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Imagine a WAGMI Empire in which a few kings create an elaborate and complex financial network composed of investment vehicles that are soulless. Now imagine that royal people are told to publicly like these soulless, empty financial vehicles. Keep in mind, the common people in this WAGMI Empire believe in and worship every word that the royal people say. And because so many royal people are promoting these same soulless vehicles, over time, the common people begin to believe in these soulless vehicles, too. The common people begin to think these soulless vehicles have value, not because they genuinely like the soulless vehicles, but because they believe the royals genuinely like them. And because they believe the royals like them, they like them, too. The common people like whatever they see the royals like. It has been this way for thousands of years. Commoners don’t know what to like because they forgot how to use their own mental machines, so they end up liking whatever the royals like. It makes life easier, simpler.
But some people discover that the kings of the WAGMI EMPIRE told the royals to publicly like the soulless vehicles. And knowing that the kings told the royals to like the soulless vehicles changes things. Why would the kings tell the royals what to like? Who are these kings? And what about the vehicles with souls made by artists? What will happen to them in a society that only cares about the royals who are told to like the soulless vehicles?

“Where do celebrities even hear about 'bored apes'? Who is recommending that they buy one? Is this really the best thing any of them can think to do with their money and fame?” - Max Read

Ape idea stolen from Mike Three's Bored Ape Yoga Club:
Mike Three on Twitter:

Stellabelle collection image

Stellabelle is an artist, writer, metaverse architect and founder of Slothicorn, one of the first creative commons cryptoartist collectives in 2017. Current project: CryptoStellas The lethal combination of greed and mediocrity in the NFT world has given birth to CryptoStellas, the alpha PFP project of 2021 by brilliant OG cryptoartist Stellabelle. Each CryptoStella is hand-painted and there will only ever be 777 of them. Ownership of a CryptoStella instantly grants you access to an exclusive club of sublime souls. All art is backed up on Arweave, the permanent web. CryptoStellas is a CC0 public domain NFT project. “You deserve the best PFP, the very best PFP, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts in the world of PFPs.” CryptoStella

Category PFPs
Contract Address0xe118...2aa6
Token ID61
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings

CryptoStella #166: Hollywood’s Soulless Vehicles

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CryptoStella #166: Hollywood’s Soulless Vehicles

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Imagine a WAGMI Empire in which a few kings create an elaborate and complex financial network composed of investment vehicles that are soulless. Now imagine that royal people are told to publicly like these soulless, empty financial vehicles. Keep in mind, the common people in this WAGMI Empire believe in and worship every word that the royal people say. And because so many royal people are promoting these same soulless vehicles, over time, the common people begin to believe in these soulless vehicles, too. The common people begin to think these soulless vehicles have value, not because they genuinely like the soulless vehicles, but because they believe the royals genuinely like them. And because they believe the royals like them, they like them, too. The common people like whatever they see the royals like. It has been this way for thousands of years. Commoners don’t know what to like because they forgot how to use their own mental machines, so they end up liking whatever the royals like. It makes life easier, simpler.
But some people discover that the kings of the WAGMI EMPIRE told the royals to publicly like the soulless vehicles. And knowing that the kings told the royals to like the soulless vehicles changes things. Why would the kings tell the royals what to like? Who are these kings? And what about the vehicles with souls made by artists? What will happen to them in a society that only cares about the royals who are told to like the soulless vehicles?

“Where do celebrities even hear about 'bored apes'? Who is recommending that they buy one? Is this really the best thing any of them can think to do with their money and fame?” - Max Read

Ape idea stolen from Mike Three's Bored Ape Yoga Club:
Mike Three on Twitter:

Stellabelle collection image

Stellabelle is an artist, writer, metaverse architect and founder of Slothicorn, one of the first creative commons cryptoartist collectives in 2017. Current project: CryptoStellas The lethal combination of greed and mediocrity in the NFT world has given birth to CryptoStellas, the alpha PFP project of 2021 by brilliant OG cryptoartist Stellabelle. Each CryptoStella is hand-painted and there will only ever be 777 of them. Ownership of a CryptoStella instantly grants you access to an exclusive club of sublime souls. All art is backed up on Arweave, the permanent web. CryptoStellas is a CC0 public domain NFT project. “You deserve the best PFP, the very best PFP, because you are one of the few people in this lousy world who are honest to themselves, and that is the only thing that really counts in the world of PFPs.” CryptoStella

Category PFPs
Contract Address0xe118...2aa6
Token ID61
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings