If you want to go up, keep fighting!
Either you will melt the ice in its own heat, or it will not be able to withstand your blows and it will crack!
But if you stop...
This will be your end!
When you stop, your war so far will also be in vain!
Never Stop!
Video Original Size: 2048x2048 px
This collection consists of 30 pieces. Each piece is 5 editions.
Special Collection holders have the right to whitelist and can mint 1 edition with 0.01 eth. https://opensea.io/collection/niftyspecial
Prices for the next edition are going up:
1st Edition: 0.01 ETH (only for those on the whitelist)
2nd Edition: 0.05 ETH
3rd Edition: 0.10 ETH
4th Edition: 0.15 ETH
5th Edition: 0.20 ETH
We have things to protect. The beauty and naturalness around us includes: people, animals, nature, climate, and many other things. However, in order to do all these things, one must first start with itself.
It should break the molds, overcome the accepted ones, etc. He should walk on what he says is indestructible. He must continue to fight for what he calls invincible...
Never give up. It should never be accepted... Keep pushing... Surely he will one day!
Never Stop!
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Never Stop!
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If you want to go up, keep fighting!
Either you will melt the ice in its own heat, or it will not be able to withstand your blows and it will crack!
But if you stop...
This will be your end!
When you stop, your war so far will also be in vain!
Never Stop!
Video Original Size: 2048x2048 px
This collection consists of 30 pieces. Each piece is 5 editions.
Special Collection holders have the right to whitelist and can mint 1 edition with 0.01 eth. https://opensea.io/collection/niftyspecial
Prices for the next edition are going up:
1st Edition: 0.01 ETH (only for those on the whitelist)
2nd Edition: 0.05 ETH
3rd Edition: 0.10 ETH
4th Edition: 0.15 ETH
5th Edition: 0.20 ETH
We have things to protect. The beauty and naturalness around us includes: people, animals, nature, climate, and many other things. However, in order to do all these things, one must first start with itself.
It should break the molds, overcome the accepted ones, etc. He should walk on what he says is indestructible. He must continue to fight for what he calls invincible...
Never give up. It should never be accepted... Keep pushing... Surely he will one day!
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