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The fourth in my series of 900 ethereal, angel-like creatures.

"The Great Burn" is both a symbolic representation of EIP-1559, and as well, my perseverance- I've been beaten down by the throes of life many times, yet I choose to dust myself off, and keep going each time-

As Ethereum goes deflationary, so too does the time remaining I have left on this Earth.

Sadness is not to be had, however, as my memory will live on for eternity- as an artist in the digital age, all things I create are never truly lost- they are carried through an interconnected sea of cables, wires, radio waves, and photons reaching the eyes of those who see.

So too yields Ethereum- it is part of the same network in the same way that I interact- but unlike myself, it is completely intangible- I, nor you, can never touch the blockchain- it is merely an amalgamation of data packets, stored across thousands of devices processing at an incredible rate-

And as portions of it get sent off with every transaction, I reflect on how my life has unfolded- how much of my past has been burnt? How much of it is stored away forever in the frames of time, lost energy that may never be found again- unless somehow time begins to flow backwards?

How much of all of our lives, have been burned? Through shortcomings, through hardship, through lost opportunity, through even happiness- what if we could make many decisions all at once, and see multiple outcomes unfold before us?

Think of a choice based game, in which the ending may always be different, or a certain way of playing may always yield the same outcome- wouldn't it be interesting to see, a game in which nothing is left undone? In which, nothing is burned?

This may seem mostly like the ramblings of a madman, but there is rhyme to my reason- I enjoy the thought the somewhere out there, I may have played this life before- and maybe the ending was a different result-

I will say though, for all the choices I did not make, I hope that their intricacies all led me to the same place- to where I am today! No matter the type of day, I always find a way to keep going- even if I'm at wits end, even if there's nothing left for me to hold onto-

I find a way.

It isn't easy, that's certain- as my short life comes to its quarter-nary chapter, I find that I enjoy the thrill of risk- the thrill of not knowing what comes tomorrow- the thrill, of being alive!

Being alive is a risk in itself, so who cares if my choices seem to burnt bright in the face of adversity? I chose this path, at least I think, because life wouldn't be fun if there was no risk- were there none, life would be but a still life painting in a way, never changing, never moving, because everything need not worry about the consequences- there would be nothing!

And thus we look back unto Ethereum- who knows what implications EIP-1559 have long term, but I like to think we may see the dawn of a new age come and go in a flash, in which it will make way for the next age- after all, that's part of the risk- money is a concept, wherein once it was tangible-

Ramble on friends, the frames of time store your lost energy- you may pick them up on your way out, but never while you are still here, living, breathing.

The 900 Project collection image

A series limited to 900 artworks, each artwork is a summation of experiences in my life, both struggles, successes, even simple thoughts I have-

Consider this a new format of autobiography, in which the timeline is not set in chronological order-

With ADHD, I'm often scatterbrained- so this series is more an expression, rather than a solid workflow, of what makes my life, mine- the art is the entire work, not just what you see, but what it makes you feel.

Lastly, expect the unexpected- as mentioned, there is no chronology in this series- so the road that lies ahead will always be uncertain!

Category Art
Contract Address0xac36...6b8c
Token ID6
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings

The Great Burn

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    Floor Difference

The Great Burn

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

The fourth in my series of 900 ethereal, angel-like creatures.

"The Great Burn" is both a symbolic representation of EIP-1559, and as well, my perseverance- I've been beaten down by the throes of life many times, yet I choose to dust myself off, and keep going each time-

As Ethereum goes deflationary, so too does the time remaining I have left on this Earth.

Sadness is not to be had, however, as my memory will live on for eternity- as an artist in the digital age, all things I create are never truly lost- they are carried through an interconnected sea of cables, wires, radio waves, and photons reaching the eyes of those who see.

So too yields Ethereum- it is part of the same network in the same way that I interact- but unlike myself, it is completely intangible- I, nor you, can never touch the blockchain- it is merely an amalgamation of data packets, stored across thousands of devices processing at an incredible rate-

And as portions of it get sent off with every transaction, I reflect on how my life has unfolded- how much of my past has been burnt? How much of it is stored away forever in the frames of time, lost energy that may never be found again- unless somehow time begins to flow backwards?

How much of all of our lives, have been burned? Through shortcomings, through hardship, through lost opportunity, through even happiness- what if we could make many decisions all at once, and see multiple outcomes unfold before us?

Think of a choice based game, in which the ending may always be different, or a certain way of playing may always yield the same outcome- wouldn't it be interesting to see, a game in which nothing is left undone? In which, nothing is burned?

This may seem mostly like the ramblings of a madman, but there is rhyme to my reason- I enjoy the thought the somewhere out there, I may have played this life before- and maybe the ending was a different result-

I will say though, for all the choices I did not make, I hope that their intricacies all led me to the same place- to where I am today! No matter the type of day, I always find a way to keep going- even if I'm at wits end, even if there's nothing left for me to hold onto-

I find a way.

It isn't easy, that's certain- as my short life comes to its quarter-nary chapter, I find that I enjoy the thrill of risk- the thrill of not knowing what comes tomorrow- the thrill, of being alive!

Being alive is a risk in itself, so who cares if my choices seem to burnt bright in the face of adversity? I chose this path, at least I think, because life wouldn't be fun if there was no risk- were there none, life would be but a still life painting in a way, never changing, never moving, because everything need not worry about the consequences- there would be nothing!

And thus we look back unto Ethereum- who knows what implications EIP-1559 have long term, but I like to think we may see the dawn of a new age come and go in a flash, in which it will make way for the next age- after all, that's part of the risk- money is a concept, wherein once it was tangible-

Ramble on friends, the frames of time store your lost energy- you may pick them up on your way out, but never while you are still here, living, breathing.

The 900 Project collection image

A series limited to 900 artworks, each artwork is a summation of experiences in my life, both struggles, successes, even simple thoughts I have-

Consider this a new format of autobiography, in which the timeline is not set in chronological order-

With ADHD, I'm often scatterbrained- so this series is more an expression, rather than a solid workflow, of what makes my life, mine- the art is the entire work, not just what you see, but what it makes you feel.

Lastly, expect the unexpected- as mentioned, there is no chronology in this series- so the road that lies ahead will always be uncertain!

Category Art
Contract Address0xac36...6b8c
Token ID6
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings