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To this day, nobody really remembers what set off the great battle between the frogs and toads, two amphibious species essentially recognised as the same creature by the untrained eye.

Perhaps it was a casual throwaway remark about the toads’ darker, muddier skin from an elitist frog that led to a venomous retaliation. Perhaps it was discontent about how many underprivileged toads were forced to grow up in the unpleasant mud, away from pristine pond conditions. Perhaps it was a territorial dispute over the lush lily pads that had been monopolised, for as far as anyone could remember, by the royal frog family.

All we know is that for generations, these two close species lived side by side in harmony — hopping together, croaking together, fending off snakes and predatory water birds together — until suddenly the peace was gone, and it was every amphibian for itself.

Many generations of tadpoles spawned during The Great Amphibious War, while many more lost their lives or had their families torn apart as a result of this conflict. Each side has their stories to tell: there are tales of heroes and villains, brotherhoods and betrayals, romance and revenge.

But at its core, this is the tale of the new Frog King, the one true leader whose destiny was to end the war and unite both species again.

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Putting my creative writing portfolio on-chain, immutably in the wallets of friends and supporters who appreciate my work.

Ownership of the NFT comes with full non-exclusive licensing rights for both personal and commercial usage.

Contract Address0xa63e...0e60
Token ID338
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

021 // The Great Amphibious War

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021 // The Great Amphibious War

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To this day, nobody really remembers what set off the great battle between the frogs and toads, two amphibious species essentially recognised as the same creature by the untrained eye.

Perhaps it was a casual throwaway remark about the toads’ darker, muddier skin from an elitist frog that led to a venomous retaliation. Perhaps it was discontent about how many underprivileged toads were forced to grow up in the unpleasant mud, away from pristine pond conditions. Perhaps it was a territorial dispute over the lush lily pads that had been monopolised, for as far as anyone could remember, by the royal frog family.

All we know is that for generations, these two close species lived side by side in harmony — hopping together, croaking together, fending off snakes and predatory water birds together — until suddenly the peace was gone, and it was every amphibian for itself.

Many generations of tadpoles spawned during The Great Amphibious War, while many more lost their lives or had their families torn apart as a result of this conflict. Each side has their stories to tell: there are tales of heroes and villains, brotherhoods and betrayals, romance and revenge.

But at its core, this is the tale of the new Frog King, the one true leader whose destiny was to end the war and unite both species again.

sub's text collection image

Putting my creative writing portfolio on-chain, immutably in the wallets of friends and supporters who appreciate my work.

Ownership of the NFT comes with full non-exclusive licensing rights for both personal and commercial usage.

Contract Address0xa63e...0e60
Token ID338
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings