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By 310E56
By 310E56

Mélisande was born to a poor family in a small village in the middle of nowhere. At a young age, she started showing signs of her magical abilities. She could make things move with her mind and she could make light appear in the dark. Her parents were scared of her and her ability, so they kicked her out of the house when she was only 10 years old. Mélisande made her way into the forest and started living off the land. She learned how to defend herself and how to use her magic to help her survive. As she got older, Mélisande began to help other lost travelers find their way through the forest. She would guide them safely to the other side and send them on their way. One day, while she was helping a group of travelers, she was ambushed by bandits. Mélisande used her magic to fend them off, but she was outnumbered and outmatched. Just as the bandits were about to take her captive, a group of knights arrived and saved her. The knights told Mélisande that they had been sent by the king to find her because he needed her help with a problem in the kingdom. Mélisande agreed to help the king and she quickly found out that he was being threatened by a goblin army. The goblins were planning on attacking the kingdom and taking it over. Mélisande used her magic to help the king's army defeat the goblins. After the victory, Mélisande was celebrated as a hero throughout the kingdom. She decided to stay in the kingdom and use her magic to protect its people from harm

Ether Goddesses Alpha. collection image

Are you worthy of the Goddess?

Ether Goddess is a celestial based NFT with:

  • More than 200 traits
  • Each Goddess guaranteed to be unique and has their own name and back story
  • Cutting-edge AI integration
  • Non-custodial staking for $FAITH token
  • Gacha game with amazing prizes
  • Fusion mechanics to upgrade your Goddess
Contract Address0xa4e5...e7a9
Token ID208
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

Mélisande Dumont the Wisp

2 items
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
    Floor Difference
Unit Price

Mélisande Dumont the Wisp

2 items
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
    Floor Difference
By 310E56
By 310E56

Mélisande was born to a poor family in a small village in the middle of nowhere. At a young age, she started showing signs of her magical abilities. She could make things move with her mind and she could make light appear in the dark. Her parents were scared of her and her ability, so they kicked her out of the house when she was only 10 years old. Mélisande made her way into the forest and started living off the land. She learned how to defend herself and how to use her magic to help her survive. As she got older, Mélisande began to help other lost travelers find their way through the forest. She would guide them safely to the other side and send them on their way. One day, while she was helping a group of travelers, she was ambushed by bandits. Mélisande used her magic to fend them off, but she was outnumbered and outmatched. Just as the bandits were about to take her captive, a group of knights arrived and saved her. The knights told Mélisande that they had been sent by the king to find her because he needed her help with a problem in the kingdom. Mélisande agreed to help the king and she quickly found out that he was being threatened by a goblin army. The goblins were planning on attacking the kingdom and taking it over. Mélisande used her magic to help the king's army defeat the goblins. After the victory, Mélisande was celebrated as a hero throughout the kingdom. She decided to stay in the kingdom and use her magic to protect its people from harm

Ether Goddesses Alpha. collection image

Are you worthy of the Goddess?

Ether Goddess is a celestial based NFT with:

  • More than 200 traits
  • Each Goddess guaranteed to be unique and has their own name and back story
  • Cutting-edge AI integration
  • Non-custodial staking for $FAITH token
  • Gacha game with amazing prizes
  • Fusion mechanics to upgrade your Goddess
Contract Address0xa4e5...e7a9
Token ID208
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings
Unit Price