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Astaroth is the 5th Ey3 created by the Elder Magi and has an Eldrich blessing. A devil with the essence of Inferna, Astaroth hails from the Draco system and has the some of the strongest demonic power among the Ey3s. This demonic power is known as the Will of Adversity, a power that is fueled by negative emotions of hatred and torment. Astaroth can summon this negative energy to empower himself and his comrades to new heights. Astaroth's ether blade is named Torment.

Astaroth’s ether blade is a spear of pure black that vibrates at the edges in shades of brown and gray. It throbs and pulses with dark energy that makes you want to run your hand over it. It radiates an aura of malevolence that you can feel like a magnetic force. The blade is a being made of ether. It has no weight, no feel, no sound.

It is like a smoke snake, always moving forward but never turning. Torment is scaly black, with an orange glow around its hilt. It spits out sparks and steam and a window to the darkest parts of Adriel's mind, now a twisted and corrupted reflection of his true self.

Astaroth's crown empowers him to become more cunning and enhances his senses. Astaroth is also able to use a sword of nirvana and fire. He isn't normally in possession of this weapon, however, he can make use of this sword to deal with any situation that calls for it. Astaroth isn't really a demon by nature, but he does like the wrath and violence of the underworld. He doesn't have a very social side and thinks he is better off as a lone entity.

He considers other Archons to be prey, and is exhilarated by the prospect of devouring them. If you see him on a battlefield, you'll know why he is called the devil, he may be the servant of Nyx, but he definitely embodies the essence of a demon. He finds the destruction of the worlds and the souls of the dying to be very soothing.

Are you getting the feeling you are, above all things, the one he is searching for. You must also realize you might resist or deny your fate.

~ Animus Regnum ~ Familiars collection image

The wise and most powerful mages are known as the Elder Magi. They were the ones who created familiars, imbuing them with an essence extracted from the Old Gods. There are gods that have no divine power of their own and must imbue their own strength to gods with the rare essence known as ichor.

This the main essence used by the Elder Magi to create familiars. These are beings that are created for those known as avatars, the ones who travel Animus Regnum in pursuit of adventure and timeless experiences. Familiars are seen with every avatar and are a way to know if one has been chosen by the Elders as an avatar.

Familiars are unique beings that thrive when they are connected to a chosen avatar. Again, one cannot be an avatar without a familiar; otherwise you are considered a traveler, and that comes with restrictions. This is why those who seek adventure in the Animus Regnum universe look to be chosen by a familiar so they can travel to restricted to those who aren't avatars.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings


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Astaroth is the 5th Ey3 created by the Elder Magi and has an Eldrich blessing. A devil with the essence of Inferna, Astaroth hails from the Draco system and has the some of the strongest demonic power among the Ey3s. This demonic power is known as the Will of Adversity, a power that is fueled by negative emotions of hatred and torment. Astaroth can summon this negative energy to empower himself and his comrades to new heights. Astaroth's ether blade is named Torment.

Astaroth’s ether blade is a spear of pure black that vibrates at the edges in shades of brown and gray. It throbs and pulses with dark energy that makes you want to run your hand over it. It radiates an aura of malevolence that you can feel like a magnetic force. The blade is a being made of ether. It has no weight, no feel, no sound.

It is like a smoke snake, always moving forward but never turning. Torment is scaly black, with an orange glow around its hilt. It spits out sparks and steam and a window to the darkest parts of Adriel's mind, now a twisted and corrupted reflection of his true self.

Astaroth's crown empowers him to become more cunning and enhances his senses. Astaroth is also able to use a sword of nirvana and fire. He isn't normally in possession of this weapon, however, he can make use of this sword to deal with any situation that calls for it. Astaroth isn't really a demon by nature, but he does like the wrath and violence of the underworld. He doesn't have a very social side and thinks he is better off as a lone entity.

He considers other Archons to be prey, and is exhilarated by the prospect of devouring them. If you see him on a battlefield, you'll know why he is called the devil, he may be the servant of Nyx, but he definitely embodies the essence of a demon. He finds the destruction of the worlds and the souls of the dying to be very soothing.

Are you getting the feeling you are, above all things, the one he is searching for. You must also realize you might resist or deny your fate.

~ Animus Regnum ~ Familiars collection image

The wise and most powerful mages are known as the Elder Magi. They were the ones who created familiars, imbuing them with an essence extracted from the Old Gods. There are gods that have no divine power of their own and must imbue their own strength to gods with the rare essence known as ichor.

This the main essence used by the Elder Magi to create familiars. These are beings that are created for those known as avatars, the ones who travel Animus Regnum in pursuit of adventure and timeless experiences. Familiars are seen with every avatar and are a way to know if one has been chosen by the Elders as an avatar.

Familiars are unique beings that thrive when they are connected to a chosen avatar. Again, one cannot be an avatar without a familiar; otherwise you are considered a traveler, and that comes with restrictions. This is why those who seek adventure in the Animus Regnum universe look to be chosen by a familiar so they can travel to restricted to those who aren't avatars.

Category Art
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings