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Very Interesting Dreams Last Night:

I was with my brother in DTLA or a similar large city, couldn't be exactly sure - but it felt like DTLA. We were walking and ended up in an alleyway, that turned to be an unexpected cul de sac. Run down - industrial, similar to the area I painted this weekend. Near the end of the alleyway - blended into the wall, almost - holographic - was a large - very large - wolf. The wolf didn't have the coloring of a wolf - dark brown hair - like a bear. We immediately turned and left upon seeing it. The wolf started to follow us. It was at least 6 feet tall. I had mixed senses of fear and believing that it was ok - that the wolf - really wasn't a wolf at all - but more, a test, a holographic projection - like in a video game. The wolf went to attack us - but it was in slow motion - peaceful and graceful - it bit my arm - and made it bleed a little bit - but there was no pain - and no feeling of the teeth going into me. In my hand appeared a rusty and short screwdriver - which I jammed into the wolfs head - and it too - didn't register with any force - despite causing it to bleed. It was like the actions of violence - were ghost like and transparent. I then said that the wolf was me - and it disappeared. I was protecting my brother who was on the ground crying quietly - taking the form of his age 7-10 years old (he's 31).

Next part of the dream is fast forwarded to night, 8-9 o'clock. Me and my brother are in this large valley, kind of like the San Fernando Valley - but without all of the houses and whatnot - more, like an actual valley - with fields - but still traces of development. Kind of hard to explain. There are also LOTS of other people there - families, individuals of all ages, out for the night, walking, picnicking etc.

I turn and see a large comet like flare in the sky - it moves slowly and lights up the valley - and then quickly disappears. As I turn back - the entire sky is now filled with an Armada of Triangular spaceships (drawings below). They are VERY Large - city upon city blocks or miles long. They cover the sky - at least 30-40 or more. It's almost as if they have been there, in the sky - the entire time, and are just turning off their invisibility cloaking. They are silent, and unmoving. Their architecture is hollow in the middle, forming an empty triangle - and then the long columns that form the ship - are like - cities of dark jagged, highly organized metal....can't really articulate it properly.

People start panicking and screaming. The ships start letting out little pods, and lights. I can't tell if they are attacking. I feel calm.

The next thing I know - me and my brother are on the exterior of one of the ships. We are calm. There are other people there too - but they are screaming and crying and jumping off to their deaths, rather than going inside. My brother and I go inside an open door - it is brightly lit, with colored glass and padding the resembles white leather. Once inside the ship - it is almost like another world - with an atmosphere - and no indication of a roof. The beings in the ship vary - from those who look like humans, to those that look like creatures, aliens, etc. A sort of cosmic gathering. We feel fine and calm. My brother disappears, but I feel like I know where he is and it was important that he get on the ship. He is safe.

I remember being very sad that my father would not make it on the ship. I cry for a little bit and feel like he will die. I then am very peaceful about it and know that it is OK, that he is a part of me and ... it is ok. Anyone who was on the earth, would it was undergoing an immense change. For natures sake.

A female humanoid officer takes me on a tour - shows me different humans that they are healing / experimenting on. Some of it is very graphic...but...surgeries, with very odd instruments - baby deliveries...etc.... Everyone is Very peaceful and I feel no, malice or darkness when observing these. I remember someone saying "cancer is not real...and we are reversing this." (not verbatim)

I eat with the female officer and many others. Whatever I imagine I want to eat, is then showed before me. I have the most wonderful Mac and Cheese that my grandmother used to make me. It's essentially...hers.

I then am in another part of the ship / atmosphere / land. It is a big forest like field and this craft of circular wood appears. It feels ancient. The wood sprials out, like a mandala and men dressed in dark colored silks that are intricately decorated and obscuring their faces - descend with the wood beams - the ship starts to morph / construct - into a very large (100 feet + tall) tent. I help by flying like Peter Pan and grabbing a rope to tie down the beams. Everything is very light in weight, and undaunting.

After the tent is constructed I find my self at the top quarters, which is decorated like a south asian palace / indonesian . There is a beautiful woman who seems to be the owner or leader of the tent group. She has a black book with silver writing. I can't remember what it says. We remember each other.

It gets foggy from there and I wake up.

LOVBEING SUPERRARE 1/1's collection image

Works from Superrare

Category Art
Contract Address0xe348...cdfd
Token ID26
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings


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Very Interesting Dreams Last Night:

I was with my brother in DTLA or a similar large city, couldn't be exactly sure - but it felt like DTLA. We were walking and ended up in an alleyway, that turned to be an unexpected cul de sac. Run down - industrial, similar to the area I painted this weekend. Near the end of the alleyway - blended into the wall, almost - holographic - was a large - very large - wolf. The wolf didn't have the coloring of a wolf - dark brown hair - like a bear. We immediately turned and left upon seeing it. The wolf started to follow us. It was at least 6 feet tall. I had mixed senses of fear and believing that it was ok - that the wolf - really wasn't a wolf at all - but more, a test, a holographic projection - like in a video game. The wolf went to attack us - but it was in slow motion - peaceful and graceful - it bit my arm - and made it bleed a little bit - but there was no pain - and no feeling of the teeth going into me. In my hand appeared a rusty and short screwdriver - which I jammed into the wolfs head - and it too - didn't register with any force - despite causing it to bleed. It was like the actions of violence - were ghost like and transparent. I then said that the wolf was me - and it disappeared. I was protecting my brother who was on the ground crying quietly - taking the form of his age 7-10 years old (he's 31).

Next part of the dream is fast forwarded to night, 8-9 o'clock. Me and my brother are in this large valley, kind of like the San Fernando Valley - but without all of the houses and whatnot - more, like an actual valley - with fields - but still traces of development. Kind of hard to explain. There are also LOTS of other people there - families, individuals of all ages, out for the night, walking, picnicking etc.

I turn and see a large comet like flare in the sky - it moves slowly and lights up the valley - and then quickly disappears. As I turn back - the entire sky is now filled with an Armada of Triangular spaceships (drawings below). They are VERY Large - city upon city blocks or miles long. They cover the sky - at least 30-40 or more. It's almost as if they have been there, in the sky - the entire time, and are just turning off their invisibility cloaking. They are silent, and unmoving. Their architecture is hollow in the middle, forming an empty triangle - and then the long columns that form the ship - are like - cities of dark jagged, highly organized metal....can't really articulate it properly.

People start panicking and screaming. The ships start letting out little pods, and lights. I can't tell if they are attacking. I feel calm.

The next thing I know - me and my brother are on the exterior of one of the ships. We are calm. There are other people there too - but they are screaming and crying and jumping off to their deaths, rather than going inside. My brother and I go inside an open door - it is brightly lit, with colored glass and padding the resembles white leather. Once inside the ship - it is almost like another world - with an atmosphere - and no indication of a roof. The beings in the ship vary - from those who look like humans, to those that look like creatures, aliens, etc. A sort of cosmic gathering. We feel fine and calm. My brother disappears, but I feel like I know where he is and it was important that he get on the ship. He is safe.

I remember being very sad that my father would not make it on the ship. I cry for a little bit and feel like he will die. I then am very peaceful about it and know that it is OK, that he is a part of me and ... it is ok. Anyone who was on the earth, would it was undergoing an immense change. For natures sake.

A female humanoid officer takes me on a tour - shows me different humans that they are healing / experimenting on. Some of it is very graphic...but...surgeries, with very odd instruments - baby deliveries...etc.... Everyone is Very peaceful and I feel no, malice or darkness when observing these. I remember someone saying "cancer is not real...and we are reversing this." (not verbatim)

I eat with the female officer and many others. Whatever I imagine I want to eat, is then showed before me. I have the most wonderful Mac and Cheese that my grandmother used to make me. It's essentially...hers.

I then am in another part of the ship / atmosphere / land. It is a big forest like field and this craft of circular wood appears. It feels ancient. The wood sprials out, like a mandala and men dressed in dark colored silks that are intricately decorated and obscuring their faces - descend with the wood beams - the ship starts to morph / construct - into a very large (100 feet + tall) tent. I help by flying like Peter Pan and grabbing a rope to tie down the beams. Everything is very light in weight, and undaunting.

After the tent is constructed I find my self at the top quarters, which is decorated like a south asian palace / indonesian . There is a beautiful woman who seems to be the owner or leader of the tent group. She has a black book with silver writing. I can't remember what it says. We remember each other.

It gets foggy from there and I wake up.

LOVBEING SUPERRARE 1/1's collection image

Works from Superrare

Category Art
Contract Address0xe348...cdfd
Token ID26
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings