A collection of digitized daily sketches by Pendar Nabipour. The project is ongoing since the early 2000s. These sketches have been archived and rarely presented since then. Zaztima sketches are a unique and original series by the artist since it delves through lucid emotional and sincere expressions. These sketches have stayed relevant and reoccurring in the work of the artist throughout the years to become more mature. Zaztima sketches are often accompanied by short poems.
For more info go to https://zaztima.com/projects/zaztima/
No. 35, Dr. Faust
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No. 35, Dr. Faust
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A collection of digitized daily sketches by Pendar Nabipour. The project is ongoing since the early 2000s. These sketches have been archived and rarely presented since then. Zaztima sketches are a unique and original series by the artist since it delves through lucid emotional and sincere expressions. These sketches have stayed relevant and reoccurring in the work of the artist throughout the years to become more mature. Zaztima sketches are often accompanied by short poems.
For more info go to https://zaztima.com/projects/zaztima/