The art randomly changes its color with each reload. The pattern of the Nishikigoi and the background design are uniquely created based on the token ID. You can even drag your mouse to see the layer structure of the art.
Tx ID: FO8OeX8VHBkEoVA1i02fdJLDqdrU0lesKtSB_JNu3tU
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Artist: raf
Artist SNS: Twitter, Instagram
Library: three.js, color-scheme.js
BLOG -> Why a small village of 800 people making NFTs
New Step -> Starting A New Company in Yamakoshi - Local DAO in Yamakoshi to the Globe
We BUILD The New Digital Villages
Nishikigoi NFT is an NFT that represents being a digital villager in Yamakoshi, a rural village in Japan. The 3rd set is added to the 1st (Okazz) and 2nd (raf), and a new artist (ykxotkx) joined!
We are bringing the real and digital together as there are now 800 real residents and over 1,000 digital villagers in Yamakoshi DAO and are sharing the knowledge and experience that each resident has to create something that has never been done in the past to be an even more global community. Join us!
Generative patterns "NISHIKIGOI" #5316
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
Generative patterns "NISHIKIGOI" #5316
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
The art randomly changes its color with each reload. The pattern of the Nishikigoi and the background design are uniquely created based on the token ID. You can even drag your mouse to see the layer structure of the art.
Tx ID: FO8OeX8VHBkEoVA1i02fdJLDqdrU0lesKtSB_JNu3tU
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
Artist: raf
Artist SNS: Twitter, Instagram
Library: three.js, color-scheme.js
BLOG -> Why a small village of 800 people making NFTs
New Step -> Starting A New Company in Yamakoshi - Local DAO in Yamakoshi to the Globe
We BUILD The New Digital Villages
Nishikigoi NFT is an NFT that represents being a digital villager in Yamakoshi, a rural village in Japan. The 3rd set is added to the 1st (Okazz) and 2nd (raf), and a new artist (ykxotkx) joined!
We are bringing the real and digital together as there are now 800 real residents and over 1,000 digital villagers in Yamakoshi DAO and are sharing the knowledge and experience that each resident has to create something that has never been done in the past to be an even more global community. Join us!