This photo was taken during my genealogy trip in Riga, Latvia from April 18-22, 2023, which I took with my brother Dominik. It is part of my collection "Finding Tschitsch", which consists of a limited edition of 1/1 and 4 open editions, published as a daily picture during the trip. The collection includes documentary and street photography taken during our trip.
The first photography collection on 7Art.io debuts with the talented street photographer Daniel Tschitsch. Like in a DAO, the community can decide where Daniel will travel for his next collection and even vote on how his images should be created. The first destination is Riga (18.04. - 22.04.23), where Daniel and his brother will trace the roots of their family name "Tschitsch". During the journey, the community can help decipher Daniel's family history and suggest travel tips and locations for photo shoots. In addition, the community can vote on challenging photo challenges for Daniel to overcome on his journey. The collection is a mix of documentary and street photos taken during the trip.
One Pose
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One Pose

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This photo was taken during my genealogy trip in Riga, Latvia from April 18-22, 2023, which I took with my brother Dominik. It is part of my collection "Finding Tschitsch", which consists of a limited edition of 1/1 and 4 open editions, published as a daily picture during the trip. The collection includes documentary and street photography taken during our trip.
The first photography collection on 7Art.io debuts with the talented street photographer Daniel Tschitsch. Like in a DAO, the community can decide where Daniel will travel for his next collection and even vote on how his images should be created. The first destination is Riga (18.04. - 22.04.23), where Daniel and his brother will trace the roots of their family name "Tschitsch". During the journey, the community can help decipher Daniel's family history and suggest travel tips and locations for photo shoots. In addition, the community can vote on challenging photo challenges for Daniel to overcome on his journey. The collection is a mix of documentary and street photos taken during the trip.