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The Arrival of Goobyss: A Cryptocurrency-Eating Slime Creature from Another World.

It was a day that would change our world forever. A catastrophic explosion in the Lab had opened a portal to another dimension, unleashing a creature unlike anything we had ever seen before - Goobyss, the slime creature.

At first glance, Goobyss appeared to be a harmless and even adorable creature. But as we observed it more closely, we realized that it had a unique diet - cryptocurrency. Yes, you read that right. Goobyss was feeding off digital currency!

But that was just the beginning. As Goobyss consumed more and more cryptocurrency, it had the ability to call forth others of its kind. We had unwittingly stumbled upon a highly intelligent species that was capable of manipulating our own technology for its own purposes.

Despite the danger that Goobyss posed, we couldn't help but be fascinated by its otherworldly qualities. It seemed almost too surreal to believe that such a creature could exist. But there it was, in all its slimy glory.

We had to be careful, though. Goobyss was not to be underestimated. Its cuteness was merely a facade for its true power. Who knew what other secrets it held?

Could it communicate with other creatures in its own dimension? What other abilities did it possess? And most importantly, how could we contain it before it caused irreparable damage? These were the questions that plagued us as we continued to study Goobyss. But one thing was for sure - our world would never be the same again.

This is the 1st NFT collection that is not done with AI from the mind of Ebysslabs with Backflip digital.

All rights reserved

Goobyss collection image

Goobyss was a curious creature. It would explore the lab and show the scientists things they hadn't seen before. But the most amazing thing was that it seemed to have the ability to call forth more of its kind. Soon, there were dozens of slimy creatures living in the lab.

The scientists were amazed by the creatures, but they had no idea what to do with them. Then, one day, one of the scientists had an idea. He suggested that they put the creatures on the blockchain, so that they could be tracked and monitored.

The Mad Scientist was skeptical at first, but he eventually agreed. He set up a blockchain and created a token for the creatures. They were now able to live on the blockchain, and the Mad Scientist could keep track of them.

Goobyss and the other creatures quickly adapted to life on the blockchain. They roamed the digital world, exploring and learning. They also developed a taste for the gas that is used to mint NFTs on the blockchain. It became their main food source.

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

Goobyss #1

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Goobyss #1

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The Arrival of Goobyss: A Cryptocurrency-Eating Slime Creature from Another World.

It was a day that would change our world forever. A catastrophic explosion in the Lab had opened a portal to another dimension, unleashing a creature unlike anything we had ever seen before - Goobyss, the slime creature.

At first glance, Goobyss appeared to be a harmless and even adorable creature. But as we observed it more closely, we realized that it had a unique diet - cryptocurrency. Yes, you read that right. Goobyss was feeding off digital currency!

But that was just the beginning. As Goobyss consumed more and more cryptocurrency, it had the ability to call forth others of its kind. We had unwittingly stumbled upon a highly intelligent species that was capable of manipulating our own technology for its own purposes.

Despite the danger that Goobyss posed, we couldn't help but be fascinated by its otherworldly qualities. It seemed almost too surreal to believe that such a creature could exist. But there it was, in all its slimy glory.

We had to be careful, though. Goobyss was not to be underestimated. Its cuteness was merely a facade for its true power. Who knew what other secrets it held?

Could it communicate with other creatures in its own dimension? What other abilities did it possess? And most importantly, how could we contain it before it caused irreparable damage? These were the questions that plagued us as we continued to study Goobyss. But one thing was for sure - our world would never be the same again.

This is the 1st NFT collection that is not done with AI from the mind of Ebysslabs with Backflip digital.

All rights reserved

Goobyss collection image

Goobyss was a curious creature. It would explore the lab and show the scientists things they hadn't seen before. But the most amazing thing was that it seemed to have the ability to call forth more of its kind. Soon, there were dozens of slimy creatures living in the lab.

The scientists were amazed by the creatures, but they had no idea what to do with them. Then, one day, one of the scientists had an idea. He suggested that they put the creatures on the blockchain, so that they could be tracked and monitored.

The Mad Scientist was skeptical at first, but he eventually agreed. He set up a blockchain and created a token for the creatures. They were now able to live on the blockchain, and the Mad Scientist could keep track of them.

Goobyss and the other creatures quickly adapted to life on the blockchain. They roamed the digital world, exploring and learning. They also developed a taste for the gas that is used to mint NFTs on the blockchain. It became their main food source.

Category PFPs
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings