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Knit by Knit is a collaborative project created by generative artists Alex Supkay and Jake Rockland. In its naming, the project is evocative of the process of weaving – an apt evocation given that this project represents the bringing together of multiple things. Aesthetically, Knit by Knit is the weaving together of two artists stylistic approaches to generative art. The piece also has a tapestry like quality to it with the foreground and the background both being inspired by that technique.

This coming together goes beyond stylistic collaboration with the majority of proceeds going to support the Ethereum Core Developers, Knit by Knit is a demonstration of artists coming together to support the broader ecosystem that they are a part of, woven into the history of the blockchain. Moments like The Merge are a culmination of ideas coming together to create something bigger like how individual threads create beautiful tapestries.

The name Knit by Knit is also a play on bit by bit. As the blockchain completes transactions we are moving forward one bit at a time, but we’re also improving things beyond this by bringing the community together for events like The Merge.

We are both artists and developers in this ecosystem – symbolically this piece is a public display of this community's ability to collaborate and bring different ideas together.

Knit by Knit collection image

Knit by Knit is a collaborative project created by generative artists Alex Supkay and Jake Rockland. In its naming, the project is evocative of the process of weaving – an apt evocation given that this project represents the bringing together of multiple things. Aesthetically, Knit by Knit is the weaving together of two artists stylistic approaches to generative art. The piece also has a tapestry like quality to it with the foreground and the background both being inspired by that technique.

This coming together goes beyond stylistic collaboration with the majority of proceeds going to support the Ethereum Core Developers, Knit by Knit is a demonstration of artists coming together to support the broader ecosystem that they are a part of, woven into the history of the blockchain. Moments like The Merge are a culmination of ideas coming together to create something bigger like how individual threads create beautiful tapestries.

Contract Address0x4c03...d677
Token ID6
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings

Knit by Knit - Dropdown

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    USD Price
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    USD Price
    Floor Difference

Knit by Knit - Dropdown

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

Knit by Knit is a collaborative project created by generative artists Alex Supkay and Jake Rockland. In its naming, the project is evocative of the process of weaving – an apt evocation given that this project represents the bringing together of multiple things. Aesthetically, Knit by Knit is the weaving together of two artists stylistic approaches to generative art. The piece also has a tapestry like quality to it with the foreground and the background both being inspired by that technique.

This coming together goes beyond stylistic collaboration with the majority of proceeds going to support the Ethereum Core Developers, Knit by Knit is a demonstration of artists coming together to support the broader ecosystem that they are a part of, woven into the history of the blockchain. Moments like The Merge are a culmination of ideas coming together to create something bigger like how individual threads create beautiful tapestries.

The name Knit by Knit is also a play on bit by bit. As the blockchain completes transactions we are moving forward one bit at a time, but we’re also improving things beyond this by bringing the community together for events like The Merge.

We are both artists and developers in this ecosystem – symbolically this piece is a public display of this community's ability to collaborate and bring different ideas together.

Knit by Knit collection image

Knit by Knit is a collaborative project created by generative artists Alex Supkay and Jake Rockland. In its naming, the project is evocative of the process of weaving – an apt evocation given that this project represents the bringing together of multiple things. Aesthetically, Knit by Knit is the weaving together of two artists stylistic approaches to generative art. The piece also has a tapestry like quality to it with the foreground and the background both being inspired by that technique.

This coming together goes beyond stylistic collaboration with the majority of proceeds going to support the Ethereum Core Developers, Knit by Knit is a demonstration of artists coming together to support the broader ecosystem that they are a part of, woven into the history of the blockchain. Moments like The Merge are a culmination of ideas coming together to create something bigger like how individual threads create beautiful tapestries.

Contract Address0x4c03...d677
Token ID6
Token StandardERC-721
Last Updated2 years ago
Creator Earnings