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Everyone has their own special moment. It can be your birthday or your loved ones or a special day for you to remember your loved ones and memorable events in your life. [A day in your life] was created for this purpose. It generates 365 unique vertical scroll paintings. From top to down, each scroll artwork was programmatically assigned flying birds, clouds, rains fog, and rainbow which symbolized our emotions flows on this special day.

In this piece of program codes. 12 unique color schemes for 12 months under my association with them.

The pink introduces the life-inducing January.

The violet February circulates the power of January as the vein does.

The lake-blue color cloud in March is ready to nourish the earth.

Yellowish April dirt starts to turn green.

May, Organic green on the mountain is echoing the effort of the spring

June, the underlying heat is warming the summer air.

Our passion, be hot like what July does.

August, be inspired by the last tangerine dawn and sunset.

September. high and dry. October, the sepia is ready to dry the sky.

November entered thru the night.

December, lives were rested under the thick snow white.

Now, meet the day in your life. [A day in your life] is ready with an image output function as well. which you can freely export the screen into a high-resolution printable version with 8x32in and hang it on the wall.

NULLBAYSEA collection image

let null = "not yet defined";

let bay = "the canvas we are on";

let sea = "the flow in-between the codes”;

Nullbaysea is the codename for my digital art persona. to me, the beauty of art originates from its capacity for undefined and unlimited possibilities.

Self-taught artist/coder/musician/cook/dad based in south Taiwan. Was fascinated by the nature of codes, numbers, and frequency and dedicated to turning the above into a new media journey nourished with sounds and colors.

"I believe METAVERSE should be filled with Art and Wisdom."

Contract Address0xf8db...caf7
Token ID324
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings

A Day in Your Life - Mar 3

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A Day in Your Life - Mar 3

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Everyone has their own special moment. It can be your birthday or your loved ones or a special day for you to remember your loved ones and memorable events in your life. [A day in your life] was created for this purpose. It generates 365 unique vertical scroll paintings. From top to down, each scroll artwork was programmatically assigned flying birds, clouds, rains fog, and rainbow which symbolized our emotions flows on this special day.

In this piece of program codes. 12 unique color schemes for 12 months under my association with them.

The pink introduces the life-inducing January.

The violet February circulates the power of January as the vein does.

The lake-blue color cloud in March is ready to nourish the earth.

Yellowish April dirt starts to turn green.

May, Organic green on the mountain is echoing the effort of the spring

June, the underlying heat is warming the summer air.

Our passion, be hot like what July does.

August, be inspired by the last tangerine dawn and sunset.

September. high and dry. October, the sepia is ready to dry the sky.

November entered thru the night.

December, lives were rested under the thick snow white.

Now, meet the day in your life. [A day in your life] is ready with an image output function as well. which you can freely export the screen into a high-resolution printable version with 8x32in and hang it on the wall.

NULLBAYSEA collection image

let null = "not yet defined";

let bay = "the canvas we are on";

let sea = "the flow in-between the codes”;

Nullbaysea is the codename for my digital art persona. to me, the beauty of art originates from its capacity for undefined and unlimited possibilities.

Self-taught artist/coder/musician/cook/dad based in south Taiwan. Was fascinated by the nature of codes, numbers, and frequency and dedicated to turning the above into a new media journey nourished with sounds and colors.

"I believe METAVERSE should be filled with Art and Wisdom."

Contract Address0xf8db...caf7
Token ID324
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings