Andy is the son of the president of an IT company. He plans to take over that company in the future. He thinks Amazon is not an online shopping company, but an IT company of AWS, Amazon Web Services. in the first quarter of 2022, Amazon suffered a net loss in online shopping due to high oil prices and other reasons, but tough times bring opportunity. Amazon This is not a company that will end up here and I am going to learn how to overcome this adversity.
商用利用許諾ですが、その際には「アーティストSenoちゃん」の表記をお願いします。 Commercial use is permitted, but please use the notation “Artist Seno-chan” when doing so.
Stockgirl with Hanako コレクションにようこそ! Welcome to the Stockgirl with Hanako!
詳細はこちらにあります See the detail about this collection: https://www.financewithhanako.com/nft-stockgirl/
2022年 Hanako ベスト米国株トップ30: 2022 Hanako US Stock Best 30: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s710/sh/ff2c64dd-229a-f959-64bb-4bc0bb5085d5/b04275be15ed625b7049a630cd5af232
アーティストSenoちゃんとのコラボNFTです! It's NFT in collaboration with artist Seno chan!
それぞれの女の子には好きな米国株があるというキャラクター設定のあるNFT! NFT with a character set-up where each girl has a favorite U.S. stock!
商用利用許諾ですが、その際には「アーティストSenoちゃん」の表記をお願いします。 Commercial use is permitted, but please use the notation "Artist Seno-chan" when doing so.
B002 - Andy
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B002 - Andy
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Andy is the son of the president of an IT company. He plans to take over that company in the future. He thinks Amazon is not an online shopping company, but an IT company of AWS, Amazon Web Services. in the first quarter of 2022, Amazon suffered a net loss in online shopping due to high oil prices and other reasons, but tough times bring opportunity. Amazon This is not a company that will end up here and I am going to learn how to overcome this adversity.
商用利用許諾ですが、その際には「アーティストSenoちゃん」の表記をお願いします。 Commercial use is permitted, but please use the notation “Artist Seno-chan” when doing so.
Stockgirl with Hanako コレクションにようこそ! Welcome to the Stockgirl with Hanako!
詳細はこちらにあります See the detail about this collection: https://www.financewithhanako.com/nft-stockgirl/
2022年 Hanako ベスト米国株トップ30: 2022 Hanako US Stock Best 30: https://www.evernote.com/shard/s710/sh/ff2c64dd-229a-f959-64bb-4bc0bb5085d5/b04275be15ed625b7049a630cd5af232
アーティストSenoちゃんとのコラボNFTです! It's NFT in collaboration with artist Seno chan!
それぞれの女の子には好きな米国株があるというキャラクター設定のあるNFT! NFT with a character set-up where each girl has a favorite U.S. stock!
商用利用許諾ですが、その際には「アーティストSenoちゃん」の表記をお願いします。 Commercial use is permitted, but please use the notation "Artist Seno-chan" when doing so.
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