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By kuraja
By kuraja





そして、彼女もまた帰宅をこよなく愛する者の一人である。 部活や同好会?確かに公に抑圧される時間が長ければそれだけ私に戻る時の爽快感はあるのだろうが、彼女にとって授業だけで公はお腹いっぱいだった。 もちろん所属は帰宅部である。


いつもなら帰宅ルートなどを頭で構成するが、今日は明確な目的があった。 昼食代として渡される500円をケチって貯めたお金を使うべきが今日だ。 500円あれば学食で豪遊できるが、彼女はかけうどん・そば(180円)を主食としている。

もちろん、たまにはカレーライス(350円)を食べたいときもある。 しかし、その差額170円が足りなくて欲しいものが買えなかった経験を脳の裏側にセットし、券売機に指が掛かったところで発動、グッと我慢し力強くかけそば・うどんを押すのだ。


放課後、ヘッドホンのEmpyreanを首に掛け足早に教室を出る。 おおよそ30万円と女子高生が気軽に外でぶら下げる物ではないのだが、ヘッドホン狂の叔父から「置く場所がないから」と押し付けられたものの一つだった。他に3つ、高級ヘッドホンが彼女の部屋に転がっている。

友達からは「変わったヘッドホンだね?」と言われるが、彼女自身確かにそうかも?としか思わず価値などカケラも把握していなかった。 分かった瞬間にメルカリ行きだろう。 なに、叔父にはモノレールに落として壊れたとかゴジラに踏まれたとかテキトーなことを言っておけばいい。

一人で校門を抜け多摩モノレールへとノロノロ歩を進める。 秋の爽やかな日である。 駅とは反対方向にある多摩中央公園で一人掛ベンチに体重を預けながらぼやっと噴水でも眺めたくなるが、今日は目的があるのだ。クビだけチラっとそちらの方向を向けた。どんなことでもトレードオフだと叔父が言っていたが、まぁ、そうなのかもしれない。

モノレールに乗り最寄りの帝京・大塚駅で降りる。 京王堀之内方面へと徒歩で野猿街道を進むと、眼前に目的の店が見えてきた。

2階建ての中古ゲームショップである。 新作も売ってはいるがおまけであくまでメインはSFCあたりまでのレトロゲームがメインだ。

今日、友人たちとの帰宅を避けた理由がこれであった。自分しか興味のないところに付き合わせるのは気が引ける。 一緒に帰宅するのも一興だが、どうしても行動に制限が出来てしまう。目に入った気になるものをじっくりと見ることもかなわない。まぁそりゃたまにならいい。しかし、彼女にとっては友達と帰るなんてイベントは週に1度あれば十分だった。

今日は目的が完全に決まっていたのでそれほど時間は掛からないかもしれないが、誰にも邪魔されずに購入したかったのだ。 駅を降りたところから彼女の頭には一つの単語しか浮かんでいない。


スーパーファミコンにおけるシューティングの傑作である。まさにコナミここにあり(当時)というゲームであった。 紙幅が足らないので詳しくはググってほしい。 その完成度の高さから若干プレミア化しておりメルカリでもソフトだけで価格は3000円。箱まで付いていると状態にもよるが1万円を軽く越えてくる。 彼女は箱などに興味はないのでソフトだけが目当てだった。



SFCで3000円オーバーは珍しい。間違いなくプレミアが付いてるソフトだ。 その場でスマホからググってみるとどうやら評価の高いゲームらしかった。試しに1面だけ動画サイトで確認するとビジュアルやBGMなど価格に見合うものだということが分かる。



ギリっと奥歯を鳴らす。こんなことがあるのだろうか?欲に負けカレーを楽しんだ分、目の前のゲームは買えないのだ。 明日来よう、、”

そう、これは昨日の話である。 昼食代500円が補充され170円しか使ってない今日なら釣りでジュースも買える!!!

意気軒高に店内へと入り現場へ最短ルートを行く。 他の物など眼中にない。今日はアクスレイなのだ、アクスレイアクスレイアスクレイ、、ちがうアクスレイ。 場所など忘れるわけないのでSFCコーナーの一点へ。 アクスレイの目の前にたどり着いてさっと見渡す。すでに右手はスタンバイ済みである。早く見つけなくてはならない、、ない?、、、、ない!?

おかしい、、10回ぐらい確認してみてもどこにもなかった。客の手によって変な場所にでも置かれたのかとSFCコーナーを何回往復してもどこにもなかった。 異様な雰囲気だったのだろうか店員に声を掛けられると、つかみばからん勢いでアクスレイについて尋ねる。




脳が拒んでいた。売れた???そんなことあってはいけない。 なぜなら今日はアクスレイを楽しむという予定で埋まっているのだから!


「想定外のことが起こった時にどう動くかが人間としての力を問われる」と叔父は言ってた。 なるほど、うるさい黙れ。

脳から叔父を叩き出し眼をつむり息を大きく一つ。 ここで彼女が取れる行動は二つだ。 負け犬としてすごすご撤退し機械的にメルカリで買って数日待つというもの。 そしてもう一つはこの中からアクスレイの代わりを見つけること。

そんなの決まっているじゃないか?ここで宝物を見つける。 なぜならなにかを買って帰らないと今日の予定は無と消える。 何か買っていかなければしょうもない動画でも見るか、やり飽きたゲームでもやるしかないのだから。 メルカリでアクスレイを買ったとしても今日を無と過ごすことが消えることはない。


SFCはダメだ。 アクスレイが頭に引っかかって楽しめない。同様の理由でシューティングもNG ゲームボーイか、、? 最近はSFCにばかり気を取られていてGBはご無沙汰だった。

アクスレイ資金をある程度残しておきたかったので安めの価格帯が狙い目となる。 となると出荷本数が多く市場にタマの多い名作となるわけだ。 誰でも知ってる名作といっても意外とプレーしていないゲームは多い。彼女は「6つの金貨」も未プレーで、「ワリオランド」や「カエルがために鐘は鳴る」も実はまだだ。




派手に擦り切れているソフトを手に取る。裏には年月を思わせる褪せた黒のマジックで「たけし」と書かれていた。 税込み100円。動作確認済み。キズヨゴレあり(見ればわかる)

アクスレイを買い逃し凹んでいる心もカービィちゃんが慰めてくれるだろう。 ここで100円使ってもアクスレイは問題なく買える。

購入し満足して店を出る。脳内の叔父もスタンディングオベーションだ。やかましい。 でも、まぁ自分の行動に80点ぐらいはあげてもいい。想定外のことが起きってしまったが、これもまぁ帰宅の醍醐味だ。


カービィのピンボールは可愛さとは裏腹にシリーズ屈指の難易度であることを彼女は知らなかった。 慰められるどころか叩きのめされるだろう。

HINA (1 year)

What is the best moment in a day?

Eating? Sleep? Let me stop rambling on with useless and tasteless examples and give you the answer.

Yes, coming home. The moment when you are released from the "public" world of work and school and return to the "private" world is the best moment of your life. What could be happier than that? No, there is not.

And she is one of those who love going home. Club activities and clubs? It is true that the longer she is suppressed by the public, the more exhilaration she feels when she returns to me, but for her, the public was enough for her only in class. Of course, she belonged to the club back home.

Let me give you an example of one day when I went home.

Normally, I would have made up a route home in my head, but today I had a clear goal in mind. Today was the day to spend the money She had saved up by skimping on the 500 yen he was given for lunch. With 500 yen, she could have a grand time at the school cafeteria, but she eats udon and soba (180 yen) as her staple food.

Of course, sometimes she wants to eat curry and rice (350 yen). However, she sets in the back of her brain the experience of not being able to buy what she wanted because she was short the 170 yen difference, and when her finger rests on the ticket machine, she activates it and presses the kake-soba or udon button with gusto.

I was satisfied to feel the weight of my wallet in my pocket as I slurped down my buckwheat noodles.

After school, I put my headphones, Empyrean, around my neck and walked quickly out of the classroom. At about 300,000 yen, they were not something a high school girl would casually hang outside, but they were one of the ones my uncle, who was a headphone fanatic, had forced upon me because he "didn't have room for them. There are three other high-end headphones lying around her room.

Her friends would say, "What a strange pair of headphones! but she herself only thought, "Yes, they are. She had no idea of the value of the headphones. The moment she found out, they would probably end up on the Mercury Exchange. I would just tell my uncle that I had dropped it on the monorail and it was broken, or that Godzilla had stepped on it, or some such nonsense.

I walked alone through the school gate to the Tama Monorail. It was a brisk autumn day. I was tempted to sit alone in Tama Chuo Park in the opposite direction of the station, leaning my weight on a bench and gazing idly at the fountain, but I had a purpose today. I glanced in the direction of the fountain. My uncle said that everything is a trade-off, and maybe that's true.

I took the monorail and got off at the nearest station, Teikyo-Otsuka. Walking along Noaru Kaido in the direction of Keio Horinouchi, I saw the store I wanted to visit.

It is a two-story used game store. They sell some new games, but they mainly sell retro games up to the SFC era.

This is the reason why I avoided going home with my friends today. I felt uncomfortable letting my friends go out with me when I was the only one interested in the games. It would be fun to go home with them, but it would inevitably limit my activities. I can't even take a good look at something that catches my eye. That's fine on occasion. But for her, going home with friends once a week was enough.

Today, she had her goal completely in mind, so it might not take that long, but she wanted to make the purchase without anyone interrupting her. From the moment she got out of the station, she had only one word on her mind.


This is a shooting masterpiece on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was the game that Konami had created back then. (I don't have enough space for this article, so please Google for more details. The price for the software alone was 3,000 yen on Mercari. The price for the software alone is 3,000 yen on Mercari. She was not interested in the box, so she was only interested in the software.

Climbing the external stairs of the store, she recalled her last visit to the store with a sense of self-mockery.

She wandered around the store and happened to be intrigued by the design and price of the software in the SFC section, so she picked it up. It was rare for an SFC to cost over 3,000 yen. It was definitely a premier software. I Googled the game on my phone and found that it seemed to be a highly rated game. I checked the video site for the first page to see if the visuals and background music were worth the price. Then I checked my wallet and found that I was short 170 yen. If only I hadn't eaten curry yesterday! I grit my back teeth. How is this possible? I can't buy the game in front of me, because I was defeated by greed and enjoyed the curry. Let's come back tomorrow.

Yes, this was yesterday. I had only spent 170 yen today after replenishing my 500 yen lunch money, so I could buy a juice with my change!

I entered the store in high spirits and took the shortest route to the site. I was not interested in anything else. Today is Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley. There was no way I could forget where I was, so I went to a point in the SFC corner. I reached in front of Axley and looked around quickly. The right hand side was already on standby. I have to find it quickly, no? 、、、、 is not there!

Strange, I checked about 10 times and it was nowhere to be found. I went back and forth to the SFC corner several times to see if it had been placed in some strange place by a customer, but it was nowhere to be found. I was approached by a clerk, perhaps because of the strange atmosphere, who grabbed me and asked me about Axley.

What? Aku? Ah, it was sold before noon.

The shopkeeper lightly bows and leaves, not recognizing him even though he is in his sight.

Ulechaimashita, huh?

My brain was rejecting it. Sold? It shouldn't be that way. Because today was filled with plans to enjoy Axley!

But reality is very different. If this store, which has the best selection around here, doesn't have it, it's unlikely that any other store will. There is no game store between here and my house. The scenery turns Game Boy black and white, and my schoolbag slips to the floor.

My uncle used to say, "It's how you act when the unexpected happens that tests your strength as a human being. I see. Shut up and shut up.

She slams her uncle out of her brain, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. There are two actions she can take here. One is to withdraw quietly as a loser and mechanically buy it on Mercury and wait a few days. The other is to find a replacement for Axley.

It's obvious, isn't it? I'm going to find a treasure here. Because if I don't buy something and go home, today's plan will disappear into nothing. If I don't buy something, I will have no choice but to watch some stupid video or play a game I am tired of playing. Even if you buy an Axley from Mercari, it won't make today disappear into nothingness.

I pick up the bag in two-tenths of a second and look around. The store had regained its all-natural color.

No SFC. Axley is stuck in my head and I can't enjoy it. No shooters for the same reason. Game Boy, huh? I've been so preoccupied with SFC lately that I haven't played GB for a while.

I wanted to keep some of my Axley funds, so I wanted to go for a lower price range. So, I was looking for a classic that had shipped a lot of copies and had a lot of balls in the market. Even if it is a classic that everyone knows, there are still many games that are surprisingly unplayable. She has not yet played "Six Golden Coins," nor has she played "Wario Land" or "Frogs for Whom the Bell Tolls.

The pink sphere catches her eye.

Kirby's Pinball

There are several titles in GB that are like Kirby's extra games. Among them, this pinball was considered a masterpiece.

I picked up the software, which was gaudily worn out. On the back was written "Takeshi" in faded black magic marker, reminiscent of the years. The price was 100 yen, including tax. Operation checked. Scratches and dings (you'll know it when you see it).

Kirby will comfort my depressed heart that I missed out on buying Axley. Even if you spend 100 yen here, you can buy Axley without any problem.

I leave the store satisfied with my purchase. My uncle in my brain gives me a standing ovation. He is so noisy. But, well, I can give myself 80 points for my behavior.

I go down the stairs and slowly make my way home. My mind is occupied with two things: the anticipation of the games I've bought and how I'm going to buy Axley.

Little did she know that Kirby's Pinball, despite its cuteness, is one of the most difficult in the series. Instead of being comforted, she would be beaten.

High school girl collection image






The drew depicts a girl attending a new private girls' high school adjacent to Tokyo Tama Center Station.

The school offers an advanced education in cooperation with a nearby university and a rich natural environment in Tama.

Our effort goal is to draw 50 students in one year.

I hope you find your favorite girl!

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
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【High school girl #18】KITAKUBU 【HINA】

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【High school girl #18】KITAKUBU 【HINA】

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By kuraja
By kuraja





そして、彼女もまた帰宅をこよなく愛する者の一人である。 部活や同好会?確かに公に抑圧される時間が長ければそれだけ私に戻る時の爽快感はあるのだろうが、彼女にとって授業だけで公はお腹いっぱいだった。 もちろん所属は帰宅部である。


いつもなら帰宅ルートなどを頭で構成するが、今日は明確な目的があった。 昼食代として渡される500円をケチって貯めたお金を使うべきが今日だ。 500円あれば学食で豪遊できるが、彼女はかけうどん・そば(180円)を主食としている。

もちろん、たまにはカレーライス(350円)を食べたいときもある。 しかし、その差額170円が足りなくて欲しいものが買えなかった経験を脳の裏側にセットし、券売機に指が掛かったところで発動、グッと我慢し力強くかけそば・うどんを押すのだ。


放課後、ヘッドホンのEmpyreanを首に掛け足早に教室を出る。 おおよそ30万円と女子高生が気軽に外でぶら下げる物ではないのだが、ヘッドホン狂の叔父から「置く場所がないから」と押し付けられたものの一つだった。他に3つ、高級ヘッドホンが彼女の部屋に転がっている。

友達からは「変わったヘッドホンだね?」と言われるが、彼女自身確かにそうかも?としか思わず価値などカケラも把握していなかった。 分かった瞬間にメルカリ行きだろう。 なに、叔父にはモノレールに落として壊れたとかゴジラに踏まれたとかテキトーなことを言っておけばいい。

一人で校門を抜け多摩モノレールへとノロノロ歩を進める。 秋の爽やかな日である。 駅とは反対方向にある多摩中央公園で一人掛ベンチに体重を預けながらぼやっと噴水でも眺めたくなるが、今日は目的があるのだ。クビだけチラっとそちらの方向を向けた。どんなことでもトレードオフだと叔父が言っていたが、まぁ、そうなのかもしれない。

モノレールに乗り最寄りの帝京・大塚駅で降りる。 京王堀之内方面へと徒歩で野猿街道を進むと、眼前に目的の店が見えてきた。

2階建ての中古ゲームショップである。 新作も売ってはいるがおまけであくまでメインはSFCあたりまでのレトロゲームがメインだ。

今日、友人たちとの帰宅を避けた理由がこれであった。自分しか興味のないところに付き合わせるのは気が引ける。 一緒に帰宅するのも一興だが、どうしても行動に制限が出来てしまう。目に入った気になるものをじっくりと見ることもかなわない。まぁそりゃたまにならいい。しかし、彼女にとっては友達と帰るなんてイベントは週に1度あれば十分だった。

今日は目的が完全に決まっていたのでそれほど時間は掛からないかもしれないが、誰にも邪魔されずに購入したかったのだ。 駅を降りたところから彼女の頭には一つの単語しか浮かんでいない。


スーパーファミコンにおけるシューティングの傑作である。まさにコナミここにあり(当時)というゲームであった。 紙幅が足らないので詳しくはググってほしい。 その完成度の高さから若干プレミア化しておりメルカリでもソフトだけで価格は3000円。箱まで付いていると状態にもよるが1万円を軽く越えてくる。 彼女は箱などに興味はないのでソフトだけが目当てだった。



SFCで3000円オーバーは珍しい。間違いなくプレミアが付いてるソフトだ。 その場でスマホからググってみるとどうやら評価の高いゲームらしかった。試しに1面だけ動画サイトで確認するとビジュアルやBGMなど価格に見合うものだということが分かる。



ギリっと奥歯を鳴らす。こんなことがあるのだろうか?欲に負けカレーを楽しんだ分、目の前のゲームは買えないのだ。 明日来よう、、”

そう、これは昨日の話である。 昼食代500円が補充され170円しか使ってない今日なら釣りでジュースも買える!!!

意気軒高に店内へと入り現場へ最短ルートを行く。 他の物など眼中にない。今日はアクスレイなのだ、アクスレイアクスレイアスクレイ、、ちがうアクスレイ。 場所など忘れるわけないのでSFCコーナーの一点へ。 アクスレイの目の前にたどり着いてさっと見渡す。すでに右手はスタンバイ済みである。早く見つけなくてはならない、、ない?、、、、ない!?

おかしい、、10回ぐらい確認してみてもどこにもなかった。客の手によって変な場所にでも置かれたのかとSFCコーナーを何回往復してもどこにもなかった。 異様な雰囲気だったのだろうか店員に声を掛けられると、つかみばからん勢いでアクスレイについて尋ねる。




脳が拒んでいた。売れた???そんなことあってはいけない。 なぜなら今日はアクスレイを楽しむという予定で埋まっているのだから!


「想定外のことが起こった時にどう動くかが人間としての力を問われる」と叔父は言ってた。 なるほど、うるさい黙れ。

脳から叔父を叩き出し眼をつむり息を大きく一つ。 ここで彼女が取れる行動は二つだ。 負け犬としてすごすご撤退し機械的にメルカリで買って数日待つというもの。 そしてもう一つはこの中からアクスレイの代わりを見つけること。

そんなの決まっているじゃないか?ここで宝物を見つける。 なぜならなにかを買って帰らないと今日の予定は無と消える。 何か買っていかなければしょうもない動画でも見るか、やり飽きたゲームでもやるしかないのだから。 メルカリでアクスレイを買ったとしても今日を無と過ごすことが消えることはない。


SFCはダメだ。 アクスレイが頭に引っかかって楽しめない。同様の理由でシューティングもNG ゲームボーイか、、? 最近はSFCにばかり気を取られていてGBはご無沙汰だった。

アクスレイ資金をある程度残しておきたかったので安めの価格帯が狙い目となる。 となると出荷本数が多く市場にタマの多い名作となるわけだ。 誰でも知ってる名作といっても意外とプレーしていないゲームは多い。彼女は「6つの金貨」も未プレーで、「ワリオランド」や「カエルがために鐘は鳴る」も実はまだだ。




派手に擦り切れているソフトを手に取る。裏には年月を思わせる褪せた黒のマジックで「たけし」と書かれていた。 税込み100円。動作確認済み。キズヨゴレあり(見ればわかる)

アクスレイを買い逃し凹んでいる心もカービィちゃんが慰めてくれるだろう。 ここで100円使ってもアクスレイは問題なく買える。

購入し満足して店を出る。脳内の叔父もスタンディングオベーションだ。やかましい。 でも、まぁ自分の行動に80点ぐらいはあげてもいい。想定外のことが起きってしまったが、これもまぁ帰宅の醍醐味だ。


カービィのピンボールは可愛さとは裏腹にシリーズ屈指の難易度であることを彼女は知らなかった。 慰められるどころか叩きのめされるだろう。

HINA (1 year)

What is the best moment in a day?

Eating? Sleep? Let me stop rambling on with useless and tasteless examples and give you the answer.

Yes, coming home. The moment when you are released from the "public" world of work and school and return to the "private" world is the best moment of your life. What could be happier than that? No, there is not.

And she is one of those who love going home. Club activities and clubs? It is true that the longer she is suppressed by the public, the more exhilaration she feels when she returns to me, but for her, the public was enough for her only in class. Of course, she belonged to the club back home.

Let me give you an example of one day when I went home.

Normally, I would have made up a route home in my head, but today I had a clear goal in mind. Today was the day to spend the money She had saved up by skimping on the 500 yen he was given for lunch. With 500 yen, she could have a grand time at the school cafeteria, but she eats udon and soba (180 yen) as her staple food.

Of course, sometimes she wants to eat curry and rice (350 yen). However, she sets in the back of her brain the experience of not being able to buy what she wanted because she was short the 170 yen difference, and when her finger rests on the ticket machine, she activates it and presses the kake-soba or udon button with gusto.

I was satisfied to feel the weight of my wallet in my pocket as I slurped down my buckwheat noodles.

After school, I put my headphones, Empyrean, around my neck and walked quickly out of the classroom. At about 300,000 yen, they were not something a high school girl would casually hang outside, but they were one of the ones my uncle, who was a headphone fanatic, had forced upon me because he "didn't have room for them. There are three other high-end headphones lying around her room.

Her friends would say, "What a strange pair of headphones! but she herself only thought, "Yes, they are. She had no idea of the value of the headphones. The moment she found out, they would probably end up on the Mercury Exchange. I would just tell my uncle that I had dropped it on the monorail and it was broken, or that Godzilla had stepped on it, or some such nonsense.

I walked alone through the school gate to the Tama Monorail. It was a brisk autumn day. I was tempted to sit alone in Tama Chuo Park in the opposite direction of the station, leaning my weight on a bench and gazing idly at the fountain, but I had a purpose today. I glanced in the direction of the fountain. My uncle said that everything is a trade-off, and maybe that's true.

I took the monorail and got off at the nearest station, Teikyo-Otsuka. Walking along Noaru Kaido in the direction of Keio Horinouchi, I saw the store I wanted to visit.

It is a two-story used game store. They sell some new games, but they mainly sell retro games up to the SFC era.

This is the reason why I avoided going home with my friends today. I felt uncomfortable letting my friends go out with me when I was the only one interested in the games. It would be fun to go home with them, but it would inevitably limit my activities. I can't even take a good look at something that catches my eye. That's fine on occasion. But for her, going home with friends once a week was enough.

Today, she had her goal completely in mind, so it might not take that long, but she wanted to make the purchase without anyone interrupting her. From the moment she got out of the station, she had only one word on her mind.


This is a shooting masterpiece on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was the game that Konami had created back then. (I don't have enough space for this article, so please Google for more details. The price for the software alone was 3,000 yen on Mercari. The price for the software alone is 3,000 yen on Mercari. She was not interested in the box, so she was only interested in the software.

Climbing the external stairs of the store, she recalled her last visit to the store with a sense of self-mockery.

