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"Samurai Island"

The moment we landed on the island, we were surrounded by armed men. We were too stupid to notice them because of the thick fog on the island. They were warriors, Samurais or something like that, and they were protecting the island.

I was excited to be in combat for the first time in a long time, but we were outnumbered. And each one of them was very strong. We put up a pretty good fight, but in the end, we were captured.

We were put in jail and interrogated, but they thought we were swindlers and thieves. The island used to accept travelers, but thieves and swindlers were mixed in. Thieves and swindlers got into the mix and stole a lot of Ethereum jewelry, and they were very eager to get rid of it.

We said to the Shogun, who was the most important guy. We may be bad guys, but we are pirates. When we rob, we rob with dignity. Don't lump me in with the cowards.

The Shogun laughed. He liked us. Then he called the strongest samurai on the island and said, "I want you to fight a duel with him and you. Shogun said, Show me a good fight and I'll let you go.

I stood up, thinking I would not lose in a duel. However, I lost without being able to land a single shot against the samurai. After that, I tried many times, but I couldn't win even once. I had never seen such a strong man.

The result was a crushing defeat, but our guts were recognized and we were liberated.

The general loved to have a party, and as soon as he let us go, he started to throw a party. He taught us many things.

He told us that this sea is full of people who are trying to steal treasures in a very clever way. If you trust people too easily, you risk losing everything. Lock the treasury with a code. And the code is not to be shared with anyone.

We were not horrified, but excited. The fact that there were so many people trying to take it from us was proof that it was of immense value. The sea ahead is full of dangers, but we can dream bigger than we ever imagined.


俺たちが島に降り立った瞬間、武装した連中に囲まれていた。 霧の濃い島で、間抜けなことに奴らの存在に気付かなかった。 奴らはサムライとかいう戦士で、この島を守ってるらしい。


牢に入れられ尋問を受けたんだが、奴らは俺たちを詐欺師や泥棒と勘違いしたようだ。 この島は元々、渡航者を受け入れていたらしい。 だが、泥棒や詐欺師が紛れ込んでイーサリアムって宝石を幾つも奪われちまって、躍起になってたんだと。

俺たちは、将軍とかいう一番偉いやつに言ってやった。 悪党には変わりねえが、俺たちは海賊。奪う時は堂々と奪う。卑怯な小物どもと一緒にするんじゃねぇってな。

将軍の奴は笑ってた。俺たちを気に入ったってな。 そして将軍は、この島で一番強えサムライを呼んできて言った。 そいつと俺とで決闘をしろと。 面白い戦いを見せてくれたら、自由にしてやるってな。

決闘なら負ける気がしねえと、俺は立ち上がった。 だが、そのサムライに1発も掠る事無く、俺は負けた。 その後何度も挑戦したが、一度も勝てなかったんだ。 こんなに強え奴は見たことがねぇ。


将軍の奴は宴好きで、開放するやいなや宴を始めやがった。 よくわからねぇ野郎だが、俺たちに色々な事を教えてくれた。

この海では、財宝を巧妙に盗もうとする奴らが溢れてるって事。 安易に人を信用すれば、全てを失うリスクがある事。 宝物庫には暗号付きの鍵をかけ、暗号は誰にも教えるなって事。

話を聴いた俺たちは、恐怖するどころかワクワクしちまった。 奪おうとする人間が多いって事は、そこには巨大な価値が存在するって証拠だ。 この先の海は危険だらけだが、想像以上にでけぇ夢を見れそうだ。

Crypto Pirate's Voyage Logs collection image

The music NFT collection "Crypto Pirate's Voyage Logs" is a collection of NFTs that depicts the adventures of pirates through music.

The artwork shows a picture of the ships they sailed and the islands they visited, along with their theme music. You can also read the captain's logbook in the description section. English and Japanese versions are available.

Become an owner, join their band of pirates, and explore these open seas!

Purchasers will be invited to join a closed community of holders only.


彼らが乗る船や行く先の島々のテーマ曲とともに、その絵をアートワークで見ることができます。 また、船長の航海日誌を説明欄で読むことができます。 日本語版と英語版の両方ございます。

オーナーになって、彼ら海賊団に加入し、この大海原(Open Sea)を冒険しましょう!


