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Cayden and Pons trudged through the cave, their torches flickering in the darkness. They had been searching for the treasure for days, but so far, they had come up empty-handed. They were starting to lose hope.

Suddenly, they heard a sound coming from a nearby tunnel. It was a soft humming noise, and it seemed to be getting louder by the second. They cautiously made their way towards the sound, and soon found themselves face-to-face with a small little man with the brightest green eyes either have ever seen.

"Hello there!" said the little man cheerfully. "My name is Tooku Tooku. I couldn't help but overhear you talking about treasure. Are you in searching of the legendary treasure of the caves?"

Cayden and Pons exchanged a look. They weren't sure if they could trust this strange little man, but they didn't have much choice. They explained their situation to Tooku Tooku, and he listened intently.

"Well, well," said Tooku Tooku, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "I think I might be able to help you. You see, I know these caves like the back of my hand. And I happen to know that the treasure you seek is beyond the volcano."

"The volcano?" repeated Cayden skeptically. "We've heard rumors of a volcano, but we never thought it could be true."

Tooku Tooku nodded sagely. "Yes, it's true. And it's very dangerous. But if you're willing to take the risk, I can help you get there safely. Once you cross the volcano, you'll find yourself in a vast cavern. The treasure is hidden somewhere in there. But be careful - it's guarded by some pretty fierce creatures."

Cayden and Pons thanked Tooku Tooku for his help and guidance. They knew that they had made a new friend. With renewed determination, they set off towards the volcano, Tooku Tooku leading the way.

The journey was treacherous. The heat from the volcano was intense, and they had to dodge streams of lava and falling rocks. But Tooku Tooku was a skilled guide, and he led them safely across.

Once they were on the other side, Tooku Tooku bid them farewell. "Good luck, my friends," he said. "May fortune smile upon you."

Cayden and Pons continued on their journey, following the directions that Tooku Tooku had given them. They encountered many dangers along the way - deep crevices, poisonous gas, and vicious creatures. But they persevered, knowing that the treasure was just within their grasp.

*This is a Collaboration between Jason Chambers and Cayden!

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Since Apr. 2018.

Category Art
Contract Address0xabb3...045b
Token ID32409003
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
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Jason Chambers x Little Man!

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Jason Chambers x Little Man!

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Cayden and Pons trudged through the cave, their torches flickering in the darkness. They had been searching for the treasure for days, but so far, they had come up empty-handed. They were starting to lose hope.

Suddenly, they heard a sound coming from a nearby tunnel. It was a soft humming noise, and it seemed to be getting louder by the second. They cautiously made their way towards the sound, and soon found themselves face-to-face with a small little man with the brightest green eyes either have ever seen.

"Hello there!" said the little man cheerfully. "My name is Tooku Tooku. I couldn't help but overhear you talking about treasure. Are you in searching of the legendary treasure of the caves?"

Cayden and Pons exchanged a look. They weren't sure if they could trust this strange little man, but they didn't have much choice. They explained their situation to Tooku Tooku, and he listened intently.

"Well, well," said Tooku Tooku, stroking his chin thoughtfully. "I think I might be able to help you. You see, I know these caves like the back of my hand. And I happen to know that the treasure you seek is beyond the volcano."

"The volcano?" repeated Cayden skeptically. "We've heard rumors of a volcano, but we never thought it could be true."

Tooku Tooku nodded sagely. "Yes, it's true. And it's very dangerous. But if you're willing to take the risk, I can help you get there safely. Once you cross the volcano, you'll find yourself in a vast cavern. The treasure is hidden somewhere in there. But be careful - it's guarded by some pretty fierce creatures."

Cayden and Pons thanked Tooku Tooku for his help and guidance. They knew that they had made a new friend. With renewed determination, they set off towards the volcano, Tooku Tooku leading the way.

The journey was treacherous. The heat from the volcano was intense, and they had to dodge streams of lava and falling rocks. But Tooku Tooku was a skilled guide, and he led them safely across.

Once they were on the other side, Tooku Tooku bid them farewell. "Good luck, my friends," he said. "May fortune smile upon you."

Cayden and Pons continued on their journey, following the directions that Tooku Tooku had given them. They encountered many dangers along the way - deep crevices, poisonous gas, and vicious creatures. But they persevered, knowing that the treasure was just within their grasp.

*This is a Collaboration between Jason Chambers and Cayden!

KnownOrigin collection image

Discover rare digital art and collect NFTs.

Since Apr. 2018.

Category Art
Contract Address0xabb3...045b
Token ID32409003
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings