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By kuraja
By kuraja


「鳴動」の演奏はボーカルが皆を引っ張るのでもなければドラムが規律をもってまとめるのでもなく、もちろんベースが影から支えているわけでもない。 ギターである彼女が女王、いや王として君臨している。


お気に入りの曲では周りのことなど一切眼中になく自分が弾きたいようにやる。 メンバーも彼女が好きな曲は理解しているので合わせられるのだが、たまに、彼女が今まで大して好きではなかった曲の時にも演奏中にスイッチが入ることがある。




仲が悪くても演奏はしっかりしているプロと違って彼女らは素人だ。バラバラなのは演奏にそのまま出る。 まとまった演奏になるのは彼女が好きな曲のときだけという有様だが、基本バラバラな演奏でも人の心を少しは動かすのでこのバンドが完成したらどうなるのかと期待しているファンは多い。

そんなライブ後に彼女は一人で反省会を開く。 もちろん自分のことだけだが次へとつなげるために欠かさず行っている。短所を潰すよりも長所を磨くほうが好きなので、ちょっとだけしか反省しないが、良い部分を伸ばしたほうが客へのウケはいいので正しいのかもしれない。 そもそも彼女の演奏レベルはバンド内で図抜けているのでちょっとだけ問題があったほうが合うのだろう。



作詞に関してはel加入後はほぼすべてをelが行ってくるが、ハードな曲にお花畑満載の歌詞を提出されるとキレそうになる。 この時だけはお互いに引かないのでガチなケンカに発展しがちでmikaの胃がやばい。

実質的にバンドを支配し誰をも恐れない彼女であるが、もちろん苦手なものはある。 学生の本文、、つまり勉強だ。

leeと違い得意な科目など存在せず、特に国語が壊滅的である。彼女はバンドには総てを掛けてるといっても過言はないのに作詞を担当しないのはこれが理由だ。 一度だけ自分で作詞してみたことがあるが完成したあとに見返し、すぐさまその詩はPCの奥深くで眠ることになった。




サポートであるメイの音楽センスを高く評価していて正式なメンバーに加えようと動いている。 やる気のないベースのクビをすげ替えるか、キーボードを足すか、それともギターを増やすか考えることが、今一番の楽しみである。




MNG(my new gear...)

High school girl #17 MARI

School's rock band "MEIDOU" Gt.(3rd grade)

The performance of "MEIDOU" is not led by the vocalist, nor by the drummer, nor by the bassist, nor by the drummer, nor by the bassist supporting from the shadows. She, the guitarist, reigns as the queen, or rather the king. She is making the band her own, and since she and the former vocalist created the band in the first place, she feels it is only natural that she should rule over them. She pays the bass player and the drummer to take control of the band, and the sparkling new vocalist who came in with hope is sometimes a nuisance because she can't be restrained, but so far there have been no problems.

On her favorite songs, she does what she wants to play without any regard for the others. The members know what songs she likes, so they are able to play along with her, but sometimes, even when she plays a song she has never really liked, she gets turned on during the performance. When that happens, mika's stomach goes into overdrive, but she is very good at handling it, and she gives signals to the bass player and vocalist. The bass player sometimes didn't notice.

After a live performance, the vocalist (el #03) often gives me a hard time, but I don't take it personally and just let it go. She doesn't have time to deal with the bossy leader who is just a decoration. She joined the band after seeing the previous vocalist's graduation live, but she doesn't care about that.

The drummer (mika #13) was also very angry when she first joined the band, but she knows that there is nothing she can say to her, so she doesn't want to provoke her, even though she knows it's useless, so she just watches el quietly. The bass guitarist (lee #08) is sleeping without a care in the world, in other words, this band is in pieces.

Unlike professionals who play well even if they don't get along with each other, these girls are amateurs. The disparity comes out in their performance. The only time they can get a cohesive performance is when she plays her favorite songs, but even their disparate performances can move people's hearts a little, so many fans are looking forward to seeing what will happen when this band is complete.

After such a concert, she holds a review meeting by herself. Of course, it is only about herself, but she does it without fail in order to move on to the next show. She prefers to polish her strengths rather than destroy her weaknesses, so she reflects only a little, but it is probably right, because the audience likes it better when she improves on her good points. Her level of playing is outstanding in the band to begin with, so a little problem is probably better suited to her.

She thinks about the guitar all day long, but since she is in charge of composing as well as playing, she has almost no time to be involved with the others. The only reason she leaves the leadership to el is to avoid any trouble.

As for Narudo's songs, are they great because of her high performance skills, or are the songs themselves good? Is it because she is a good performer or because the songs themselves are good? Of course, as amateurs, there is no way they can give an answer.

They have been writing almost all of the lyrics since el joined the band, but when they submit lyrics full of flowers to a hard song, I almost lose my temper. Only at this point, they don't back down, so it tends to turn into a serious fight, and mika's stomach is in a bad way.

She practically rules the band and fears no one, but of course there is one thing she is not good at. The main body of a student, in other words, is studying. Unlike lee, there is no subject she is good at, especially Japanese. It is no exaggeration to say that she is totally devoted to the band, but this is the reason why she does not write lyrics. She tried writing her own lyrics once, but after finishing it, she looked over it and immediately put the poem to sleep deep inside her computer.

I'm probably the friendliest person in the band. el is also a good student and doesn't need to be a part of the group, but I want to be a part of it.

Except for el, the rest of the girls are in their third year, so they have very little time left. Will they be able to get it together by the time they graduate?

[People around them]. They are trying to add Mei as an official member because they appreciate her musical sense as a support member. The most exciting thing is to think about whether to replace the unmotivated bass player, add a keyboardist, or add a guitarist.

Likes. Orange juice that is not 100%.

Dislikes MNG (my new gear...)

Translated with (free version)

High school girl collection image






The drew depicts a girl attending a new private girls' high school adjacent to Tokyo Tama Center Station.

The school offers an advanced education in cooperation with a nearby university and a rich natural environment in Tama.

Our effort goal is to draw 50 students in one year.

I hope you find your favorite girl!

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

【High school girl#17】School's rock band "MEIDOU" Gt.「MARI」

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【High school girl#17】School's rock band "MEIDOU" Gt.「MARI」

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    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
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By kuraja
By kuraja


「鳴動」の演奏はボーカルが皆を引っ張るのでもなければドラムが規律をもってまとめるのでもなく、もちろんベースが影から支えているわけでもない。 ギターである彼女が女王、いや王として君臨している。


お気に入りの曲では周りのことなど一切眼中になく自分が弾きたいようにやる。 メンバーも彼女が好きな曲は理解しているので合わせられるのだが、たまに、彼女が今まで大して好きではなかった曲の時にも演奏中にスイッチが入ることがある。




仲が悪くても演奏はしっかりしているプロと違って彼女らは素人だ。バラバラなのは演奏にそのまま出る。 まとまった演奏になるのは彼女が好きな曲のときだけという有様だが、基本バラバラな演奏でも人の心を少しは動かすのでこのバンドが完成したらどうなるのかと期待しているファンは多い。

そんなライブ後に彼女は一人で反省会を開く。 もちろん自分のことだけだが次へとつなげるために欠かさず行っている。短所を潰すよりも長所を磨くほうが好きなので、ちょっとだけしか反省しないが、良い部分を伸ばしたほうが客へのウケはいいので正しいのかもしれない。 そもそも彼女の演奏レベルはバンド内で図抜けているのでちょっとだけ問題があったほうが合うのだろう。



作詞に関してはel加入後はほぼすべてをelが行ってくるが、ハードな曲にお花畑満載の歌詞を提出されるとキレそうになる。 この時だけはお互いに引かないのでガチなケンカに発展しがちでmikaの胃がやばい。

実質的にバンドを支配し誰をも恐れない彼女であるが、もちろん苦手なものはある。 学生の本文、、つまり勉強だ。

leeと違い得意な科目など存在せず、特に国語が壊滅的である。彼女はバンドには総てを掛けてるといっても過言はないのに作詞を担当しないのはこれが理由だ。 一度だけ自分で作詞してみたことがあるが完成したあとに見返し、すぐさまその詩はPCの奥深くで眠ることになった。




サポートであるメイの音楽センスを高く評価していて正式なメンバーに加えようと動いている。 やる気のないベースのクビをすげ替えるか、キーボードを足すか、それともギターを増やすか考えることが、今一番の楽しみである。




MNG(my new gear...)

High school girl #17 MARI

School's rock band "MEIDOU" Gt.(3rd grade)

The performance of "MEIDOU" is not led by the vocalist, nor by the drummer, nor by the bassist, nor by the drummer, nor by the bassist supporting from the shadows. She, the guitarist, reigns as the queen, or rather the king. She is making the band her own, and since she and the former vocalist created the band in the first place, she feels it is only natural that she should rule over them. She pays the bass player and the drummer to take control of the band, and the sparkling new vocalist who came in with hope is sometimes a nuisance because she can't be restrained, but so far there have been no problems.

On her favorite songs, she does what she wants to play without any regard for the others. The members know what songs she likes, so they are able to play along with her, but sometimes, even when she plays a song she has never really liked, she gets turned on during the performance. When that happens, mika's stomach goes into overdrive, but she is very good at handling it, and she gives signals to the bass player and vocalist. The bass player sometimes didn't notice.

After a live performance, the vocalist (el #03) often gives me a hard time, but I don't take it personally and just let it go. She doesn't have time to deal with the bossy leader who is just a decoration. She joined the band after seeing the previous vocalist's graduation live, but she doesn't care about that.

The drummer (mika #13) was also very angry when she first joined the band, but she knows that there is nothing she can say to her, so she doesn't want to provoke her, even though she knows it's useless, so she just watches el quietly. The bass guitarist (lee #08) is sleeping without a care in the world, in other words, this band is in pieces.

Unlike professionals who play well even if they don't get along with each other, these girls are amateurs. The disparity comes out in their performance. The only time they can get a cohesive performance is when she plays her favorite songs, but even their disparate performances can move people's hearts a little, so many fans are looking forward to seeing what will happen when this band is complete.

After such a concert, she holds a review meeting by herself. Of course, it is only about herself, but she does it without fail in order to move on to the next show. She prefers to polish her strengths rather than destroy her weaknesses, so she reflects only a little, but it is probably right, because the audience likes it better when she improves on her good points. Her level of playing is outstanding in the band to begin with, so a little problem is probably better suited to her.

She thinks about the guitar all day long, but since she is in charge of composing as well as playing, she has almost no time to be involved with the others. The only reason she leaves the leadership to el is to avoid any trouble.

As for Narudo's songs, are they great because of her high performance skills, or are the songs themselves good? Is it because she is a good performer or because the songs themselves are good? Of course, as amateurs, there is no way they can give an answer.

They have been writing almost all of the lyrics since el joined the band, but when they submit lyrics full of flowers to a hard song, I almost lose my temper. Only at this point, they don't back down, so it tends to turn into a serious fight, and mika's stomach is in a bad way.

She practically rules the band and fears no one, but of course there is one thing she is not good at. The main body of a student, in other words, is studying. Unlike lee, there is no subject she is good at, especially Japanese. It is no exaggeration to say that she is totally devoted to the band, but this is the reason why she does not write lyrics. She tried writing her own lyrics once, but after finishing it, she looked over it and immediately put the poem to sleep deep inside her computer.

I'm probably the friendliest person in the band. el is also a good student and doesn't need to be a part of the group, but I want to be a part of it.

Except for el, the rest of the girls are in their third year, so they have very little time left. Will they be able to get it together by the time they graduate?

[People around them]. They are trying to add Mei as an official member because they appreciate her musical sense as a support member. The most exciting thing is to think about whether to replace the unmotivated bass player, add a keyboardist, or add a guitarist.

Likes. Orange juice that is not 100%.

Dislikes MNG (my new gear...)

Translated with (free version)

High school girl collection image






The drew depicts a girl attending a new private girls' high school adjacent to Tokyo Tama Center Station.

The school offers an advanced education in cooperation with a nearby university and a rich natural environment in Tama.

Our effort goal is to draw 50 students in one year.

I hope you find your favorite girl!

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings
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