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Chance and Fortune is a minimalist masterpiece that captures the essence of life's journey and adventure.

This artwork is a poignant tribute to the courage and spirit of human nature, and an invitation to embrace life with open arms and a daring heart.

The merging of the artwork with the elements of the casino creates a captivating balance between the art and the thrill of the game, reminding us that sometimes, the greatest adventures happen when we take chances and let fortune guide us.

Chance and Fortune:
The representation / interpretation
The poetry

The representation / interpretation:
The huge Roulette at its center symbolizes the uncertainties and chances that shape our lives, reminding us that sometimes, it's the spins of fate that dictate our destinies.

The poker table and casino tokens evoke the thrill of risk-taking, of betting on ourselves and our dreams.

The poetry:
In Chance and Fortune we see,
The spinning wheel of destiny.
The tokens of life's experience,
A symbol of adventure immense.

A tale of chances taken and missed,
Of hands played, of choices remissed.
The poker table, a symbol of skill,
A battlefield, the stakes are high still.

A journey through life's twists and turns,
With each spin, new lessons learned.
A path to riches, or a path to loss,
The adventure of life at what cost?

So let us embrace every spin,
With open hearts, let's begin.
For life is a game we can't control,
But we can choose to make it whole.

So let us chase the thrill of the chase,
In Chance and Fortune, we'll find our place.
A masterpiece of minimal art,
A tribute to life, a work of heart.

This collection has no description yet.

Contract Address0xe33a...4f76
Token ID14
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

Chance and Fortune

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Chance and Fortune

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    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
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Chance and Fortune is a minimalist masterpiece that captures the essence of life's journey and adventure.

This artwork is a poignant tribute to the courage and spirit of human nature, and an invitation to embrace life with open arms and a daring heart.

The merging of the artwork with the elements of the casino creates a captivating balance between the art and the thrill of the game, reminding us that sometimes, the greatest adventures happen when we take chances and let fortune guide us.

Chance and Fortune:
The representation / interpretation
The poetry

The representation / interpretation:
The huge Roulette at its center symbolizes the uncertainties and chances that shape our lives, reminding us that sometimes, it's the spins of fate that dictate our destinies.

The poker table and casino tokens evoke the thrill of risk-taking, of betting on ourselves and our dreams.

The poetry:
In Chance and Fortune we see,
The spinning wheel of destiny.
The tokens of life's experience,
A symbol of adventure immense.

A tale of chances taken and missed,
Of hands played, of choices remissed.
The poker table, a symbol of skill,
A battlefield, the stakes are high still.

A journey through life's twists and turns,
With each spin, new lessons learned.
A path to riches, or a path to loss,
The adventure of life at what cost?

So let us embrace every spin,
With open hearts, let's begin.
For life is a game we can't control,
But we can choose to make it whole.

So let us chase the thrill of the chase,
In Chance and Fortune, we'll find our place.
A masterpiece of minimal art,
A tribute to life, a work of heart.

This collection has no description yet.

Contract Address0xe33a...4f76
Token ID14
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings