Series: Syncretizing Title: "Baluande: I feel a voice calling me from the depths of the sea" Technique: Body Painting, Edition and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Chinet Martí Arevalo. Concept: the snail is a mode of communication, it is the way we use for the Orichas to speak, in this case we play with a real-size decontextualized snail that has the diloggun to create this kind of dreamlike journey between the deity and the snail, forgive the redundancy. It is a symbol of syncretism between the Osha Rule and the Bantu cult. The title of this piece is used in a song, this call is made when we want the deity to visit us and fill us with blessings. It makes a reference to various paths related to Mother Water. Note: the diloggun is the denomination of the divinatory system of the Yoruba religion.
Sincretizando #21 : “Baluande: I feel a voice calling me from the depths of the sea”
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Sincretizando #21 : “Baluande: I feel a voice calling me from the depths of the sea”
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Series: Syncretizing Title: "Baluande: I feel a voice calling me from the depths of the sea" Technique: Body Painting, Edition and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Chinet Martí Arevalo. Concept: the snail is a mode of communication, it is the way we use for the Orichas to speak, in this case we play with a real-size decontextualized snail that has the diloggun to create this kind of dreamlike journey between the deity and the snail, forgive the redundancy. It is a symbol of syncretism between the Osha Rule and the Bantu cult. The title of this piece is used in a song, this call is made when we want the deity to visit us and fill us with blessings. It makes a reference to various paths related to Mother Water. Note: the diloggun is the denomination of the divinatory system of the Yoruba religion.