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By 3AD5D4
By 3AD5D4

In a futuristic parallel universe, a society of humans have their lives manipulated by “THEM”. Using the media, “THEY” manipulate society to benefit from the citizens conformity and obedience. “THEY“ use fear and hate to distract their people from the real issues, and established a concept that keeps everyone occupied... Dreams. With dreams, people work towards an end goal, a life of comparing themselves to others, a search for perfection, envy, and greed. But down in the gutter, the Depressed Citizens are awakening to reality. The similarity in their struggle has erased all their differences as they unite for the same purpose. A rebellion has started. DEPRESSED CITIZENS is motivated by a deep intent to wake up our society to social issues that are affecting us all. Issues that are often overlooked because they are so embedded in our lives that it is hard to accept that they are real. We intend to express those issues through ART, as it expresses itself as a form of civilized rebellion. We are not here to point fingers, but to open our eyes to social problems through creativity. Are we being manipulated? FIND OUT MORE AT:

Depressed Citizens Official collection image

@everyone, Guys this are our tops priorities:

  • make sure to compensate every single person that minted “ethically” our project
  • get the contract the correct name 😬😬 (I can’t believe that the only part of the project we outsourced went so bad)
  • make sure that boys that exploited us will not getting richer
  • and the most important of all in my opinion, make sure we will onboard all the communities that trusted us to be part of our winner list.

So for this I have to announce that for now, no more opensea trade will be compensated. So STOP trading on secondary market. We may compensate previous trade (but not future trades)

Contract Address0x9cb7...58f1
Token ID10
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings

Depressed Citizen #10

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

Depressed Citizen #10

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference
By 3AD5D4
By 3AD5D4

In a futuristic parallel universe, a society of humans have their lives manipulated by “THEM”. Using the media, “THEY” manipulate society to benefit from the citizens conformity and obedience. “THEY“ use fear and hate to distract their people from the real issues, and established a concept that keeps everyone occupied... Dreams. With dreams, people work towards an end goal, a life of comparing themselves to others, a search for perfection, envy, and greed. But down in the gutter, the Depressed Citizens are awakening to reality. The similarity in their struggle has erased all their differences as they unite for the same purpose. A rebellion has started. DEPRESSED CITIZENS is motivated by a deep intent to wake up our society to social issues that are affecting us all. Issues that are often overlooked because they are so embedded in our lives that it is hard to accept that they are real. We intend to express those issues through ART, as it expresses itself as a form of civilized rebellion. We are not here to point fingers, but to open our eyes to social problems through creativity. Are we being manipulated? FIND OUT MORE AT:

Depressed Citizens Official collection image

@everyone, Guys this are our tops priorities:

  • make sure to compensate every single person that minted “ethically” our project
  • get the contract the correct name 😬😬 (I can’t believe that the only part of the project we outsourced went so bad)
  • make sure that boys that exploited us will not getting richer
  • and the most important of all in my opinion, make sure we will onboard all the communities that trusted us to be part of our winner list.

So for this I have to announce that for now, no more opensea trade will be compensated. So STOP trading on secondary market. We may compensate previous trade (but not future trades)

Contract Address0x9cb7...58f1
Token ID10
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings