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NanoPutians are a series of organic molecules whose structural formulae resemble human forms. James Tour et al. (Rice University) designed and synthesized these compounds in 2003 as a part of a sequence on chemical education for young students. The compounds consist of two benzene rings connected via a few carbon atoms as the body, four acetylene units each carrying an alkyl group at their ends which represents the hands and legs, and a 1,3-dioxolane ring as the head. Tour and his team at Rice University used the NanoPutians in their NanoKids educational outreach program. The goal of this program was to educate children in the sciences in an effective and enjoyable manner. They have made several videos featuring the NanoPutians as anthropomorphic animated characters. Construction of the structures depends on Sonogashira coupling and other synthetic techniques. By replacing the 1,3-dioxolane group with an appropriate ring structure, various other types of putians have been synthesized, e.g. NanoAthlete, NanoPilgrim, and NanoGreenBeret. Placing thiol (R-SH) functional groups at the end of the legs enables them to "stand" on a gold surface. "NanoPutian" is a portmanteau of nanometer, a unit of length commonly used to measure chemical compounds, and lilliputian, a fictional race of humans in the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.

IPFS Pinata Cloud| Nanomonarch Model |Nanomonarch Image

This NFT description uses material from the Wikipedia article NanoPutian which is released under the CC-BY-SA

Compounds collection image

Be the first to own a small piece of the chemical universe! Each ball and stick 3d model is unique to that compound and is scientifically accurate to the nanoscale. There are many autogenerated art pieces, but none can say they were formed almost entirely by nature, until now. By collecting a molecule you can fuel scientific progress and take ownership in the building blocks of our world! And with more than 350,000 chemical compounds tabulated by modern science, everyone will get to share in a wealth of knowledge.

Thank you to our top supporter 100001 @ 2.3 ETH!

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

Nanomonarch (C44H50O2)

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Nanomonarch (C44H50O2)

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NanoPutians are a series of organic molecules whose structural formulae resemble human forms. James Tour et al. (Rice University) designed and synthesized these compounds in 2003 as a part of a sequence on chemical education for young students. The compounds consist of two benzene rings connected via a few carbon atoms as the body, four acetylene units each carrying an alkyl group at their ends which represents the hands and legs, and a 1,3-dioxolane ring as the head. Tour and his team at Rice University used the NanoPutians in their NanoKids educational outreach program. The goal of this program was to educate children in the sciences in an effective and enjoyable manner. They have made several videos featuring the NanoPutians as anthropomorphic animated characters. Construction of the structures depends on Sonogashira coupling and other synthetic techniques. By replacing the 1,3-dioxolane group with an appropriate ring structure, various other types of putians have been synthesized, e.g. NanoAthlete, NanoPilgrim, and NanoGreenBeret. Placing thiol (R-SH) functional groups at the end of the legs enables them to "stand" on a gold surface. "NanoPutian" is a portmanteau of nanometer, a unit of length commonly used to measure chemical compounds, and lilliputian, a fictional race of humans in the novel Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift.

IPFS Pinata Cloud| Nanomonarch Model |Nanomonarch Image

This NFT description uses material from the Wikipedia article NanoPutian which is released under the CC-BY-SA

Compounds collection image

Be the first to own a small piece of the chemical universe! Each ball and stick 3d model is unique to that compound and is scientifically accurate to the nanoscale. There are many autogenerated art pieces, but none can say they were formed almost entirely by nature, until now. By collecting a molecule you can fuel scientific progress and take ownership in the building blocks of our world! And with more than 350,000 chemical compounds tabulated by modern science, everyone will get to share in a wealth of knowledge.

Thank you to our top supporter 100001 @ 2.3 ETH!

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings