First token from the, "TantricGothic" chain of 3 tokens, generated for these four "super-rare" collections, minted by Stufio87: PurpleMind a surreal allusion, a bilateral symmetry of form, yet on further the instigation the bilateral symmetry is compromised by polemic chiaroscuro waves of light and dark tone, while at the upper centre hovers a purple majestic mind holding the whole in dynamic equilibrium.
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First token from the, "TantricGothic" chain of 3 tokens, generated for these four "super-rare" collections, minted by Stufio87: PurpleMind a surreal allusion, a bilateral symmetry of form, yet on further the instigation the bilateral symmetry is compromised by polemic chiaroscuro waves of light and dark tone, while at the upper centre hovers a purple majestic mind holding the whole in dynamic equilibrium.