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By 2BED93
By 2BED93

Art Galleries (Studios) are the seventh realm in Possibility Spaces and look at the inside of a huge artists' studio space. Populated by artists and hippies.

The following artwork description was redrafted by an LLM from the output of another ML process; which used a service called SceneXplain; which is a script that can view a complex image and then attempt to describe it in words.

So everything in this description has been discovered by an AI process whilst gazing at the image itself; without any human text input or editing.

Some of the elements present in the description may not be in the image; as they may be AI hallucinations.

The descriptions may not be accurate or pleasing!

They are; in their own way; an artistic experiment. They also employ high heat settings and other experimental steps.

Sometimes the editor LLM decided to make its own new chapter title; which I thought was funny; so I left it in.

Please do zoom the highest definition images yourself on and make your own descriptions of what you find in there!

In the chapter 'Makeshift Passion'; one finds oneself amidst an organic symphony of creation; where the artist's studio breathes life into the canvas of imagination. An amalgam of eccentric scenes; crates; and shelved curios; it offers a welcome as enigmatic as the creations it cradles. Commanding the visual epicenter; a man finds himself entrenched in the throbbing heart of this organized chaos; his gaze tethered to the half-born story on an easel.

In the subtle depths of the scene; a living room blooms with quiet elegance; populated by an ensemble of observers bathed in the soft radiance streaming from a generous window. The eye is drawn to an imposing mural on the left wall; a silent sentinel amidst the medley of creative whispers spread across the room and crowding a table upfront.

Every meticulous detail enriches the texture of this industrious arena. Open boxes spill with latent promise; stacked canvases hold stories yet untold; and the symphony of creation swells around half-realized masterpieces. Amidst this; a table stands sentinel; cluttered with brushes; tubes of color; and miniature scenes of worlds yet explored. In an unassuming corner; a modest canvas perches on a makeshift easel; silently contesting the book-laden shelves nearby; echoing with tales of artistic evolution and methodology.

The artwork pulsates with the heartbeat of relentless creation; an intense testament to the artist's devotion to their craft. It invokes a sense of countless hours surrendered to the pursuit of perfection; each meticulous stroke shaping the artwork and the sanctuary of its birth. Through this meticulous attention to detail and a staunch commitment to realism; one peers into the heart of the fine art universe; the pulsating epicenter of unrestrained creativity.

Possibility Spaces by Look Highward collection image

Possibility Spaces are huge artworks created in an emergent series of calls and responses between artist and AI.

The art explores the human experience as seen through the mind's eye of machine learning, set across twenty-seven diverse realms of deep zoomable images. Please dive in to explore the full zoomable images on

This work seeks to position itself within the surrealist tradition, which has always sought to unlock the power of the unconscious mind to reveal hidden truths about being human. The mind's eye reaches for its own meaning so that perceiving the art is an act of creation. In keeping with the surrealist tradition, Possibility Spaces expresses the idea of welcoming imperfection, embracing glitch as beautiful.

The English language is made up of twenty-six little letters, but there's no limit to the number of possible poems that can be written. Creativity lies in synthesis into creations new, and never imagined.

Welcome to Possibility Spaces.

Category Art
Contract Address0xd3ed...3fc8
Token ID210
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated10 months ago
Creator Earnings

Makeshift Passion

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Makeshift Passion

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By 2BED93
By 2BED93

Art Galleries (Studios) are the seventh realm in Possibility Spaces and look at the inside of a huge artists' studio space. Populated by artists and hippies.

The following artwork description was redrafted by an LLM from the output of another ML process; which used a service called SceneXplain; which is a script that can view a complex image and then attempt to describe it in words.

So everything in this description has been discovered by an AI process whilst gazing at the image itself; without any human text input or editing.

Some of the elements present in the description may not be in the image; as they may be AI hallucinations.

The descriptions may not be accurate or pleasing!

They are; in their own way; an artistic experiment. They also employ high heat settings and other experimental steps.

Sometimes the editor LLM decided to make its own new chapter title; which I thought was funny; so I left it in.

Please do zoom the highest definition images yourself on and make your own descriptions of what you find in there!

In the chapter 'Makeshift Passion'; one finds oneself amidst an organic symphony of creation; where the artist's studio breathes life into the canvas of imagination. An amalgam of eccentric scenes; crates; and shelved curios; it offers a welcome as enigmatic as the creations it cradles. Commanding the visual epicenter; a man finds himself entrenched in the throbbing heart of this organized chaos; his gaze tethered to the half-born story on an easel.

In the subtle depths of the scene; a living room blooms with quiet elegance; populated by an ensemble of observers bathed in the soft radiance streaming from a generous window. The eye is drawn to an imposing mural on the left wall; a silent sentinel amidst the medley of creative whispers spread across the room and crowding a table upfront.

Every meticulous detail enriches the texture of this industrious arena. Open boxes spill with latent promise; stacked canvases hold stories yet untold; and the symphony of creation swells around half-realized masterpieces. Amidst this; a table stands sentinel; cluttered with brushes; tubes of color; and miniature scenes of worlds yet explored. In an unassuming corner; a modest canvas perches on a makeshift easel; silently contesting the book-laden shelves nearby; echoing with tales of artistic evolution and methodology.

The artwork pulsates with the heartbeat of relentless creation; an intense testament to the artist's devotion to their craft. It invokes a sense of countless hours surrendered to the pursuit of perfection; each meticulous stroke shaping the artwork and the sanctuary of its birth. Through this meticulous attention to detail and a staunch commitment to realism; one peers into the heart of the fine art universe; the pulsating epicenter of unrestrained creativity.

Possibility Spaces by Look Highward collection image

Possibility Spaces are huge artworks created in an emergent series of calls and responses between artist and AI.

The art explores the human experience as seen through the mind's eye of machine learning, set across twenty-seven diverse realms of deep zoomable images. Please dive in to explore the full zoomable images on

This work seeks to position itself within the surrealist tradition, which has always sought to unlock the power of the unconscious mind to reveal hidden truths about being human. The mind's eye reaches for its own meaning so that perceiving the art is an act of creation. In keeping with the surrealist tradition, Possibility Spaces expresses the idea of welcoming imperfection, embracing glitch as beautiful.

The English language is made up of twenty-six little letters, but there's no limit to the number of possible poems that can be written. Creativity lies in synthesis into creations new, and never imagined.

Welcome to Possibility Spaces.

Category Art
Contract Address0xd3ed...3fc8
Token ID210
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated10 months ago
Creator Earnings