
Etheremon adventure land is tradeable on OpenSea

Etheremon adventure land is tradeable on OpenSeaEtheremon adventure land is tradeable on OpenSea


Etheremon adventure land is tradeable on OpenSea

Etheremon adventure land is tradeable on OpenSea

We’re super excited to help support the launch of Etheremon adventure mode by offering trading for adventure land and items on OpenSea.

In Etheremon adventure mode, players can own adventure sites and send their Mons to explore these sites to collect rewards. By owning Etheremon adventure land, Etheremon players become partners, stakeholders, and decision makers of the game.

The market for Adventure land is already heating up, with over 6.1 ETH of land exchanged already!

You can read more about the Etheremon adventure launch here, or start buying and selling land on OpenSea here.

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