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By kuraja
By kuraja






番組での活躍の前に彼女に目を向けてみよう。 かなりの偏食家であり、普段は甘いものか肉しか食べない。 大食いのメニューも基本的にこの二つから選ぶのだが、東京とはいえ、さすがにその二つだけではあまりにも選択肢が少ないので、仕方なく他の食べ物でも大食いに挑戦している。

他が特に嫌いというわけではなく甘いものと肉が好きなのだから、それ以外は食べる必要性を感じないとのこと。(情報源はTwitter) 足りない栄養をサプリなどで補うということも一切やっていないが、現在のところ特に支障はない。


始めて出た大食い番組では肉料理のハンバーガーだったのが幸いした。彼女が大得意としている牛肉である。牛肉なら牛一頭分食べられるだろう。 並みいる強豪を尻目に凄まじい勢いで喰い続け、30個を記録した時点で他の参加者は脱落。彼女は勝った後も「もったいないから」とテーブルにあった残り2つのバーガーを食べ、関係者をドン引きさせる。



彼女の大食いタレントとしての強みはなんだろうか? 16歳の女の子が大食い自慢の成人男性に勝つというだけで十分すぎるが、それだけではない。 簡潔に言えば裏表がないことと、食べる勢いとギャップである。


本人としては出演中にテンションを上げているとのことだが、傍から見てそれは分からない。 CM撮影では最大限の笑顔が求められるので普段は使ってない顔面の筋肉を駆使して頑張っている。そのCMを見たファンからは「分かっていない!」と不評である。


この態度はファンからも評価が高い。 番組で見かけるのと街中で見かけたり声をかけたりした時の対応がTV内と一致していることが良いのか、なにもしなくても勝手に好感度が上がっていく。









南イタリア料理研究所所長(2年)とはビジネスフレンド 「いっぱい料理を作りたいが食べきれない」「食えるのならいくらでも食いたい」というお互いの思惑が一致。問題としては、特に繊細な味覚を持っているわけではないということか?なにを食べさせても「美味しい」しか言ってこないので試食の意味があるのか疑問に感じているらしい。





Food challenge idol MOA [junior year]

I'll eat as much as I really want, is that okay?"

Since entering the school, She has been tearing up the area between Tamasen and Seiseki as a food fighter, and has gradually expanded her range to Hachioji and Tachikawa. Fuchu? Chofu? It was just as I was about to turn my attention to the next step.

At a steak restaurant in Hachioji, the contestants were told that if they could finish a 3-pound steak and three large bowls of rice within 30 minutes, they would receive a free entree plus a prize of 10,000 yen! (If you fail, you pay 10,000 yen)," She caught the eye of a TV person who happened to be there and was organizing a big-eating show.

She did not take her seriously when he approached her after she easily succeeded in her challenge, but she was moved by her offer that she could eat as much as she wanted at the high-class yakiniku restaurant "JOJO Flame" in addition to her fee if she participated in the program, and she thought it would be a good idea to appear in a big-eating show. This was to change her life forever. It also destroyed the wallets of the people involved.

Before we look at her performance on the show, let's take a look at her. She is a very picky eater and usually eats only sweets or meat. She basically chooses from these two for her gluttony menu, but even in Tokyo, she has no choice but to try other foods for her gluttony challenge because there are too few options with only those two.

It's not that She doesn't particularly dislike the others, but he likes sweet things and meat, so he doesn't feel the need to eat anything else. (Source: Twitter) He does not take any supplements or other measures to supplement the missing nutrients, but She is not currently experiencing any problems.

The amount of food I usually eat is about the same as that of a large adult male, and even when I go to a beef bowl chain, I only eat one extra large bowl. It is a very humble thing. However, that amount of food is not enough at all, and I am always hungry. This is positioned as a way to cultivate the hungry spirit (literally) necessary for the gluttony challenge.

I was fortunate that the first gluttony show I ever went on was a meat dish, a hamburger. It was beef, which she is very good at. She could probably eat a whole cow's worth of beef. She continued to eat at a tremendous rate while the other contestants were eliminated when she had 30 burgers. After she won, she ate the remaining two burgers on the table "because they were a waste," to the dismay of all concerned.

However, the gluttonous world was agog at the sudden appearance of this new heroine. In addition to the fact that TV itself is now being pushed aside in favor of Youtube and other media, a new wind has been added to the big-eating celebrity scene, which had been relying on veteran talent! In anticipation of this, they even went to the trouble of preparing a costume for her.

She ate 200,000 yen worth of food at JOJO-itis, which had been prepared as a reward for her first appearance, and the number of programs she appeared on gradually increased.

What are her strengths as a gluttonous food celebrity? It is more than enough for a 16-year-old girl to beat a grown man who boasts about her big appetite, but that is not all. To put it succinctly, it is the lack of back and forth, the vigor with which she eats, and the gap between the two.

She rarely smiles during her appearances, and only does so when instructed to do so, and then she gulps down the food without flirtation or pretending to be cute. Of course, a gap is also added here, and all the elements interact with each other.

She says that She is raising the tension during her performance, but you can't tell that from the side of her face. She is trying her best to use her facial muscles, which She does not usually use, as She is required to smile as much as possible during the commercial shoot. Fans who have seen the commercial say, "You don't get it! This is unpopular with the public.

She is inwardly surprised at the difference in the attitude of the other performers when the camera is rolling and when it is not, but he handles it in a casual manner, saying, "Oh, well, that's just how it is. She doesn't bother to get hurt by that response.

This attitude is highly appreciated by her fans. Perhaps it is because the way She responds to people on TV is the same as the way She does when he sees them on the show and when She sees them on the street or talks to them, or maybe it is because She does not have to do anything to gain a favorable impression of them.

As a matter of policy, She never goes to all-you-can-eat restaurants. This is because She understands that if She goes there, the restaurant will be damaged.

【List of commercials in which She has appeared】

Showa Chocolate KITAMI Steak (Wearing the biggest smile ever in a commercial, see FND) WcDonald's (hamburger) Freetown (convenience store) Super Strength Oimoto (a gastrointestinal drug with three functions: digestion, intestinal regulation, and nutritional supplementation)

[People around】

Business friends with the director of the Southern Italian Culinary Institute (2 years) The two parties agreed that they wanted to cook a lot of food but could not eat enough, and that they would eat as much as they could if they could. The problem is that they do not have particularly delicate palates? I am wondering if there is any point in tasting food, since all they say is "delicious" no matter what I feed them. I am happy that he says it tastes good, but I am not sure if it is worth tasting.

Favorite food

halami (outside skirt)


lightly seasoned

Translated with (free version)

High school girl collection image






The drew depicts a girl attending a new private girls' high school adjacent to Tokyo Tama Center Station.

The school offers an advanced education in cooperation with a nearby university and a rich natural environment in Tama.

Our effort goal is to draw 50 students in one year.

I hope you find your favorite girl!

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

【High school girl#14】 Food challenge IDOL【MOA】

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【High school girl#14】 Food challenge IDOL【MOA】

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By kuraja
By kuraja






番組での活躍の前に彼女に目を向けてみよう。 かなりの偏食家であり、普段は甘いものか肉しか食べない。 大食いのメニューも基本的にこの二つから選ぶのだが、東京とはいえ、さすがにその二つだけではあまりにも選択肢が少ないので、仕方なく他の食べ物でも大食いに挑戦している。

他が特に嫌いというわけではなく甘いものと肉が好きなのだから、それ以外は食べる必要性を感じないとのこと。(情報源はTwitter) 足りない栄養をサプリなどで補うということも一切やっていないが、現在のところ特に支障はない。


始めて出た大食い番組では肉料理のハンバーガーだったのが幸いした。彼女が大得意としている牛肉である。牛肉なら牛一頭分食べられるだろう。 並みいる強豪を尻目に凄まじい勢いで喰い続け、30個を記録した時点で他の参加者は脱落。彼女は勝った後も「もったいないから」とテーブルにあった残り2つのバーガーを食べ、関係者をドン引きさせる。



彼女の大食いタレントとしての強みはなんだろうか? 16歳の女の子が大食い自慢の成人男性に勝つというだけで十分すぎるが、それだけではない。 簡潔に言えば裏表がないことと、食べる勢いとギャップである。


本人としては出演中にテンションを上げているとのことだが、傍から見てそれは分からない。 CM撮影では最大限の笑顔が求められるので普段は使ってない顔面の筋肉を駆使して頑張っている。そのCMを見たファンからは「分かっていない!」と不評である。


この態度はファンからも評価が高い。 番組で見かけるのと街中で見かけたり声をかけたりした時の対応がTV内と一致していることが良いのか、なにもしなくても勝手に好感度が上がっていく。









南イタリア料理研究所所長(2年)とはビジネスフレンド 「いっぱい料理を作りたいが食べきれない」「食えるのならいくらでも食いたい」というお互いの思惑が一致。問題としては、特に繊細な味覚を持っているわけではないということか?なにを食べさせても「美味しい」しか言ってこないので試食の意味があるのか疑問に感じているらしい。





Food challenge idol MOA [junior year]

I'll eat as much as I really want, is that okay?"

