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”七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune” are the seven gods worshipped in Japan for bringing good fortune. They are not gods unique to Japan, but each of them is intertwined with various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Shintoism. In Japan, they are the most popular gods because of their various benefits. In the past, there were different numbers and members, but it is said that they became ”七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune” around the middle of the Edo period. In other words, ”七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune” have been worshipped for over 300 years in Japan.

恵比寿 Ebisu In ancient times, Ebisu was the god of fishery, who was responsible for "great fishing and good fortune. In the old days, he was a god of fishing, who brought "great fishing and good fortune. He is the only god of Japanese origin.

大黒天 Daikokuten Mahakala, an incarnation of the Indian Hindu god Shiva. A combination of the ancient Japanese god Okuninushi. As he is called Daikokubashira, he is the god of food and wealth. Because of their kinship, they are often depicted together with Ebisu.

毘沙門天 Bishamonten Originally the Indian Hindu god Kubera. It was a deity that promoted good fortune, but after being adopted into Buddhism, it was gradually worshipped by the people as a god of war.

弁財天 Benzaiten One of the seven gods of good fortune, originally Saraswati, the goddess of Hinduism in India.Adopted by Buddhism, she was chosen to be the goddess of music, eloquence, wealth, and wisdom. She is the only female deity among the Seven Gods of Good Fortune.

福禄寿 Fukurokuju The Taoist Daoist Tian Nan Xing of Song Dynasty, or the Taoist deity Old Man of the South Pole, an incarnation of the South Pole Star. He is sometimes regarded as the same deity as Jurojin.He is the god of longevity and good fortune.

寿老人 Jurojin A Taoist deity who is an incarnation of the South Pole Star. Like 福禄寿 Fukurokuju, he brings longevity and good fortune.

布袋 Hotei A Buddhist Zen monk who is said to have existed in Mingzhou (present-day Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China) in the late Tang Dynasty. He was favored for his fat and generous appearance, and would give wealth out of a bag in his hand. He is the only real human deity to have been deified.

The floating world collection image

The "Floating World" collection is intricately crafted in the renowned Ukiyo-e style that flourished during Japan's Edo period. These artworks vividly express the captivating allure, rich culture, and historical significance of ancient Japan within a single mesmerizing composition.

Each piece is an original, hand-drawn masterpiece, unparalleled in its uniqueness. Inspired by the traditional Ukiyo-e style of Japan, these artworks pay homage to a rich artistic heritage while adding a touch of contemporary creativity.

As evidence of their creation process, we have shared behind-the-scenes making-of videos on platforms like YouTube.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

#25七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune

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#25七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune

7 items
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”七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune” are the seven gods worshipped in Japan for bringing good fortune. They are not gods unique to Japan, but each of them is intertwined with various religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and Shintoism. In Japan, they are the most popular gods because of their various benefits. In the past, there were different numbers and members, but it is said that they became ”七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune” around the middle of the Edo period. In other words, ”七福神 Seven Gods of Fortune” have been worshipped for over 300 years in Japan.

恵比寿 Ebisu In ancient times, Ebisu was the god of fishery, who was responsible for "great fishing and good fortune. In the old days, he was a god of fishing, who brought "great fishing and good fortune. He is the only god of Japanese origin.

大黒天 Daikokuten Mahakala, an incarnation of the Indian Hindu god Shiva. A combination of the ancient Japanese god Okuninushi. As he is called Daikokubashira, he is the god of food and wealth. Because of their kinship, they are often depicted together with Ebisu.

毘沙門天 Bishamonten Originally the Indian Hindu god Kubera. It was a deity that promoted good fortune, but after being adopted into Buddhism, it was gradually worshipped by the people as a god of war.

弁財天 Benzaiten One of the seven gods of good fortune, originally Saraswati, the goddess of Hinduism in India.Adopted by Buddhism, she was chosen to be the goddess of music, eloquence, wealth, and wisdom. She is the only female deity among the Seven Gods of Good Fortune.

福禄寿 Fukurokuju The Taoist Daoist Tian Nan Xing of Song Dynasty, or the Taoist deity Old Man of the South Pole, an incarnation of the South Pole Star. He is sometimes regarded as the same deity as Jurojin.He is the god of longevity and good fortune.

寿老人 Jurojin A Taoist deity who is an incarnation of the South Pole Star. Like 福禄寿 Fukurokuju, he brings longevity and good fortune.

布袋 Hotei A Buddhist Zen monk who is said to have existed in Mingzhou (present-day Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province, China) in the late Tang Dynasty. He was favored for his fat and generous appearance, and would give wealth out of a bag in his hand. He is the only real human deity to have been deified.

The floating world collection image

The "Floating World" collection is intricately crafted in the renowned Ukiyo-e style that flourished during Japan's Edo period. These artworks vividly express the captivating allure, rich culture, and historical significance of ancient Japan within a single mesmerizing composition.

Each piece is an original, hand-drawn masterpiece, unparalleled in its uniqueness. Inspired by the traditional Ukiyo-e style of Japan, these artworks pay homage to a rich artistic heritage while adding a touch of contemporary creativity.

As evidence of their creation process, we have shared behind-the-scenes making-of videos on platforms like YouTube.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings
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