She wandered around the store and happened to be intrigued by the design and price of the software in the SFC section, so she picked it up. It was rare for an SFC to cost over 3,000 yen. It was definitely a premier software. I Googled the game on my phone and found that it seemed to be a highly rated game. I checked the video site for the first page to see if the visuals and background music were worth the price. Then I checked my wallet and found that I was short 170 yen. If only I hadn't eaten curry yesterday! I grit my back teeth. How is this possible? I can't buy the game in front of me, because I was defeated by greed and enjoyed the curry. Let's come back tomorrow.

Yes, this was yesterday. I had only spent 170 yen today after replenishing my 500 yen lunch money, so I could buy a juice with my change!

I entered the store in high spirits and took the shortest route to the site. I was not interested in anything else. Today is Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley, Axley. There was no way I could forget where I was, so I went to a point in the SFC corner. I reached in front of Axley and looked around quickly. The right hand side was already on standby. I have to find it quickly, no? 、、、、 is not there!

Strange, I checked about 10 times and it was nowhere to be found. I went back and forth to the SFC corner several times to see if it had been placed in some strange place by a customer, but it was nowhere to be found. I was approached by a clerk, perhaps because of the strange atmosphere, who grabbed me and asked me about Axley.

What? Aku? Ah, it was sold before noon.

The shopkeeper lightly bows and leaves, not recognizing him even though he is in his sight.

Ulechaimashita, huh?

My brain was rejecting it. Sold? It shouldn't be that way. Because today was filled with plans to enjoy Axley!

But reality is very different. If this store, which has the best selection around here, doesn't have it, it's unlikely that any other store will. There is no game store between here and my house. The scenery turns Game Boy black and white, and my schoolbag slips to the floor.

My uncle used to say, "It's how you act when the unexpected happens that tests your strength as a human being. I see. Shut up and shut up.

She slams her uncle out of her brain, closes her eyes, and takes a deep breath. There are two actions she can take here. One is to withdraw quietly as a loser and mechanically buy it on Mercury and wait a few days. The other is to find a replacement for Axley.

It's obvious, isn't it? I'm going to find a treasure here. Because if I don't buy something and go home, today's plan will disappear into nothing. If I don't buy something, I will have no choice but to watch some stupid video or play a game I am tired of playing. Even if you buy an Axley from Mercari, it won't make today disappear into nothingness.

I pick up the bag in two-tenths of a second and look around. The store had regained its all-natural color.

No SFC. Axley is stuck in my head and I can't enjoy it. No shooters for the same reason. Game Boy, huh? I've been so preoccupied with SFC lately that I haven't played GB for a while.

I wanted to keep some of my Axley funds, so I wanted to go for a lower price range. So, I was looking for a classic that had shipped a lot of copies and had a lot of balls in the market. Even if it is a classic that everyone knows, there are still many games that are surprisingly unplayable. She has not yet played "Six Golden Coins," nor has she played "Wario Land" or "Frogs for Whom the Bell Tolls.

The pink sphere catches her eye.

Kirby's Pinball

There are several titles in GB that are like Kirby's extra games. Among them, this pinball was considered a masterpiece.

I picked up the software, which was gaudily worn out. On the back was written "Takeshi" in faded black magic marker, reminiscent of the years. The price was 100 yen, including tax. Operation checked. Scratches and dings (you'll know it when you see it).

Kirby will comfort my depressed heart that I missed out on buying Axley. Even if you spend 100 yen here, you can buy Axley without any problem.

I leave the store satisfied with my purchase. My uncle in my brain gives me a standing ovation. He is so noisy. But, well, I can give myself 80 points for my behavior.

I go down the stairs and slowly make my way home. My mind is occupied with two things: the anticipation of the games I've bought and how I'm going to buy Axley.

Little did she know that Kirby's Pinball, despite its cuteness, is one of the most difficult in the series. Instead of being comforted, she would be beaten.

High school girl collection image






The drew depicts a girl attending a new private girls' high school adjacent to Tokyo Tama Center Station.

The school offers an advanced education in cooperation with a nearby university and a rich natural environment in Tama.

Our effort goal is to draw 50 students in one year.

I hope you find your favorite girl!

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