Category Gaming
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

Samurai Island #004

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

Samurai Island #004

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference

"Samurai Island"

The moment we landed on the island, we were surrounded by armed men. We were too stupid to notice them because of the thick fog on the island. They were warriors, Samurais or something like that, and they were protecting the island.

I was excited to be in combat for the first time in a long time, but we were outnumbered. And each one of them was very strong. We put up a pretty good fight, but in the end, we were captured.

We were put in jail and interrogated, but they thought we were swindlers and thieves. The island used to accept travelers, but thieves and swindlers were mixed in. Thieves and swindlers got into the mix and stole a lot of Ethereum jewelry, and they were very eager to get rid of it.

We said to the Shogun, who was the most important guy. We may be bad guys, but we are pirates. When we rob, we rob with dignity. Don't lump me in with the cowards.

The Shogun laughed. He liked us. Then he called the strongest samurai on the island and said, "I want you to fight a duel with him and you. Shogun said, Show me a good fight and I'll let you go.

I stood up, thinking I would not lose in a duel. However, I lost without being able to land a single shot against the samurai. After that, I tried many times, but I couldn't win even once. I had never seen such a strong man.

The result was a crushing defeat, but our guts were recognized and we were liberated.

The general loved to have a party, and as soon as he let us go, he started to throw a party. He taught us many things.

He told us that this sea is full of people who are trying to steal treasures in a very clever way. If you trust people too easily, you risk losing everything. Lock the treasury with a code. And the code is not to be shared with anyone.

We were not horrified, but excited. The fact that there were so many people trying to take it from us was proof that it was of immense value. The sea ahead is full of dangers, but we can dream bigger than we ever imagined.


俺たちが島に降り立った瞬間、武装した連中に囲まれていた。 霧の濃い島で、間抜けなことに奴らの存在に気付かなかった。 奴らはサムライとかいう戦士で、この島を守ってるらしい。


牢に入れられ尋問を受けたんだが、奴らは俺たちを詐欺師や泥棒と勘違いしたようだ。 この島は元々、渡航者を受け入れていたらしい。 だが、泥棒や詐欺師が紛れ込んでイーサリアムって宝石を幾つも奪われちまって、躍起になってたんだと。

俺たちは、将軍とかいう一番偉いやつに言ってやった。 悪党には変わりねえが、俺たちは海賊。奪う時は堂々と奪う。卑怯な小物どもと一緒にするんじゃねぇってな。

将軍の奴は笑ってた。俺たちを気に入ったってな。 そして将軍は、この島で一番強えサムライを呼んできて言った。 そいつと俺とで決闘をしろと。 面白い戦いを見せてくれたら、自由にしてやるってな。

決闘なら負ける気がしねえと、俺は立ち上がった。 だが、そのサムライに1発も掠る事無く、俺は負けた。 その後何度も挑戦したが、一度も勝てなかったんだ。 こんなに強え奴は見たことがねぇ。


将軍の奴は宴好きで、開放するやいなや宴を始めやがった。 よくわからねぇ野郎だが、俺たちに色々な事を教えてくれた。

この海では、財宝を巧妙に盗もうとする奴らが溢れてるって事。 安易に人を信用すれば、全てを失うリスクがある事。 宝物庫には暗号付きの鍵をかけ、暗号は誰にも教えるなって事。

話を聴いた俺たちは、恐怖するどころかワクワクしちまった。 奪おうとする人間が多いって事は、そこには巨大な価値が存在するって証拠だ。 この先の海は危険だらけだが、想像以上にでけぇ夢を見れそうだ。

Crypto Pirate's Voyage Logs collection image

The music NFT collection "Crypto Pirate's Voyage Logs" is a collection of NFTs that depicts the adventures of pirates through music.

The artwork shows a picture of the ships they sailed and the islands they visited, along with their theme music. You can also read the captain's logbook in the description section. English and Japanese versions are available.

Become an owner, join their band of pirates, and explore these open seas!

Purchasers will be invited to join a closed community of holders only.


彼らが乗る船や行く先の島々のテーマ曲とともに、その絵をアートワークで見ることができます。 また、船長の航海日誌を説明欄で読むことができます。 日本語版と英語版の両方ございます。

オーナーになって、彼ら海賊団に加入し、この大海原(Open Sea)を冒険しましょう!


Category Gaming
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings