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A being made entirely of dreams, both benevolent and malevolent. It wanders through these dreams, sometimes becoming lucid and remembering where it was, what it was doing, before falling back into this horrible loop. The form of this entity is not known, for it was never given a name. Its aspect varies tremendously, being sometimes wholly animal, sometimes partly vegetable, and sometimes in some unknown form entirely composed of organic matter. Its general shape is that of a barrel, with a central opening at the top. The mouth is a flat aperture, and the lateral half-voids are generally filled with a gelatinous mass which resembles a greenish globe or globe of some sort. The end of the barrel is fused to the top of the head, and the whole mass, when closed, resembles a diminutive human head with a flattened, globe-shaped face. The shape of the whole is highly irregular, and its voice is complex and hollow. Its aspect and voice are such that one often feels it to be that of no entity at all, but of a vague, half-intelligent whole which sometimes speaks in simple, poetic words, sometimes in complicated, hieroglyphed hieroglyphs, and sometimes in a mixture of the two.

The Ones who returned collection image

Once deities of great power, but cast into exile, the Legacy 0xmons appeared to be all but forgotten. A catastrophic event, of which little is known, cursed them and with a blinding flash of light their spell-craft was gone.

Wondering, lost and not able to grasp the misfortune that had been bestowed upon them they hemorrhaged their dark powers for days. This lasted until they could no longer maintain their form and slithered away into a dimension of delirium.

This ruptured the very essence of their being. Here some imploded, others vanished, whilst the ones that remained were altered beasts and unrecognisable from what they once were.

So as a last act of salvation for humanity, we must try to lure them back to the non-place they came from.

Lores are generated via AI trained on Lovecraft text. Music is computer generated based on Daemon type, colours and movement of the animation. Images are handmade based on the original AI generated 0xmons (legacy version).

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings


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    USD Price
  • Price
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    Floor Difference

A being made entirely of dreams, both benevolent and malevolent. It wanders through these dreams, sometimes becoming lucid and remembering where it was, what it was doing, before falling back into this horrible loop. The form of this entity is not known, for it was never given a name. Its aspect varies tremendously, being sometimes wholly animal, sometimes partly vegetable, and sometimes in some unknown form entirely composed of organic matter. Its general shape is that of a barrel, with a central opening at the top. The mouth is a flat aperture, and the lateral half-voids are generally filled with a gelatinous mass which resembles a greenish globe or globe of some sort. The end of the barrel is fused to the top of the head, and the whole mass, when closed, resembles a diminutive human head with a flattened, globe-shaped face. The shape of the whole is highly irregular, and its voice is complex and hollow. Its aspect and voice are such that one often feels it to be that of no entity at all, but of a vague, half-intelligent whole which sometimes speaks in simple, poetic words, sometimes in complicated, hieroglyphed hieroglyphs, and sometimes in a mixture of the two.

The Ones who returned collection image

Once deities of great power, but cast into exile, the Legacy 0xmons appeared to be all but forgotten. A catastrophic event, of which little is known, cursed them and with a blinding flash of light their spell-craft was gone.

Wondering, lost and not able to grasp the misfortune that had been bestowed upon them they hemorrhaged their dark powers for days. This lasted until they could no longer maintain their form and slithered away into a dimension of delirium.

This ruptured the very essence of their being. Here some imploded, others vanished, whilst the ones that remained were altered beasts and unrecognisable from what they once were.

So as a last act of salvation for humanity, we must try to lure them back to the non-place they came from.

Lores are generated via AI trained on Lovecraft text. Music is computer generated based on Daemon type, colours and movement of the animation. Images are handmade based on the original AI generated 0xmons (legacy version).

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings