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"#2 Queen Elizabeth II - In memorium - Stable Diffusion Celeb Diffusion - AI Art by XXXCOPY" represents the first generation of AI generated nude artwork.

This particular image was generated using a self hacked version of stable diffusion. Pieces will continue to emerge from many different diffusion AI generators. MidJourney, DALL-E, as well as more experimental models. For private collection and sale only. Not for commercial use without direct permission via

I have created a prototype and am in the process of retraining Stable Diffusion to generate NSFW images. This is your chance to collect a very high resolution piece of cutting edge computer generated nude art.

Disclaimer: These images are Digital Art they are not meant to damage the reputation of the person, persons, referred to as "partial persons" depicted within the image sets. They are referred to as "partial persons" due to the fact that if you were to do a forensic investigation of how the image was generated you would quickly realize no one single person was used to train the models that later generate the final result a semi accurate likeness of a person of note in history and or pop culture.

The concept and prompt is the work of XXXcopy, the generation is the work of stable diffusion technologies which vary from image to image.

This image should not be passed off as an authentic image, rather this is intended to be a parody image of the persons or likenesses depicted. The purpose of this collection is to start the conversation about the nature of artificial intelligence and its role in the generation of explicit art.

The creators of this technology and prompt shall not be held liable for the misuse or misappropriation of this image by owners. Purchasers agree to these terms and therein by purchasing this art promise not to hold any persons or entities involved in the creation or housing of this image. This image may be privately displayed in personal NFT collections and privately sold by the owner of the image. Images should not be reproduced for monetary gain in physical or digital format.

Artist: XXXCOPY is an anonymous digital artist and works utilizing multiple redundancies including VPN obfuscation. Running any sort of IP trace will likely lead you to the doorstep of a grandma or person taking part in the TOR project. Similarly money flowing to and from wallets associated with this account are tumbled and obfuscated for the protection of the artist and team involved in the creation of these images. You likely would once again end up with the identity of a party unaware they are helping aid this controversial but entirely legal work. Join the conversation and weigh in.

Contact: for requests, press, and more. Snoochie Boochies, Your pal, XXXCOPY

Stable Diffusion Celeb Diffusion by XXXCOPY collection image

Welcome to the Wild West of Ai Generated Madness. I hacked the open source Stable Diffusion Source Code to generate NSFW content. Then I built my own. Upcoming releases Multiple Versions of the following likenesses Taylor Swift Queen Elizabeth II Donald Trump Emma Watson Miss Piggy And so many more those are just the ones ready to go now. Tell your Discord Chats, Friends, and maybe buy Queen Elizabeth II for your Mum or Gran. - XXXCOPY

Upon purchase you may use this image solely for private ownership and private display. This image is the work of The Artist and may not be be used for financial gain outside of its accepted use, you may resell this NFT for crypto.

Please note these are pieces of art and should be treated in a manner befitting art. These are not real photographs of the depicted individuals, they are merely likenesses and in that are under no strict copyright but my own the human that envisioned the prompt and executed the command. XXXCopy 2022

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

#2 Queen Elizabeth II - In memorium - Stable Diffusion Celeb Diffusion - AI Art by XXXCOPY

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#2 Queen Elizabeth II - In memorium - Stable Diffusion Celeb Diffusion - AI Art by XXXCOPY

50 items
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    USD Unit Price
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
    Floor Difference

"#2 Queen Elizabeth II - In memorium - Stable Diffusion Celeb Diffusion - AI Art by XXXCOPY" represents the first generation of AI generated nude artwork.

This particular image was generated using a self hacked version of stable diffusion. Pieces will continue to emerge from many different diffusion AI generators. MidJourney, DALL-E, as well as more experimental models. For private collection and sale only. Not for commercial use without direct permission via

I have created a prototype and am in the process of retraining Stable Diffusion to generate NSFW images. This is your chance to collect a very high resolution piece of cutting edge computer generated nude art.

Disclaimer: These images are Digital Art they are not meant to damage the reputation of the person, persons, referred to as "partial persons" depicted within the image sets. They are referred to as "partial persons" due to the fact that if you were to do a forensic investigation of how the image was generated you would quickly realize no one single person was used to train the models that later generate the final result a semi accurate likeness of a person of note in history and or pop culture.

The concept and prompt is the work of XXXcopy, the generation is the work of stable diffusion technologies which vary from image to image.

This image should not be passed off as an authentic image, rather this is intended to be a parody image of the persons or likenesses depicted. The purpose of this collection is to start the conversation about the nature of artificial intelligence and its role in the generation of explicit art.

The creators of this technology and prompt shall not be held liable for the misuse or misappropriation of this image by owners. Purchasers agree to these terms and therein by purchasing this art promise not to hold any persons or entities involved in the creation or housing of this image. This image may be privately displayed in personal NFT collections and privately sold by the owner of the image. Images should not be reproduced for monetary gain in physical or digital format.

Artist: XXXCOPY is an anonymous digital artist and works utilizing multiple redundancies including VPN obfuscation. Running any sort of IP trace will likely lead you to the doorstep of a grandma or person taking part in the TOR project. Similarly money flowing to and from wallets associated with this account are tumbled and obfuscated for the protection of the artist and team involved in the creation of these images. You likely would once again end up with the identity of a party unaware they are helping aid this controversial but entirely legal work. Join the conversation and weigh in.

Contact: for requests, press, and more. Snoochie Boochies, Your pal, XXXCOPY

Stable Diffusion Celeb Diffusion by XXXCOPY collection image

Welcome to the Wild West of Ai Generated Madness. I hacked the open source Stable Diffusion Source Code to generate NSFW content. Then I built my own. Upcoming releases Multiple Versions of the following likenesses Taylor Swift Queen Elizabeth II Donald Trump Emma Watson Miss Piggy And so many more those are just the ones ready to go now. Tell your Discord Chats, Friends, and maybe buy Queen Elizabeth II for your Mum or Gran. - XXXCOPY

Upon purchase you may use this image solely for private ownership and private display. This image is the work of The Artist and may not be be used for financial gain outside of its accepted use, you may resell this NFT for crypto.

Please note these are pieces of art and should be treated in a manner befitting art. These are not real photographs of the depicted individuals, they are merely likenesses and in that are under no strict copyright but my own the human that envisioned the prompt and executed the command. XXXCopy 2022

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings
  • Sales
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Unit Price