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The sweat drips from you forehead. At least you think it's sweat. It could be blood. Yours or the creatures? You rest against a mossy rock to try and catch your breath, you play with the small glass bottle with your fingers. It's as cold as ice in one hand and warm like a smouldering fire in the other. Even though you took a large swig the bottle appears to be full again, glowing with that same faint blue light. Well you're alive, for now at least. You pat yourself down, trying to find wounds but you seem mostly unscathed.

You edge over to the body of water in front of you, the lake is still and foreboding, its dark surface reflecting your own anxious face. The water feels strange on your skin but you need to wash off the creatures remains. Suddenly a force pulls you down into the dark depths, you can't think as you struggle wildly to get free, but what is this, there is nothing visible holding you but you can't get free. You have no fight left in you, is this really how it will end?

In your panic, you hadn't noticed it lying there at the bottom, atop an ancient statue. An old rusty helm. You struggle to stretch and reach it, trying to battle against the force pinning you back. Somehow you manage to flick it on to your head. You feel a strange sense of calm wash over you and the thoughts swirling in your head are suddenly clear. You remember an old tale told about ancient magical forces that drain the power from you, to battle them you need to think about a happy time from you life, the positivity pushes the dark powers away.

Everything seems so clear now, as your last breath escapes your lungs you think about a time from your past, when you were truly happy and carefree. You feel the rush of water against your skin as you speed up from the depths and land on the hard cave floor next to the deadly pool. Coughing and spluttering, you remove the helm and let it clatter onto the floor beside you. You see now it wasn't rust but a beautiful mysterious metal that you've never seen before, this has to be the helm of focus

Hiraeth Treasure Quests collection image

images from treasure quests

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings

Cave Quest 7

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Cave Quest 7

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The sweat drips from you forehead. At least you think it's sweat. It could be blood. Yours or the creatures? You rest against a mossy rock to try and catch your breath, you play with the small glass bottle with your fingers. It's as cold as ice in one hand and warm like a smouldering fire in the other. Even though you took a large swig the bottle appears to be full again, glowing with that same faint blue light. Well you're alive, for now at least. You pat yourself down, trying to find wounds but you seem mostly unscathed.

You edge over to the body of water in front of you, the lake is still and foreboding, its dark surface reflecting your own anxious face. The water feels strange on your skin but you need to wash off the creatures remains. Suddenly a force pulls you down into the dark depths, you can't think as you struggle wildly to get free, but what is this, there is nothing visible holding you but you can't get free. You have no fight left in you, is this really how it will end?

In your panic, you hadn't noticed it lying there at the bottom, atop an ancient statue. An old rusty helm. You struggle to stretch and reach it, trying to battle against the force pinning you back. Somehow you manage to flick it on to your head. You feel a strange sense of calm wash over you and the thoughts swirling in your head are suddenly clear. You remember an old tale told about ancient magical forces that drain the power from you, to battle them you need to think about a happy time from you life, the positivity pushes the dark powers away.

Everything seems so clear now, as your last breath escapes your lungs you think about a time from your past, when you were truly happy and carefree. You feel the rush of water against your skin as you speed up from the depths and land on the hard cave floor next to the deadly pool. Coughing and spluttering, you remove the helm and let it clatter onto the floor beside you. You see now it wasn't rust but a beautiful mysterious metal that you've never seen before, this has to be the helm of focus

Hiraeth Treasure Quests collection image

images from treasure quests

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated1 year ago
Creator Earnings