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The Apocalypse February 1, 2050 0001 (GMT-4)

Death is the scariest part of living. Humanity has always been acutely aware of this horrible inevitability, and as a result of this almost near-obsession with mortality certain practices, precautions, and even religions have been developed to ease the weary minds on death.

Why am I writing this? Because death is staring right into my eyes. Why did I agree to this?

Almost 12 hours earlier, Bhad Bunny and I decided to take a trip further into the future not knowing what we are getting ourselves into. We landed in New York which was deserted with completely no inhabitants. We walked for hours wondering what happened until we heard a growl. An almost mutant-looking man covered in blood chased us and he was joined with many other similar creatures. We ran for our lives until we ended up in an abandoned apartment and locked ourselves in it.

The walls were covered in blood and the rooms are all too quiet. After a suspenseful look around the corner, we saw a barricaded wall thumping as if someone or something is trying to escape. Bhad Bunny approached the wall and saw a cold, scaley, zombie-like hand reach out to him. I saw Bhad Bunny completely transform into a sick, monster-looking zombie.

I screamed and started running.

“Ether, stop!” He said coolly like none of this mattered. “I’m not a real Zombie. I shapeshifted to get us out of here. We need to blend in with them so that we can get back to the port to open the time hole and get back to 2020.”

He had a point but he looked so real.

“What about me? I look human,” I asked curiously.

“Don’t worry just follow my lead” he said.

We crept out of the apartment. We had to get back to the port. The city was so quiet, even footsteps were obvious. We walked slowly and quietly as I followed his lead. Halfway through, almost out of breath, we walked into a supermarket to fuel up. I grabbed myself a bottle of water and heard a loud growl. I quickly ducked and crawled as fast as I could towards Bhad Bunny. He dragged me into a storeroom and locked the door. The monster outside banged the door as Bhad Bunny leaned against the door and took a brain-shaped candy and popped it into his mouth.

“We shall wait here until the coast is clear” he said.

I quietly sat on the floor hugging my knees.

12 hours later, we decided to make a move to the port. Bhad Bunny opened the door and I screamed as we saw a zombie waiting for us right in front of the door. It growled loudly. Bhad Bunny didn’t move an inch as I ran further into the store and hid behind a huge cupboard. I screamed “What are you doing come here!”

Bhad Bunny placed his hands, his scrawny hands around the zombie’s neck, and plucked the monster’s head off its body. The head kept growling while the body fell with blood splashing everywhere.

Bhad Bunny threw the head on the floor and it broke open like a smashed watermelon.

“What did you just do? Why didn’t you tell me you could do this earlier?” I yelled at him in panic.

“Well just wanted to experience the adventure. But I’m done being Zombbit Bwainz. Time to go home. Let’s go,” he said as he walked out of the store and I quickly followed him.

To be continued…

  • The Ethernaut
Bhad Bunny collection image

1/1 - BHAD BUNNY Collective | Supply: 77

Created by: IG: @rabbit.mac | TW: @hollarabbitmac

1/1 - BHAD BUNNY Collectibles These bunnies have a unique storyline. and now they have some friends joining them too! Holders will be whitelisted and given many add-ons for the next drop.

BUCKS BUNNY GENERATIVE COLLECTION comes with lifetime utilities in the real world and in the metaverse! Stay tuned for the announcement. Stay connected on Twitter @BucksBunnyNFT

Art Details:

Size: 4500 x 5400 | Colour space: RGB | Resolution: 300 dpi | Color Profile: Display P3

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

Bhad Bunny_Zombbit Bwainz

  • Price
    USD Price
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    USD Price
    Floor Difference

Bhad Bunny_Zombbit Bwainz

  • Price
    USD Price
  • Price
    USD Price
    Floor Difference


The Apocalypse February 1, 2050 0001 (GMT-4)

Death is the scariest part of living. Humanity has always been acutely aware of this horrible inevitability, and as a result of this almost near-obsession with mortality certain practices, precautions, and even religions have been developed to ease the weary minds on death.

Why am I writing this? Because death is staring right into my eyes. Why did I agree to this?

Almost 12 hours earlier, Bhad Bunny and I decided to take a trip further into the future not knowing what we are getting ourselves into. We landed in New York which was deserted with completely no inhabitants. We walked for hours wondering what happened until we heard a growl. An almost mutant-looking man covered in blood chased us and he was joined with many other similar creatures. We ran for our lives until we ended up in an abandoned apartment and locked ourselves in it.

The walls were covered in blood and the rooms are all too quiet. After a suspenseful look around the corner, we saw a barricaded wall thumping as if someone or something is trying to escape. Bhad Bunny approached the wall and saw a cold, scaley, zombie-like hand reach out to him. I saw Bhad Bunny completely transform into a sick, monster-looking zombie.

I screamed and started running.

“Ether, stop!” He said coolly like none of this mattered. “I’m not a real Zombie. I shapeshifted to get us out of here. We need to blend in with them so that we can get back to the port to open the time hole and get back to 2020.”

He had a point but he looked so real.

“What about me? I look human,” I asked curiously.

“Don’t worry just follow my lead” he said.

We crept out of the apartment. We had to get back to the port. The city was so quiet, even footsteps were obvious. We walked slowly and quietly as I followed his lead. Halfway through, almost out of breath, we walked into a supermarket to fuel up. I grabbed myself a bottle of water and heard a loud growl. I quickly ducked and crawled as fast as I could towards Bhad Bunny. He dragged me into a storeroom and locked the door. The monster outside banged the door as Bhad Bunny leaned against the door and took a brain-shaped candy and popped it into his mouth.

“We shall wait here until the coast is clear” he said.

I quietly sat on the floor hugging my knees.

12 hours later, we decided to make a move to the port. Bhad Bunny opened the door and I screamed as we saw a zombie waiting for us right in front of the door. It growled loudly. Bhad Bunny didn’t move an inch as I ran further into the store and hid behind a huge cupboard. I screamed “What are you doing come here!”

Bhad Bunny placed his hands, his scrawny hands around the zombie’s neck, and plucked the monster’s head off its body. The head kept growling while the body fell with blood splashing everywhere.

Bhad Bunny threw the head on the floor and it broke open like a smashed watermelon.

“What did you just do? Why didn’t you tell me you could do this earlier?” I yelled at him in panic.

“Well just wanted to experience the adventure. But I’m done being Zombbit Bwainz. Time to go home. Let’s go,” he said as he walked out of the store and I quickly followed him.

To be continued…

  • The Ethernaut
Bhad Bunny collection image

1/1 - BHAD BUNNY Collective | Supply: 77

Created by: IG: @rabbit.mac | TW: @hollarabbitmac

1/1 - BHAD BUNNY Collectibles These bunnies have a unique storyline. and now they have some friends joining them too! Holders will be whitelisted and given many add-ons for the next drop.

BUCKS BUNNY GENERATIVE COLLECTION comes with lifetime utilities in the real world and in the metaverse! Stay tuned for the announcement. Stay connected on Twitter @BucksBunnyNFT

Art Details:

Size: 4500 x 5400 | Colour space: RGB | Resolution: 300 dpi | Color Profile: Display P3

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings