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Some nightmares do come true.

Maria’s nightmares about being on the verge of a plane crash had ceased a few years ago. But this was not a dream. It was as real as death. This time, contrary to her dreamworld-horror- trips, the plane would not vanish into thin air as she woke up breathless, sweating in her bed at home. This time when she woke from her coma it would be with 3 broken ribs, black-and- blue, bruised, battered, beaten, a metal pipe through her left thigh. Somewhere, nowhere, deep in the Alps.

**360 seconds to impact **

This time her two daughters, little Eva and teenage Joana are next to her. Sebastian, her lover, best friend and husband, is in the cockpit trying to immobilize the pilot, wrestling the handles away from him. Little does he know Maria had already dreamt it all: that he will lose the match with a bullet to the back, and that the plane, fully boarded with heads of state and their families, kings, queens, a dozen princes and princesses, is on its final descent into those snowy mountains in the middle of nowhere. Some of these passengers will die in exactly six minutes. First time in several years that Cryptopunk Silva was not there with her, on that plane. Maria was in full warrior mode, there is no way she was going to allow her two precious babies to become corpses.

60 seconds to impact

All the royal children on board are already fortified in their anti-crash-chambers. One chamber is still empty, it belonged to the little prince who was not on board as planned due to food poisoning. The pilot bombards through the chaos, grabs Eva from Maria’s hands while violently smashing the handle of his handgun into the mother’s forehead. She drops, dizzied into disorientated desperate panic. The pilot manages to secure his target, the chosen one, Eva, in the vacant chamber, just in time, he bolts it shut, caps it, locks it, seals it, marks it.

22 seconds to impact...

MetaPunk MintPass collection image

MetaPunk MintPass is a collection with max supply of 2222 NFTs.

MetaPunk MintPass is NOT AFFILIATED in any way to any other NFT Project or organization.

Each NFT is a mintpass that may be burnt in order to mint the Mojo Perk mentioned in its properties. Examples: official ticket to an event (in-person or virtual), physical book claim, Meta Punk as podcast guest and other UTILITY options.

The hard deadline for the "burn into perk option" is 22.2.2025. From 23.2.2025 the NFT's in this collection will be collectible tokens that live on the Ethereum blockchain and will not be burnable for perks.

Multiple MPMP's, or certain MPMP full sets, may be burnt to upgrade to a new NFT with possibly perkier perk.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings


5 items
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    Floor Difference
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5 items
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    USD Unit Price
  • Unit Price
    USD Unit Price
    Floor Difference


Some nightmares do come true.

Maria’s nightmares about being on the verge of a plane crash had ceased a few years ago. But this was not a dream. It was as real as death. This time, contrary to her dreamworld-horror- trips, the plane would not vanish into thin air as she woke up breathless, sweating in her bed at home. This time when she woke from her coma it would be with 3 broken ribs, black-and- blue, bruised, battered, beaten, a metal pipe through her left thigh. Somewhere, nowhere, deep in the Alps.

**360 seconds to impact **

This time her two daughters, little Eva and teenage Joana are next to her. Sebastian, her lover, best friend and husband, is in the cockpit trying to immobilize the pilot, wrestling the handles away from him. Little does he know Maria had already dreamt it all: that he will lose the match with a bullet to the back, and that the plane, fully boarded with heads of state and their families, kings, queens, a dozen princes and princesses, is on its final descent into those snowy mountains in the middle of nowhere. Some of these passengers will die in exactly six minutes. First time in several years that Cryptopunk Silva was not there with her, on that plane. Maria was in full warrior mode, there is no way she was going to allow her two precious babies to become corpses.

60 seconds to impact

All the royal children on board are already fortified in their anti-crash-chambers. One chamber is still empty, it belonged to the little prince who was not on board as planned due to food poisoning. The pilot bombards through the chaos, grabs Eva from Maria’s hands while violently smashing the handle of his handgun into the mother’s forehead. She drops, dizzied into disorientated desperate panic. The pilot manages to secure his target, the chosen one, Eva, in the vacant chamber, just in time, he bolts it shut, caps it, locks it, seals it, marks it.

22 seconds to impact...

MetaPunk MintPass collection image

MetaPunk MintPass is a collection with max supply of 2222 NFTs.

MetaPunk MintPass is NOT AFFILIATED in any way to any other NFT Project or organization.

Each NFT is a mintpass that may be burnt in order to mint the Mojo Perk mentioned in its properties. Examples: official ticket to an event (in-person or virtual), physical book claim, Meta Punk as podcast guest and other UTILITY options.

The hard deadline for the "burn into perk option" is 22.2.2025. From 23.2.2025 the NFT's in this collection will be collectible tokens that live on the Ethereum blockchain and will not be burnable for perks.

Multiple MPMP's, or certain MPMP full sets, may be burnt to upgrade to a new NFT with possibly perkier perk.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings
  • Sales
  • Transfers
Unit Price