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Zorro "El Conquistador" rose from a challenging upbringing, driven by a resilient spirit. Fueled by a burning desire to conquer evildoers and challenge the system, he carries a profound love for fighting against injustice. Embracing decentralization, mushrooms, and cannabis, he becomes a formidable advocate for equality.

Zorro's early life tested him, forging an unyielding determination to overcome adversity and combat social injustice. His path led him to the boxing ring, where he channels his experiences into powerful punches, fighting for the voiceless. Zorro's journey symbolizes triumph in the face of obstacles, guided by an unwavering belief in the righteousness of his cause.

With an unwavering passion for decentralization, Zorro recognizes its potential to empower individuals. He embraces blockchain technology and decentralized networks, envisioning a world where equal opportunities flourish and marginalized voices are amplified.

Beyond his fighting prowess, Zorro's unique interests set him apart. He advocates for the healing properties of mushrooms and cannabis, understanding their potential to promote holistic well-being. Zorro aims to educate and advocate for responsible usage, seeking to destigmatize their benefits in society.

Zorro's battles extend beyond the boxing arena, as he wages a tireless fight for equality. He challenges societal norms, dismantles systemic barriers, and champions the rights of the underprivileged.

Zorro "El Conquistador" epitomizes love, compassion, and an unyielding belief in the power of the people. As he steps into the ring, he not only fights opponents but also the systemic injustices that hinder progress. Zorro stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring all who strive for justice and equality.

Muhammad Ali | The Next Legends - Boxers collection image

Muhammad Ali — The Next Legends immerses you in the sport and culture of boxing as a coach and manager of your own artificially intelligent Boxer. Your strategic choices both in-gym and ringside will determine whether your one-of-a-kind AI Boxer becomes the next legend of the Open Metaverse. 

Head over to The Locker Room now to begin customizing your Boxer and start your story. Get a Gym Bag, train your Pro Boxer and fight your opponents to build your legacy.

The Next Legends is brought to you by Altered State Machine and Futureverse in partnership with ABG, IP rights holders of the Muhammad Ali Estate.

Visit for more information.

Category Gaming
Contract Address0x6bca...7182
Token ID2106
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 month ago
Creator Earnings

Zorro EL Conquistador

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Zorro EL Conquistador

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Zorro "El Conquistador" rose from a challenging upbringing, driven by a resilient spirit. Fueled by a burning desire to conquer evildoers and challenge the system, he carries a profound love for fighting against injustice. Embracing decentralization, mushrooms, and cannabis, he becomes a formidable advocate for equality.

Zorro's early life tested him, forging an unyielding determination to overcome adversity and combat social injustice. His path led him to the boxing ring, where he channels his experiences into powerful punches, fighting for the voiceless. Zorro's journey symbolizes triumph in the face of obstacles, guided by an unwavering belief in the righteousness of his cause.

With an unwavering passion for decentralization, Zorro recognizes its potential to empower individuals. He embraces blockchain technology and decentralized networks, envisioning a world where equal opportunities flourish and marginalized voices are amplified.

Beyond his fighting prowess, Zorro's unique interests set him apart. He advocates for the healing properties of mushrooms and cannabis, understanding their potential to promote holistic well-being. Zorro aims to educate and advocate for responsible usage, seeking to destigmatize their benefits in society.

Zorro's battles extend beyond the boxing arena, as he wages a tireless fight for equality. He challenges societal norms, dismantles systemic barriers, and champions the rights of the underprivileged.

Zorro "El Conquistador" epitomizes love, compassion, and an unyielding belief in the power of the people. As he steps into the ring, he not only fights opponents but also the systemic injustices that hinder progress. Zorro stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring all who strive for justice and equality.

Muhammad Ali | The Next Legends - Boxers collection image

Muhammad Ali — The Next Legends immerses you in the sport and culture of boxing as a coach and manager of your own artificially intelligent Boxer. Your strategic choices both in-gym and ringside will determine whether your one-of-a-kind AI Boxer becomes the next legend of the Open Metaverse. 

Head over to The Locker Room now to begin customizing your Boxer and start your story. Get a Gym Bag, train your Pro Boxer and fight your opponents to build your legacy.

The Next Legends is brought to you by Altered State Machine and Futureverse in partnership with ABG, IP rights holders of the Muhammad Ali Estate.

Visit for more information.

Category Gaming
Contract Address0x6bca...7182
Token ID2106
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated1 month ago
Creator Earnings