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It was summer in lands where it is always summer because the weather never changes, is unbearable as well as the mosquitoes of the abundant swamps that provide a humid and suffocating atmosphere to the traveler...due to the terrible heat, the images in the distance are distorted, even if we want to define something it is impossible...that is also the land of the oasis, the reflections, the mirages and the shadows. The lands I am talking about are those of the southwestern part of Colombia, in the limits of the central mountain chain.

When behind an enormous ceiba, a tree similar to a large bottle, some people came out, similar in size to the tree! I immediately remembered the stories of Hernán Cortés, the priest Gaspar de Carvajal, Ulrico Schmidl in the La Plata basin, Walter Raleigh in Guyana or Juan Vázquez de Coronado in Costa Rica... but especially in the most ancient ones like those of Vespucius about the huge-legged giants of the American lands which I will cite below: "And while we were at this, 36 men came and entered the house where we were drinking, and they were of such lofty stature that every one of them was on his knees taller than I was standing: in conclusion they were of gigantic stature, according to the size and proportion of the body, which corresponded to their height"

They approached, especially a woman, she was accompanied by something, it was so scary that my companion's horse started to run, I fell with my horse, but I ended up in another place, although it sounds strange, a place with nothing to tell...with was as if my deep fear and disconcert, or maybe the same heat, dragged my mind and my body here...I did not see my companion again... Later, after walking for months looking at the ground and having already lost faith in arriving at some recognizable place, I stepped on grass, looked up and was again near the place where we saw those beings that time... I nicknamed that woman Penthesilea, reaffirming the existence of those myths that extend throughout the continent...of those peoples, referenced in the Greek texts, that inhabit the borders of the known world, far from the modern and real world.

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Since Apr. 2018.

Category Art
Contract Address0xabb3...045b
Token ID9788000
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings

Penthesilea and the crashing fall

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Penthesilea and the crashing fall

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It was summer in lands where it is always summer because the weather never changes, is unbearable as well as the mosquitoes of the abundant swamps that provide a humid and suffocating atmosphere to the traveler...due to the terrible heat, the images in the distance are distorted, even if we want to define something it is impossible...that is also the land of the oasis, the reflections, the mirages and the shadows. The lands I am talking about are those of the southwestern part of Colombia, in the limits of the central mountain chain.

When behind an enormous ceiba, a tree similar to a large bottle, some people came out, similar in size to the tree! I immediately remembered the stories of Hernán Cortés, the priest Gaspar de Carvajal, Ulrico Schmidl in the La Plata basin, Walter Raleigh in Guyana or Juan Vázquez de Coronado in Costa Rica... but especially in the most ancient ones like those of Vespucius about the huge-legged giants of the American lands which I will cite below: "And while we were at this, 36 men came and entered the house where we were drinking, and they were of such lofty stature that every one of them was on his knees taller than I was standing: in conclusion they were of gigantic stature, according to the size and proportion of the body, which corresponded to their height"

They approached, especially a woman, she was accompanied by something, it was so scary that my companion's horse started to run, I fell with my horse, but I ended up in another place, although it sounds strange, a place with nothing to tell...with was as if my deep fear and disconcert, or maybe the same heat, dragged my mind and my body here...I did not see my companion again... Later, after walking for months looking at the ground and having already lost faith in arriving at some recognizable place, I stepped on grass, looked up and was again near the place where we saw those beings that time... I nicknamed that woman Penthesilea, reaffirming the existence of those myths that extend throughout the continent...of those peoples, referenced in the Greek texts, that inhabit the borders of the known world, far from the modern and real world.

KnownOrigin collection image

Discover rare digital art and collect NFTs.

Since Apr. 2018.

Category Art
Contract Address0xabb3...045b
Token ID9788000
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings