Uniswap Wallet Is Coming to Android

Uniswap has extended its Uniswap Wallet app to Android users.

Mirroring the trading experience on the Uniswap decentralized exchange (DEX), the interoperable wallet allows users to switch between different blockchains, initially supporting swaps between Polygon, Arbitrum, Optimism, Base and BNBChain (with more chains to follow).

To protect on-chain swaps, the app offers "swap protection" by default, preventing frontrunning and sandwiching attacks. A transparent fee structure will display gas prices upfront, letting users agree or decline before proceeding. 

Access is currently limited, with a waitlist for Android users. Uniswap Labs plans to gather early feedback and will open-source the wallet's code with public audits.

Introducing EMMA: the Editor for Managing MultiPhase Allowlists

The MEMES team, led by web3 thought leader Punk6529, has introduced EMMA, the Editor for Managing MultiPhase Allowlists, a groundbreaking tool in the NFT space designed to simplify and automate allowlist management.

EMMA was born out of the team's extensive experience with 150 allowlisted mints, and it aims to reduce the manual workload associated with this process. The new tool should hopefully allow artists and galleries to focus on the creativity of their drops, rather than administrative tasks. 

According to Punk6529’s tweet announcement, EMMA took a year of development to build. It is an open-source initiative, which aligns with the team’s goal of inviting community-wide participation in NFT art.

Punk6529 and the MEMES team say they are committed to iterating and improving EMMA over time and plan on introducing more tools in the future. 

Ian Cheng’s 3FACE NFT Acquired by MoMA

MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art, acquired "3FACE" (2022), a generative artwork by New York-based generative artist Ian Cheng. The groundbreaking artwork, which analyzes the blockchain wallet data of its owner to create a visual portrait of their personality, is now one of four pieces by the artist in MoMA's collection.

The MoMA acquisition was made possible through a donation by Outland Art, a platform dedicated to digital art. It is the latest of three NFT acquisitions by the art institution

Cheng's work, characterized as "live simulations," explores themes of evolution, artificial intelligence and change over time.

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