Series: Syncretizing Title: "The King of Oyo"
Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Dionis Terry Concept: This piece represents the humanization of Shango, (Yoruba deity) King of Oyo represented as a warrior and well known in several countries of America and especially in Cuba, it is syncretized with Santa Bárbara but they should not be confused. Shangó is a warrior and king of the Yoruba Religion. He is the Orisha who governs lightning, thunder, fire, drums and dance. This convergence allowed Africans in the slave era to continue worshiping their gods. Still currently in Cuban Santeria, Santa Bárbara is identified with Shango. The syncretization of it in the Palo rule or Bantu cult is with Nsasi or seven rays.
Sincretizando #16 : “El Rey de Oyó”
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Sincretizando #16 : “El Rey de Oyó”
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Series: Syncretizing Title: "The King of Oyo"
Technique: Body Painting, editing and Photography Author: Juan Javier Medina Pereira. Model: Dionis Terry Concept: This piece represents the humanization of Shango, (Yoruba deity) King of Oyo represented as a warrior and well known in several countries of America and especially in Cuba, it is syncretized with Santa Bárbara but they should not be confused. Shangó is a warrior and king of the Yoruba Religion. He is the Orisha who governs lightning, thunder, fire, drums and dance. This convergence allowed Africans in the slave era to continue worshiping their gods. Still currently in Cuban Santeria, Santa Bárbara is identified with Shango. The syncretization of it in the Palo rule or Bantu cult is with Nsasi or seven rays.