Since entering the school, She has been tearing up the area between Tamasen and Seiseki as a food fighter, and has gradually expanded her range to Hachioji and Tachikawa. Fuchu? Chofu? It was just as I was about to turn my attention to the next step.

At a steak restaurant in Hachioji, the contestants were told that if they could finish a 3-pound steak and three large bowls of rice within 30 minutes, they would receive a free entree plus a prize of 10,000 yen! (If you fail, you pay 10,000 yen)," She caught the eye of a TV person who happened to be there and was organizing a big-eating show.

She did not take her seriously when he approached her after she easily succeeded in her challenge, but she was moved by her offer that she could eat as much as she wanted at the high-class yakiniku restaurant "JOJO Flame" in addition to her fee if she participated in the program, and she thought it would be a good idea to appear in a big-eating show. This was to change her life forever. It also destroyed the wallets of the people involved.

Before we look at her performance on the show, let's take a look at her. She is a very picky eater and usually eats only sweets or meat. She basically chooses from these two for her gluttony menu, but even in Tokyo, she has no choice but to try other foods for her gluttony challenge because there are too few options with only those two.

It's not that She doesn't particularly dislike the others, but he likes sweet things and meat, so he doesn't feel the need to eat anything else. (Source: Twitter) He does not take any supplements or other measures to supplement the missing nutrients, but She is not currently experiencing any problems.

The amount of food I usually eat is about the same as that of a large adult male, and even when I go to a beef bowl chain, I only eat one extra large bowl. It is a very humble thing. However, that amount of food is not enough at all, and I am always hungry. This is positioned as a way to cultivate the hungry spirit (literally) necessary for the gluttony challenge.

I was fortunate that the first gluttony show I ever went on was a meat dish, a hamburger. It was beef, which she is very good at. She could probably eat a whole cow's worth of beef. She continued to eat at a tremendous rate while the other contestants were eliminated when she had 30 burgers. After she won, she ate the remaining two burgers on the table "because they were a waste," to the dismay of all concerned.

However, the gluttonous world was agog at the sudden appearance of this new heroine. In addition to the fact that TV itself is now being pushed aside in favor of Youtube and other media, a new wind has been added to the big-eating celebrity scene, which had been relying on veteran talent! In anticipation of this, they even went to the trouble of preparing a costume for her.

She ate 200,000 yen worth of food at JOJO-itis, which had been prepared as a reward for her first appearance, and the number of programs she appeared on gradually increased.

What are her strengths as a gluttonous food celebrity? It is more than enough for a 16-year-old girl to beat a grown man who boasts about her big appetite, but that is not all. To put it succinctly, it is the lack of back and forth, the vigor with which she eats, and the gap between the two.

She rarely smiles during her appearances, and only does so when instructed to do so, and then she gulps down the food without flirtation or pretending to be cute. Of course, a gap is also added here, and all the elements interact with each other.

She says that She is raising the tension during her performance, but you can't tell that from the side of her face. She is trying her best to use her facial muscles, which She does not usually use, as She is required to smile as much as possible during the commercial shoot. Fans who have seen the commercial say, "You don't get it! This is unpopular with the public.

She is inwardly surprised at the difference in the attitude of the other performers when the camera is rolling and when it is not, but he handles it in a casual manner, saying, "Oh, well, that's just how it is. She doesn't bother to get hurt by that response.

This attitude is highly appreciated by her fans. Perhaps it is because the way She responds to people on TV is the same as the way She does when he sees them on the show and when She sees them on the street or talks to them, or maybe it is because She does not have to do anything to gain a favorable impression of them.

As a matter of policy, She never goes to all-you-can-eat restaurants. This is because She understands that if She goes there, the restaurant will be damaged.

【List of commercials in which She has appeared】

Showa Chocolate KITAMI Steak (Wearing the biggest smile ever in a commercial, see FND) WcDonald's (hamburger) Freetown (convenience store) Super Strength Oimoto (a gastrointestinal drug with three functions: digestion, intestinal regulation, and nutritional supplementation)

[People around】

Business friends with the director of the Southern Italian Culinary Institute (2 years) The two parties agreed that they wanted to cook a lot of food but could not eat enough, and that they would eat as much as they could if they could. The problem is that they do not have particularly delicate palates? I am wondering if there is any point in tasting food, since all they say is "delicious" no matter what I feed them. I am happy that he says it tastes good, but I am not sure if it is worth tasting.

Favorite food

halami (outside skirt)


lightly seasoned

Translated with (free version)

High school girl collection image






The drew depicts a girl attending a new private girls' high school adjacent to Tokyo Tama Center Station.

The school offers an advanced education in cooperation with a nearby university and a rich natural environment in Tama.

Our effort goal is to draw 50 students in one year.

I hope you find your favorite girl!

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings