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The fifth in my series of 900 ethereal, angel-like creatures.

From the vastness of Space, to the minutiae of Quarks, that which entails all of what we witness is completely incomprehensible- and yet, we've taken the unintelligible, and made sense of it- by using our own forms of communication, we created a fundamental language in which anyone can speak- numbers.

From the beginning of our lives, our clocks begin to tick- and as they do, the experience of life boils down to single point- we begin to live, to grow, to experience- and yet our live are only three dimensional- in any given moment, we can only look out into the night sky so long, and look down to the ground for so short- this in the middle, this being human, is an incredible thing itself-

We get to witness that which is enormous, and that which is small- we are somewhere in between, with no know-how of what ties the two together- people search for it every day, and yet, it seems we are no closer to making the bond-

I just find it fascinating, that even when there is so much to see, many of us choose to only look at whats directly in front of us- our computers, our offices, the home we wants to get- the list goes on, of the mundane things we do on a daily route-

But stepping outside truly is a privilege in itself- as I sit and type, I can hear the cacophony of crickets outside my home, edged up to a beautifully awakening forest- winter is long gone for the next several months, so the bugs are in full force-

My fiancee absolutely hates all that which has six legs and flies or crawls- but I, I thoroughly enjoy them- from their stingers, to their morphs, to their wings, to their timely names that signify exactly when they choose to walk the earth- the junebug in this example-

They are many times smaller than us, and yet they are just as important- if not more-so, to how the world operates.

They are incredible little creatures, all bugs, of which some dance in the sky, some look for specific flowers, some look like leaves, some have spikes, the list goes on- they fascinate the living hell out of me-

How one planet can hold so many things, so much biodiversity- and humans sit here and say to themselves, "ah yes, the world is done for- it is dead, it is dead, it is dead" I respond, how can you be so blind?

Are you not living? Are you not a mammal? Are the mosquitoes not bothering you? Are the trees not growing anew?

Wake up, wake up!

There are so many things yet to see, even in your backyard!

But ah, if you spend all of your time working, and sleeping, and watching TV or being on the internet- of course you might fall into believing that nonsense!

The world is hurting, yes, absolutely. But is she unsolvable? No, that's like hearing what your wife has to complain about, and choosing to ignore her instead- our life-giver is telling us what we must do, showing us-

We must persevere! Much like the largest stars in the universe, we will keep going until there is nothing left, until we fade into the darkness, until there is no more "us". We burn fast and bright, but on our scale, everything else is so much slower, or so much quicker.

Perseverance is what has made humanity so resilient- we adapt to extreme changes, we can live basically anywhere that has oxygen, even the coldest, and the hottest places on earth have humans- our problems are so small in comparison to others', who may not have heating, or electricity, or running water-

Stop taking things in your life for granted, walk outside, and realize, nothing is permanent- so enjoy your time on this earth, as though we may get to do it again, we dont know exactly when that will be-

The 900 Project collection image

A series limited to 900 artworks, each artwork is a summation of experiences in my life, both struggles, successes, even simple thoughts I have-

Consider this a new format of autobiography, in which the timeline is not set in chronological order-

With ADHD, I'm often scatterbrained- so this series is more an expression, rather than a solid workflow, of what makes my life, mine- the art is the entire work, not just what you see, but what it makes you feel.

Lastly, expect the unexpected- as mentioned, there is no chronology in this series- so the road that lies ahead will always be uncertain!

Category Art
Contract Address0xac36...6b8c
Token ID7
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings

The Grand Scale of Things; and the Smallness of it All

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The Grand Scale of Things; and the Smallness of it All

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The fifth in my series of 900 ethereal, angel-like creatures.

From the vastness of Space, to the minutiae of Quarks, that which entails all of what we witness is completely incomprehensible- and yet, we've taken the unintelligible, and made sense of it- by using our own forms of communication, we created a fundamental language in which anyone can speak- numbers.

From the beginning of our lives, our clocks begin to tick- and as they do, the experience of life boils down to single point- we begin to live, to grow, to experience- and yet our live are only three dimensional- in any given moment, we can only look out into the night sky so long, and look down to the ground for so short- this in the middle, this being human, is an incredible thing itself-

We get to witness that which is enormous, and that which is small- we are somewhere in between, with no know-how of what ties the two together- people search for it every day, and yet, it seems we are no closer to making the bond-

I just find it fascinating, that even when there is so much to see, many of us choose to only look at whats directly in front of us- our computers, our offices, the home we wants to get- the list goes on, of the mundane things we do on a daily route-

But stepping outside truly is a privilege in itself- as I sit and type, I can hear the cacophony of crickets outside my home, edged up to a beautifully awakening forest- winter is long gone for the next several months, so the bugs are in full force-

My fiancee absolutely hates all that which has six legs and flies or crawls- but I, I thoroughly enjoy them- from their stingers, to their morphs, to their wings, to their timely names that signify exactly when they choose to walk the earth- the junebug in this example-

They are many times smaller than us, and yet they are just as important- if not more-so, to how the world operates.

They are incredible little creatures, all bugs, of which some dance in the sky, some look for specific flowers, some look like leaves, some have spikes, the list goes on- they fascinate the living hell out of me-

How one planet can hold so many things, so much biodiversity- and humans sit here and say to themselves, "ah yes, the world is done for- it is dead, it is dead, it is dead" I respond, how can you be so blind?

Are you not living? Are you not a mammal? Are the mosquitoes not bothering you? Are the trees not growing anew?

Wake up, wake up!

There are so many things yet to see, even in your backyard!

But ah, if you spend all of your time working, and sleeping, and watching TV or being on the internet- of course you might fall into believing that nonsense!

The world is hurting, yes, absolutely. But is she unsolvable? No, that's like hearing what your wife has to complain about, and choosing to ignore her instead- our life-giver is telling us what we must do, showing us-

We must persevere! Much like the largest stars in the universe, we will keep going until there is nothing left, until we fade into the darkness, until there is no more "us". We burn fast and bright, but on our scale, everything else is so much slower, or so much quicker.

Perseverance is what has made humanity so resilient- we adapt to extreme changes, we can live basically anywhere that has oxygen, even the coldest, and the hottest places on earth have humans- our problems are so small in comparison to others', who may not have heating, or electricity, or running water-

Stop taking things in your life for granted, walk outside, and realize, nothing is permanent- so enjoy your time on this earth, as though we may get to do it again, we dont know exactly when that will be-

The 900 Project collection image

A series limited to 900 artworks, each artwork is a summation of experiences in my life, both struggles, successes, even simple thoughts I have-

Consider this a new format of autobiography, in which the timeline is not set in chronological order-

With ADHD, I'm often scatterbrained- so this series is more an expression, rather than a solid workflow, of what makes my life, mine- the art is the entire work, not just what you see, but what it makes you feel.

Lastly, expect the unexpected- as mentioned, there is no chronology in this series- so the road that lies ahead will always be uncertain!

Category Art
Contract Address0xac36...6b8c
Token ID7
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings