For a different tomorrow. Why don't you try something a little different? It's a small change, and you may not even notice it. Such a small accumulation will change our future. For the future of each and every one of us! #Hope4Future
We cannot go back to the past, nor can we know the future. All we can do is live in the present to the fullest. However, we can create the future by doing the best we can now. Each of us has our own future! Hope for the future! That's what we want Hope4Future to be! 私たちは過去に戻ることはできないし、未来を知ることもできない。私たちにできるのは、今を精一杯生きることだけです。しかし、今できることを精一杯やることで、未来を創ることはできます。 それぞれに、それぞれの未来がある! 未来への希望! それが、Hope4Futureに込めた想いです!
Hope4Future #047
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Hope4Future #047
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For a different tomorrow. Why don't you try something a little different? It's a small change, and you may not even notice it. Such a small accumulation will change our future. For the future of each and every one of us! #Hope4Future
We cannot go back to the past, nor can we know the future. All we can do is live in the present to the fullest. However, we can create the future by doing the best we can now. Each of us has our own future! Hope for the future! That's what we want Hope4Future to be! 私たちは過去に戻ることはできないし、未来を知ることもできない。私たちにできるのは、今を精一杯生きることだけです。しかし、今できることを精一杯やることで、未来を創ることはできます。 それぞれに、それぞれの未来がある! 未来への希望! それが、Hope4Futureに込めた想いです!