Title: Tiger and Kitten
Artist: Yukako Ohde
About the Artist: Yukako Ohde is an illustrator and a picture book writer. she is widely active as an illustrator mainly for books, magazines, and packaged products.
In 2014: She made her debut as a picture book writer in "Polar Bear's Shoe Store (シロクマくつや)" (publisher: Kaiseisha) Later, a four-language translation version was released, and a series trilogy was published. In 2015: Published a pop-up picture book "Open up the present! (プレゼント、 あけてみて!)" (Publisher: Akane Shobo)
Social Media: https://www.yukakoohde.com/
ーー Japanese:
作品名: Tiger and kitten
作者名: おおで ゆかこ
作者紹介: イラストレーター、絵本作家として活動開始。書籍や絵本の挿絵、雑貨類、パッケージ類を中心に幅広く活動中。 2014年『シロクマくつや』(偕成社)で絵本作家デビュー。後に4ヶ国語 翻訳版を発売、シリーズ3部作を出版。 2015年 めくるしかけ絵本『プレゼント、 あけてみて!』(あかね書房) を出版。
Tiger and Kitten
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Tiger and Kitten
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Title: Tiger and Kitten
Artist: Yukako Ohde
About the Artist: Yukako Ohde is an illustrator and a picture book writer. she is widely active as an illustrator mainly for books, magazines, and packaged products.
In 2014: She made her debut as a picture book writer in "Polar Bear's Shoe Store (シロクマくつや)" (publisher: Kaiseisha) Later, a four-language translation version was released, and a series trilogy was published. In 2015: Published a pop-up picture book "Open up the present! (プレゼント、 あけてみて!)" (Publisher: Akane Shobo)
Social Media: https://www.yukakoohde.com/
ーー Japanese:
作品名: Tiger and kitten
作者名: おおで ゆかこ
作者紹介: イラストレーター、絵本作家として活動開始。書籍や絵本の挿絵、雑貨類、パッケージ類を中心に幅広く活動中。 2014年『シロクマくつや』(偕成社)で絵本作家デビュー。後に4ヶ国語 翻訳版を発売、シリーズ3部作を出版。 2015年 めくるしかけ絵本『プレゼント、 あけてみて!』(あかね書房) を出版。