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You can claim Swan. Swan is the tenth piece of the lighten up after the dark animals collection.

Swans are large birds with a long neck. They are heavy and take off with difficulty. When taking off, they kick their legs and flap their wings vigorously. They walk with a waddling gait. The white swans are by far the most common in the northern hemisphere. In swans, there is no difference in plumage between the male and female.
The food usually consists of aquatic plants, which are sought in shallow water. Their long neck comes in handy here. In the absence of plants, a swan also eats small fish such as roaches.
Swans have long been considered the epitome of monogamy and unconditional fidelity. However, recent research has shown that it is not uncommon for partners to cheat and even leave each other. The nest is on the ground or on a mound of plant material in or on the bank of water. The female incubates an average of six eggs in 30-40 days. Meanwhile, the male keeps watch. When defending their brood, males can be quite aggressive. They also do not shy away from flying at people who come too close. The male's job does not end with guarding the incubating female, the male also helps incubate the eggs.
The nestlings still have a gray or brown down coat and a relatively short neck. Just a few hours after hatching, they can walk and swim. For several months, the young are kept warm and guarded by both parents. They look for food themselves. After the winter, the young are chased out of the territory by the parents before they make a new nest. In winter they live in troops.

For the Lighten up after the dark animals collection I have up lighted the nature photos, giving them a different twist. They light up from the dark. A beautiful effect.

There are 10 editions of the Lighten up after the dark animals.

All holders of my work will receive a pre-sale discount for 8 days when my next collection drops.

Lighten up after the dark animals collection image

For the Lighten up after the dark animals collection I have up lighted the nature photos, giving them a different twist. They light up from the dark. A beautiful effect. The NFTs are made on my Manifold contract.

Category Photography
Contract Address0xe0f2...ab64
Token ID8
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings


8 items
Current price
0.035 ETH
Listed by 
Supports creator This listing is paying the collection creator their suggested creator earnings.
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
    Floor Difference
Unit Price


8 items
Current price
0.035 ETH
Listed by 
Supports creator This listing is paying the collection creator their suggested creator earnings.
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
    Floor Difference

You can claim Swan. Swan is the tenth piece of the lighten up after the dark animals collection.

Swans are large birds with a long neck. They are heavy and take off with difficulty. When taking off, they kick their legs and flap their wings vigorously. They walk with a waddling gait. The white swans are by far the most common in the northern hemisphere. In swans, there is no difference in plumage between the male and female.
The food usually consists of aquatic plants, which are sought in shallow water. Their long neck comes in handy here. In the absence of plants, a swan also eats small fish such as roaches.
Swans have long been considered the epitome of monogamy and unconditional fidelity. However, recent research has shown that it is not uncommon for partners to cheat and even leave each other. The nest is on the ground or on a mound of plant material in or on the bank of water. The female incubates an average of six eggs in 30-40 days. Meanwhile, the male keeps watch. When defending their brood, males can be quite aggressive. They also do not shy away from flying at people who come too close. The male's job does not end with guarding the incubating female, the male also helps incubate the eggs.
The nestlings still have a gray or brown down coat and a relatively short neck. Just a few hours after hatching, they can walk and swim. For several months, the young are kept warm and guarded by both parents. They look for food themselves. After the winter, the young are chased out of the territory by the parents before they make a new nest. In winter they live in troops.

For the Lighten up after the dark animals collection I have up lighted the nature photos, giving them a different twist. They light up from the dark. A beautiful effect.

There are 10 editions of the Lighten up after the dark animals.

All holders of my work will receive a pre-sale discount for 8 days when my next collection drops.

Lighten up after the dark animals collection image

For the Lighten up after the dark animals collection I have up lighted the nature photos, giving them a different twist. They light up from the dark. A beautiful effect. The NFTs are made on my Manifold contract.

Category Photography
Contract Address0xe0f2...ab64
Token ID8
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings
Unit Price