Generative artwork created by Eko33, this collection is inspired by the concept of "Utopia," a term invented by Sir Thomas More in 1516.
As Lyman Tower Sargent would argue, each utopia is contradictory because each party involved has a different motivation, making it hard to reach a common goal.
This contradiction is highlighted within the outcomes of this algorithm. You can see a bark-like texture with geometrical patterns at the forefront, while the background can evoke skylines from industrial megacities.
Different color palettes have been named based on famous historical utopian visions and stories such as Arcadia, Datong, and Ketumati.
Eko33 is a generative artist from Switzerland; he started creating generative artworks in 1999. Since then, his work has been displayed in museums, international biennales, and Art Basel Miami.
Generative artwork created by Eko33, this collection is inspired by the concept of "Utopia," a term invented by Sir Thomas More in 1516.
As Lyman Tower Sargent would argue, each utopia is contradictory because each party involved has a different motivation, making it hard to reach a common goal.
This contradiction is highlighted within the outcomes of this algorithm. You can see a bark-like texture with geometrical patterns at the forefront, while the background can evoke skylines from industrial megacities.
Different color palettes have been named based on famous historical utopian visions and stories such as Arcadia, Datong, and Ketumati.
Eko33 is a generative artist from Switzerland; he started creating generative artworks in 1999. Since then, his work has been displayed in museums, international biennales, and Art Basel Miami.
Utopia #14
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Utopia #14
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- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Generative artwork created by Eko33, this collection is inspired by the concept of "Utopia," a term invented by Sir Thomas More in 1516.
As Lyman Tower Sargent would argue, each utopia is contradictory because each party involved has a different motivation, making it hard to reach a common goal.
This contradiction is highlighted within the outcomes of this algorithm. You can see a bark-like texture with geometrical patterns at the forefront, while the background can evoke skylines from industrial megacities.
Different color palettes have been named based on famous historical utopian visions and stories such as Arcadia, Datong, and Ketumati.
Eko33 is a generative artist from Switzerland; he started creating generative artworks in 1999. Since then, his work has been displayed in museums, international biennales, and Art Basel Miami.
Generative artwork created by Eko33, this collection is inspired by the concept of "Utopia," a term invented by Sir Thomas More in 1516.
As Lyman Tower Sargent would argue, each utopia is contradictory because each party involved has a different motivation, making it hard to reach a common goal.
This contradiction is highlighted within the outcomes of this algorithm. You can see a bark-like texture with geometrical patterns at the forefront, while the background can evoke skylines from industrial megacities.
Different color palettes have been named based on famous historical utopian visions and stories such as Arcadia, Datong, and Ketumati.
Eko33 is a generative artist from Switzerland; he started creating generative artworks in 1999. Since then, his work has been displayed in museums, international biennales, and Art Basel Miami.