This is one of 20 looks from Dolce&Gabbana’s groundbreaking headline show during the 2022 Metaverse Fashion Week, an event pioneered by UNXD and featured in Vogue.
This is an origin NFT for this look, granting access to wearables in future metaverses as airdrops or linked wearables, beginning with Decentraland.
This 20-look digital collection is from Dolce&Gabbana’s groundbreaking headline show at the inaugural Metaverse Fashion Week, pioneered by UNXD in partnership with Decentraland.
These are the origin NFTs, giving owners access to metaverse wearables corresponding to each of the corresponding looks, beginning with Decentraland.
The Cocoon
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The Cocoon
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- Unit PriceUSD Unit PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
This is one of 20 looks from Dolce&Gabbana’s groundbreaking headline show during the 2022 Metaverse Fashion Week, an event pioneered by UNXD and featured in Vogue.
This is an origin NFT for this look, granting access to wearables in future metaverses as airdrops or linked wearables, beginning with Decentraland.
This 20-look digital collection is from Dolce&Gabbana’s groundbreaking headline show at the inaugural Metaverse Fashion Week, pioneered by UNXD in partnership with Decentraland.
These are the origin NFTs, giving owners access to metaverse wearables corresponding to each of the corresponding looks, beginning with Decentraland.
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