(For English readers: please see the author's statement in English https://note.com/onomiyuki/n/n09a132df0eb6 )
本作「ピュア」は「女性が男性をセックス後に食べないと妊娠できなくなった世界の恋愛」を描いたSF恋愛小説です。2019年に早川書房の「SFマガジン」、およびnoteに無料掲載され、瞬く間にSNSで話題を呼び、20万PV超を獲得しました。note社による「2019年にもっとも読まれた記事」に選ばれています。(作品詳細:https://note.com/info/n/n9e355a1069ff ) 早川書房から2020年に発売された短編集「ピュア」に所蔵され、本書はAppleが選ぶ「2020年ベストSF」にも選出されており、現在ではイタリアでの翻訳出版が決まっています。
【英訳版を同時発売。優れた文芸翻訳家が "食える" 仕組みを作り、日本文芸・文学の翻訳文化を後押ししたい】
(詳しくは外部リンクのステートメント https://note.com/onomiyuki/n/ncab648dc0f6e をご覧ください)
優れた技術を持つ文芸の翻訳家が相応の対価を手にし、翻訳を続けられる世の中にしたい。それを通じて、日本文芸・文学の魅力が世界に知られるきっかけを作りたい。 本プロジェクトを皮切りに、今後、日本の優れた作家、翻訳家がNFT発売に着手し、新たな収益モデルが確立すれば、作品発表の形態も多様になり、翻訳文芸の文化も活性化できるのではないか。
NFTという概念はまだ新しいものですが、伝統ある日本文学文芸の世界と結びつくことで、業界にとっても新たなチャンスが生み出されることもきっとあるはずです。 このプロジェクトに賛同、共感してくださる方からのご入札をお待ち申し上げます。
作品に含まれるもの:イラストレーター佳嶋氏(https://echode.jimdofree.com/ ) による表紙イラストデータおよびSF短編小説「ピュア」のEpubデータ
※発行対象のデータはGoogle Driveにアップロードされており、落札者にはこのデータのNFTのデジタル所有権が付与されます。 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IUH9DPKipX-dNQl6Fb5SGb31zoU9OFqd/view?usp=sharing このNFTは、本対象データの唯一無二のNFTです。
Pure is a love story set in a world where women can’t get pregnant unless they eat their male partner after sex. This short story was first published on Hayakawa Publishing’s online blog in 2019. It attracted significant attention, receiving over 200,000 page views, and becoming one of their most read articles that year. In 2020 it was collected in a book of the same title with four other short stories, also published by Hayakawa. Apple selected the book as one of their Best Science Fiction works for 2020. An Italian translation of the full book is currently in the works.
Earth has become almost entirely uninhabitable due to human mismanagement. Through a gene-editing experiment meant to make humans more suitable for their new environs, women have gained superhuman strength, claws, fangs, and scales, and also must now consume the flesh of men in order to get pregnant. Yumi, a cadet in training for the national military, believes there must be more to life than simply eating men, having children, and fighting in endless wars to protect her country. One hunt, she discovers Eiji, the most beautiful man she’s ever seen, and his two female children born without scales and presumably left for dead on Earth. After Eiji saves her life, she begins to visit him regularly. But can their relationship survive societal pressure and Yumi’s own hunger?
- This NFT includes a downloadable Epub of Pure in Japanese as well as a cover art.
- The data to be issued is stored in Google Drive, and the winning bidder is given the ownership of the NFT of this data. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IUH9DPKipX-dNQl6Fb5SGb31zoU9OFqd/view?usp=sharing This NFT is the one and only NFT of this target data. *Copyright will be retained by author Miyuki Ono and won't transfer to NFT holders.
Japanese Science Fiction author Miyuki Ono's short story NFTs. This is the first collection by a professional Japanese Sci Fi author to be released as NFTs. It is also the first NFT of a Japanese short story to be released simultaneously with its English translations. While the Japanese story was published by Hayakawa Publishing in 2020, these English translations are yet to be published on any other platform or through a traditional publisher. In other words, these NFTs are currently the only English translation available.
[World's first] a short story "Pure" NFT by a Japanese commercial Sci-Fi writer
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[World's first] a short story "Pure" NFT by a Japanese commercial Sci-Fi writer
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- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
(For English readers: please see the author's statement in English https://note.com/onomiyuki/n/n09a132df0eb6 )
本作「ピュア」は「女性が男性をセックス後に食べないと妊娠できなくなった世界の恋愛」を描いたSF恋愛小説です。2019年に早川書房の「SFマガジン」、およびnoteに無料掲載され、瞬く間にSNSで話題を呼び、20万PV超を獲得しました。note社による「2019年にもっとも読まれた記事」に選ばれています。(作品詳細:https://note.com/info/n/n9e355a1069ff ) 早川書房から2020年に発売された短編集「ピュア」に所蔵され、本書はAppleが選ぶ「2020年ベストSF」にも選出されており、現在ではイタリアでの翻訳出版が決まっています。
【英訳版を同時発売。優れた文芸翻訳家が "食える" 仕組みを作り、日本文芸・文学の翻訳文化を後押ししたい】
(詳しくは外部リンクのステートメント https://note.com/onomiyuki/n/ncab648dc0f6e をご覧ください)
優れた技術を持つ文芸の翻訳家が相応の対価を手にし、翻訳を続けられる世の中にしたい。それを通じて、日本文芸・文学の魅力が世界に知られるきっかけを作りたい。 本プロジェクトを皮切りに、今後、日本の優れた作家、翻訳家がNFT発売に着手し、新たな収益モデルが確立すれば、作品発表の形態も多様になり、翻訳文芸の文化も活性化できるのではないか。
NFTという概念はまだ新しいものですが、伝統ある日本文学文芸の世界と結びつくことで、業界にとっても新たなチャンスが生み出されることもきっとあるはずです。 このプロジェクトに賛同、共感してくださる方からのご入札をお待ち申し上げます。
作品に含まれるもの:イラストレーター佳嶋氏(https://echode.jimdofree.com/ ) による表紙イラストデータおよびSF短編小説「ピュア」のEpubデータ
※発行対象のデータはGoogle Driveにアップロードされており、落札者にはこのデータのNFTのデジタル所有権が付与されます。 https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IUH9DPKipX-dNQl6Fb5SGb31zoU9OFqd/view?usp=sharing このNFTは、本対象データの唯一無二のNFTです。
Pure is a love story set in a world where women can’t get pregnant unless they eat their male partner after sex. This short story was first published on Hayakawa Publishing’s online blog in 2019. It attracted significant attention, receiving over 200,000 page views, and becoming one of their most read articles that year. In 2020 it was collected in a book of the same title with four other short stories, also published by Hayakawa. Apple selected the book as one of their Best Science Fiction works for 2020. An Italian translation of the full book is currently in the works.
Earth has become almost entirely uninhabitable due to human mismanagement. Through a gene-editing experiment meant to make humans more suitable for their new environs, women have gained superhuman strength, claws, fangs, and scales, and also must now consume the flesh of men in order to get pregnant. Yumi, a cadet in training for the national military, believes there must be more to life than simply eating men, having children, and fighting in endless wars to protect her country. One hunt, she discovers Eiji, the most beautiful man she’s ever seen, and his two female children born without scales and presumably left for dead on Earth. After Eiji saves her life, she begins to visit him regularly. But can their relationship survive societal pressure and Yumi’s own hunger?
- This NFT includes a downloadable Epub of Pure in Japanese as well as a cover art.
- The data to be issued is stored in Google Drive, and the winning bidder is given the ownership of the NFT of this data. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IUH9DPKipX-dNQl6Fb5SGb31zoU9OFqd/view?usp=sharing This NFT is the one and only NFT of this target data. *Copyright will be retained by author Miyuki Ono and won't transfer to NFT holders.
Japanese Science Fiction author Miyuki Ono's short story NFTs. This is the first collection by a professional Japanese Sci Fi author to be released as NFTs. It is also the first NFT of a Japanese short story to be released simultaneously with its English translations. While the Japanese story was published by Hayakawa Publishing in 2020, these English translations are yet to be published on any other platform or through a traditional publisher. In other words, these NFTs are currently the only English translation available.