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'trío' a visual mixtape with music and image by Naive Supreme.

'trío' is a socially muted experience. I can maybe whisper it to you when I see you again but even audio notes inside any social media platform are vocal data to understand you better and to manipulate you to consume. Consume whatever's addictive, easy, cheap, and enough to trigger you to feel something, even if that feeling's useless and emotionless. Consume whatever someone else believes you should work for.

The video for ’trío’ is simply a sequence of a 2-day-twerk-session with alien slime, I wanted to simulate a new alien being just living a day on earth testing out ‘human toys’ like guns, skincare, and haribos.
In this video alien plays with sexuality, with the effectism of iPhone, using human tools to 'disappear completely' by adapting to what everyone does and everyone uses to entertain themselves.

The slow-mo striptease in this video is not even my most explicit work but it seems it's more acceptable to host a video of the police abusing or killing minorities on public media vs any type of sexual expression or suggestion. I don’t understand what the point is of all these rules if they are not stopping us from violence, just repressing our sexual relationships -which causes more violence, repression, and unfulfillment - failure to achieve fulfillment = lack of consummation. If social media is media and society you can't punish sex media from existing as that's the main point of human socialization, to reproduce, to grow, to extend in the future.

It feels like all ‘real state’ in the digital world has been already sold to Facebook / Google / some white rich dude and to a couple of random people who don’t know what to do and we are running out of space before the Facebook police are at our door asking to watch us shower.

All countries are already gone from our digital earth so let's take the sea, let's take action and build new spaces before we assume living in a dictatorial state, capitalism is a psyops and revolution always a possibility.

naive supreme - trío

laser birds hot cold mosquitos con camaras bad bunny 69 with Safety Trance sin nicki minaj love / tq with Virgen Maria uniform / migrating ily tq for transcendental meditation with Virgen Maria ily 2

All music produced and copyrighted by Naive Supreme

tro V2 collection image

'trío' a visual mixtape with music and image by Naive Supreme.

'trío' is a socially muted experience. I can maybe whisper it to you when I see you again but even audio notes inside any social media platform are vocal data to understand you better and to manipulate you to consume. Consume whatever's addictive, easy, cheap, and enough to trigger you to feel something, even if that feeling's useless and emotionless. Consume whatever someone else believes you should work for.

The video for ’trío’ is simply a sequence of a 2-day-twerk-session with alien slime, I wanted to simulate a new alien being just living a day on earth testing out ‘human toys’ like guns, skincare, and haribos.
In this video alien plays with sexuality, with the effectism of iPhone, using human tools to 'disappear completely' by adapting to what everyone does and everyone uses to entertain themselves.

The slow-mo striptease in this video is not even my most explicit work but it seems it's more acceptable to host a video of the police abusing or killing minorities on public media vs any type of sexual expression or suggestion. I don’t understand what the point is of all these rules if they are not stopping us from violence, just repressing our sexual relationships -which causes more violence, repression, and unfulfillment - failure to achieve fulfillment = lack of consummation. If social media is media and society you can't punish sex media from existing as that's the main point of human socialization, to reproduce, to grow, to extend in the future.

It feels like all ‘real state’ in the digital world has been already sold to Facebook / Google / some white rich dude and to a couple of random people who don’t know what to do and we are running out of space before the Facebook police are at our door asking to watch us shower.

All countries are already gone from our digital earth so let's take the sea, let's take action and build new spaces before we assume living in a dictatorial state, capitalism is a psyops and revolution always a possibility.

naive supreme - trío

laser birds hot cold mosquitos con camaras bad bunny 69 with Safety Trance sin nicki minaj love / tq with Virgen Maria uniform / migrating ily tq for transcendental meditation with Virgen Maria ily 2

All music produced and copyrighted by Naive Supreme

Contract Address0x8ab5...86b9
Token ID
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings

trío 2

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trío 2

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'trío' a visual mixtape with music and image by Naive Supreme.

'trío' is a socially muted experience. I can maybe whisper it to you when I see you again but even audio notes inside any social media platform are vocal data to understand you better and to manipulate you to consume. Consume whatever's addictive, easy, cheap, and enough to trigger you to feel something, even if that feeling's useless and emotionless. Consume whatever someone else believes you should work for.

The video for ’trío’ is simply a sequence of a 2-day-twerk-session with alien slime, I wanted to simulate a new alien being just living a day on earth testing out ‘human toys’ like guns, skincare, and haribos.
In this video alien plays with sexuality, with the effectism of iPhone, using human tools to 'disappear completely' by adapting to what everyone does and everyone uses to entertain themselves.

The slow-mo striptease in this video is not even my most explicit work but it seems it's more acceptable to host a video of the police abusing or killing minorities on public media vs any type of sexual expression or suggestion. I don’t understand what the point is of all these rules if they are not stopping us from violence, just repressing our sexual relationships -which causes more violence, repression, and unfulfillment - failure to achieve fulfillment = lack of consummation. If social media is media and society you can't punish sex media from existing as that's the main point of human socialization, to reproduce, to grow, to extend in the future.

It feels like all ‘real state’ in the digital world has been already sold to Facebook / Google / some white rich dude and to a couple of random people who don’t know what to do and we are running out of space before the Facebook police are at our door asking to watch us shower.

All countries are already gone from our digital earth so let's take the sea, let's take action and build new spaces before we assume living in a dictatorial state, capitalism is a psyops and revolution always a possibility.

naive supreme - trío

laser birds hot cold mosquitos con camaras bad bunny 69 with Safety Trance sin nicki minaj love / tq with Virgen Maria uniform / migrating ily tq for transcendental meditation with Virgen Maria ily 2

All music produced and copyrighted by Naive Supreme

tro V2 collection image

'trío' a visual mixtape with music and image by Naive Supreme.

'trío' is a socially muted experience. I can maybe whisper it to you when I see you again but even audio notes inside any social media platform are vocal data to understand you better and to manipulate you to consume. Consume whatever's addictive, easy, cheap, and enough to trigger you to feel something, even if that feeling's useless and emotionless. Consume whatever someone else believes you should work for.

The video for ’trío’ is simply a sequence of a 2-day-twerk-session with alien slime, I wanted to simulate a new alien being just living a day on earth testing out ‘human toys’ like guns, skincare, and haribos.
In this video alien plays with sexuality, with the effectism of iPhone, using human tools to 'disappear completely' by adapting to what everyone does and everyone uses to entertain themselves.

The slow-mo striptease in this video is not even my most explicit work but it seems it's more acceptable to host a video of the police abusing or killing minorities on public media vs any type of sexual expression or suggestion. I don’t understand what the point is of all these rules if they are not stopping us from violence, just repressing our sexual relationships -which causes more violence, repression, and unfulfillment - failure to achieve fulfillment = lack of consummation. If social media is media and society you can't punish sex media from existing as that's the main point of human socialization, to reproduce, to grow, to extend in the future.

It feels like all ‘real state’ in the digital world has been already sold to Facebook / Google / some white rich dude and to a couple of random people who don’t know what to do and we are running out of space before the Facebook police are at our door asking to watch us shower.

All countries are already gone from our digital earth so let's take the sea, let's take action and build new spaces before we assume living in a dictatorial state, capitalism is a psyops and revolution always a possibility.

naive supreme - trío

laser birds hot cold mosquitos con camaras bad bunny 69 with Safety Trance sin nicki minaj love / tq with Virgen Maria uniform / migrating ily tq for transcendental meditation with Virgen Maria ily 2

All music produced and copyrighted by Naive Supreme

Contract Address0x8ab5...86b9
Token ID
Token StandardERC-721
Creator Earnings