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By 49AE43
By 49AE43

The mermaid race of Ūdan-III requires damp accommodation; preferably an ocean, like the one we stole them from. Waterlogged apartments are the best we can provide, but they’re cramped and overpopulated bubbles of despair. Mermaids use telepathy to talk — unspoken thought — so their natal social infrastructure crumbles into dust. They need an open sea for comfortable communication, and we haven’t found a suitable solution to the problem.

The Bathhouse is our best attempt, although it’s far too small. At first, it soothed the ‘maids. They rotated scheduled sessions there. Tolerance developed, and a feedback loop of torment filled the liquid; melancholic currents eddied underneath. Evacuation schooners took them home, to solipsistic pods; lonely vesicles, akin to solitary confinement.

Ownership of Bathhouse was entrusted to the mermaids, who saw an opportunity for profit in the lakes. They manufactured aromatic powders, pressed them into cakes, then threw them in the water to release a heady fragrance. All the colours of our rainbow — and a few elusive hues — spiral from the bombs to form a soapy scum upon the surface. Tulips, or dried lavenders, are hidden in the mixture, adding to the hedonistic lather as it propagates.

Rich and avaricious patrons pay extortionate amounts for single gift-wrapped bars (and an hour in the baths). They bask, completely unaware the mermaids have a plan; a dangerous ambition to return to Ūdan-III. Pirates will assist the fish-tailed beauties in their plight, if they have the currency to meet a hefty price. Bathhouse offers them the means to save a modest fortune, and with it they intend to hire help from buccaneers.

Arks by collection image

Arks are a collection of the first 43 ships to reach Yowunas Maias after hundreds of generations searching for a place to settle and build a life. Hosted on Arweave and minted on Ethereum, Arks are early adopter passes for — a stack of social and identity protocols for web3 dapps. Ark holders are whitelisted for future collections, tokens, and more.

Beyond utility in the protocol, Arks are a prelude to the story told so far through lore. Each ark’s metadata contains a rich backstory from writer and art director Lee Tyrrell, with traits based on events in the narratives.

The visual artist behind Arks is jrdsctt, a prolific graphic designer and photographer known for glitchy fine art 1/1s and innovating on how art can be manipulated with code.

The Art Director, Lee Tyrrell, has published a rich collection of Ark and lore on Medium:

Category Art
Contract Address0xb1cd...53fa
Token ID34
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

#34: Bathhouse

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#34: Bathhouse

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    Floor Difference
By 49AE43
By 49AE43

The mermaid race of Ūdan-III requires damp accommodation; preferably an ocean, like the one we stole them from. Waterlogged apartments are the best we can provide, but they’re cramped and overpopulated bubbles of despair. Mermaids use telepathy to talk — unspoken thought — so their natal social infrastructure crumbles into dust. They need an open sea for comfortable communication, and we haven’t found a suitable solution to the problem.

The Bathhouse is our best attempt, although it’s far too small. At first, it soothed the ‘maids. They rotated scheduled sessions there. Tolerance developed, and a feedback loop of torment filled the liquid; melancholic currents eddied underneath. Evacuation schooners took them home, to solipsistic pods; lonely vesicles, akin to solitary confinement.

Ownership of Bathhouse was entrusted to the mermaids, who saw an opportunity for profit in the lakes. They manufactured aromatic powders, pressed them into cakes, then threw them in the water to release a heady fragrance. All the colours of our rainbow — and a few elusive hues — spiral from the bombs to form a soapy scum upon the surface. Tulips, or dried lavenders, are hidden in the mixture, adding to the hedonistic lather as it propagates.

Rich and avaricious patrons pay extortionate amounts for single gift-wrapped bars (and an hour in the baths). They bask, completely unaware the mermaids have a plan; a dangerous ambition to return to Ūdan-III. Pirates will assist the fish-tailed beauties in their plight, if they have the currency to meet a hefty price. Bathhouse offers them the means to save a modest fortune, and with it they intend to hire help from buccaneers.

Arks by collection image

Arks are a collection of the first 43 ships to reach Yowunas Maias after hundreds of generations searching for a place to settle and build a life. Hosted on Arweave and minted on Ethereum, Arks are early adopter passes for — a stack of social and identity protocols for web3 dapps. Ark holders are whitelisted for future collections, tokens, and more.

Beyond utility in the protocol, Arks are a prelude to the story told so far through lore. Each ark’s metadata contains a rich backstory from writer and art director Lee Tyrrell, with traits based on events in the narratives.

The visual artist behind Arks is jrdsctt, a prolific graphic designer and photographer known for glitchy fine art 1/1s and innovating on how art can be manipulated with code.

The Art Director, Lee Tyrrell, has published a rich collection of Ark and lore on Medium:

Category Art
Contract Address0xb1cd...53fa
Token ID34
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings