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Hi, I’m Karma. I’m a musician, music producer and WRLD builder. I've been a musician most of my life and a crypto native since 2016. I wrote this song when I was feeling rumination and self-doubt about creating music, my place in the music industry, and what I thought the world was telling me it should be. Like most musicians, my catharsis was the wavs that emerged into this song.

LYFE is a song about the human experience, our relationship with time and what we choose to do with it. Do we waste it? What is wasting it? What is the best way to pass the time? What does dwelling on the past do for us? Should we be dwelling on the past? Is the past just a memory in the present moment? What should we be orienting ourselves towards, in order to create meaning in our lives and the lives of others?

The song represents the stages of life, birth to death (two sides of the same coin) and how our relationship with time makes life worth living. It has a feeling of bittersweet longing. Grasping for something that you never quite get to, similar to the human experience. I wrote this from a personal place, but the collective and the individual are interdependent, so here is my song to the WRLD…

Collector Perks Collectors will get a dedicated channel in the wavWRLD and/or discord, as well as the ability to help choose the next song I drop on There’s also some surprises down the road, in true karma.wav fashion ;)

Build the WRLD you want to live in 🌐 - Love, karma.wav

LYFE Written by: Karma.wav Produced by: Karma.wav Artwork by: @Arie & @Torigenz

Lyrics: She (time) hit me back and I’m with it all along Lyrics You hit me up for a minute I've been stoned And I can’t even tell you what is on My mind once again is all alone

Call her (time) back and get me home Sit me on this place that I've been trying to know Came here for the mission, I've been gone

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it And you getting me home Just to bring it alone

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it Just to leave me alone All alone

You know me better Like the weather You let me go Cause time is on your line You hit me once arrived I be on your mind like hundred times

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it And you getting me home Just to bring it alone

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it Just to leave me alone

Had me up the other way with a lifeline Get me home the other way when it's our line I be up the other way on the sidelines Gave me hope the other way when it’s all mine

I be up Get me a lifeline Baby girl you got me up and in the sidelines Baby if you would have ever got the long line Had me up the other way with the sunshine

Who do you think I am You had me understand The things that you could do The things that you could say You had the time of day You push it all away

Lay me home all my life Get me home with you tonight I be home with separate eyes Push it together I am alright

Get me home The look in your eyes Get me home it’s all alright Get me, I have been living Been living live

Karma.wav - LYFE & SUNLIGHT collection image

Created by Karma.wav on Sound. Leave a comment on the song at

Category Music
Contract Address0xe314...a65b
Token ID10
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings

LYFE #10

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LYFE #10

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Hi, I’m Karma. I’m a musician, music producer and WRLD builder. I've been a musician most of my life and a crypto native since 2016. I wrote this song when I was feeling rumination and self-doubt about creating music, my place in the music industry, and what I thought the world was telling me it should be. Like most musicians, my catharsis was the wavs that emerged into this song.

LYFE is a song about the human experience, our relationship with time and what we choose to do with it. Do we waste it? What is wasting it? What is the best way to pass the time? What does dwelling on the past do for us? Should we be dwelling on the past? Is the past just a memory in the present moment? What should we be orienting ourselves towards, in order to create meaning in our lives and the lives of others?

The song represents the stages of life, birth to death (two sides of the same coin) and how our relationship with time makes life worth living. It has a feeling of bittersweet longing. Grasping for something that you never quite get to, similar to the human experience. I wrote this from a personal place, but the collective and the individual are interdependent, so here is my song to the WRLD…

Collector Perks Collectors will get a dedicated channel in the wavWRLD and/or discord, as well as the ability to help choose the next song I drop on There’s also some surprises down the road, in true karma.wav fashion ;)

Build the WRLD you want to live in 🌐 - Love, karma.wav

LYFE Written by: Karma.wav Produced by: Karma.wav Artwork by: @Arie & @Torigenz

Lyrics: She (time) hit me back and I’m with it all along Lyrics You hit me up for a minute I've been stoned And I can’t even tell you what is on My mind once again is all alone

Call her (time) back and get me home Sit me on this place that I've been trying to know Came here for the mission, I've been gone

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it And you getting me home Just to bring it alone

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it Just to leave me alone All alone

You know me better Like the weather You let me go Cause time is on your line You hit me once arrived I be on your mind like hundred times

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it And you getting me home Just to bring it alone

Cause I’m here for a minute And I’m asking you with it Just to leave me alone

Had me up the other way with a lifeline Get me home the other way when it's our line I be up the other way on the sidelines Gave me hope the other way when it’s all mine

I be up Get me a lifeline Baby girl you got me up and in the sidelines Baby if you would have ever got the long line Had me up the other way with the sunshine

Who do you think I am You had me understand The things that you could do The things that you could say You had the time of day You push it all away

Lay me home all my life Get me home with you tonight I be home with separate eyes Push it together I am alright

Get me home The look in your eyes Get me home it’s all alright Get me, I have been living Been living live

Karma.wav - LYFE & SUNLIGHT collection image

Created by Karma.wav on Sound. Leave a comment on the song at

Category Music
Contract Address0xe314...a65b
Token ID10
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings