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Tang Dynasty Eunuch Announcing Imperial Edict is a Layer 2 masterpiece in meTANGverse collection, originated from the oil painting Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty Winter Series. Eunuchs have existed in China since about 4,000 years ago, were imperial servants by 3,000 years ago, and were common as civil servants by the time of the Qin dynasty. Certain eunuchs gained immense power that occasionally superseded that of even the Grand Secretaries.

The Winter series portrays the fall of Southern Tang and Li Yu's tragic life as a captive ex-emperor. In 971, Li Yu dropped the name of Tang from its Kingdom's name, in a desperate move to please the mighty Emperor Taizu of Song. In 975, after a year-long siege of the Southern Tang capital, modern Nanjing, Li Yu surrendered; and, he and his family were taken as captives to the Song capital. In a later poem, Li Yun wrote about the shame and regret he had on the day he was taken away from Jinling:

For forty years my country and my home — Three thousand li of mountains and rivers. The Phoenix Pavilion and Dragon Tower reaching up to the Milky Way, Jade trees and jasper branches forming a cloudy net — Not once did I touch sword or spear! Suddenly I became a captive slave. Frail my waist, gray my temples, grinding away. Never shall I forget the day when I bade hasty farewell at the ancestral temple. The court musicians played the farewell songs, My tears streamed as I gazed at the court maidens.

He was poisoned by the Song emperor Taizong in 978, after he had written a poem that, in a veiled manner, lamented the destruction of his empire and the rape of his second wife Empress Zhou the Younger by the Song emperor.

About “Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty”

“Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty,” also known as “Yu Mei Ren,” is a majestic oil painting created by artist Jiang Yun-Zhong from 1985 to 1998. This artwork features Li Yu, the poet and the last emperor of the Nan Tang Dynasty, and recreates his legendary life of love, life, sufferings, awakenings, and the ultimate death. 18 meters long and 2.8 meters high, this grand masterpiece is divided into four parts. Symbolic green, yellow, and blue colors in traditional Chinese Cloisonne are to represent the four seasons of an Emperor’s life and the rise and fall of a Dynasty.

大唐宦官宣旨图为大唐宇宙meTANGverse图层二的人物群像之一,来源于《梦回大唐·冬》系列。 宦官专权几乎贯穿了唐朝的中晚期,这一时期产生了众多位高权重的大宦官。如号称专门“欺压皇上的老奴”李辅国,亲手杀死皇帝的俱文珍和王守澄,前后经历六代皇帝的仇士良,以及人称“皇帝之父”的田令孜。

《梦回大唐·冬》系列刻画了南唐后主李煜兵败金陵城被俘北宋的故事。开宝四年(971年),宋太祖灭南汉,李煜去除唐号,改称“江南国主”。公元974年,宋与吴越合攻南唐。翌年,金陵城破,李煜投降,随宋军北归。至此,立国四十年,据地三千里的南唐灭亡了。 降宋后,李煜被幽囚汴京。 由南面王变为阶下囚,多舛命运使李煜终于脱颖于晚唐以花间宫体的文人词臣,成为一代词宗。但恰恰是这些词作引来了李煜的杀身之祸。公元978 年,李煜在四十一岁生日宴席间吟下《虞美人》一词,被密探告于宋太宗赵光义。赵大怒,赐李煜毒酒以自尽。


春花秋月何时了,往事知多少,小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。 雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改,问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。



关于作者蒋云仲 About Artist Jiang Yun-zhong

蒋云仲授权视频 Copyright Authorization Video

余秋雨作序 Foreword by Yu Qiu-yu


About meTANGverse

图层 2 Layer 2

Dreaming Back to meTANGverse collection image


meTANGverse系列NFT源于知名画家蒋云仲的油画作品《梦回大唐》,每件meTANGverse NFT均为《梦回大唐》中的独立元素。


meTANGverse collection originated from the oil painting “Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty” by artist Jiang Yun-Zhong, each NFT in meTANGverse is a unique piece from the painting.

“Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty,” also known as “Yu Mei Ren,” is a grand and majestic oil painting created by artist Jiang Yun-Zhong from 1985 to 1998. This artwork features Li Yu, the poet and the last emperor of the Nan Tang Dynasty, and recreates his legendary life. 18 meters long and 2.8 meters high, it is divided into four parts. Symbolic green, yellow, and blue colors in traditional Chinese Cloisonne are to represent the four seasons of an Emperor’s life and the rise and fall of a Dynasty.

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings

Tang Dynasty Eunuch Announcing Imperial Edict 大唐宦官宣旨图

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Tang Dynasty Eunuch Announcing Imperial Edict 大唐宦官宣旨图

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Tang Dynasty Eunuch Announcing Imperial Edict is a Layer 2 masterpiece in meTANGverse collection, originated from the oil painting Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty Winter Series. Eunuchs have existed in China since about 4,000 years ago, were imperial servants by 3,000 years ago, and were common as civil servants by the time of the Qin dynasty. Certain eunuchs gained immense power that occasionally superseded that of even the Grand Secretaries.

The Winter series portrays the fall of Southern Tang and Li Yu's tragic life as a captive ex-emperor. In 971, Li Yu dropped the name of Tang from its Kingdom's name, in a desperate move to please the mighty Emperor Taizu of Song. In 975, after a year-long siege of the Southern Tang capital, modern Nanjing, Li Yu surrendered; and, he and his family were taken as captives to the Song capital. In a later poem, Li Yun wrote about the shame and regret he had on the day he was taken away from Jinling:

For forty years my country and my home — Three thousand li of mountains and rivers. The Phoenix Pavilion and Dragon Tower reaching up to the Milky Way, Jade trees and jasper branches forming a cloudy net — Not once did I touch sword or spear! Suddenly I became a captive slave. Frail my waist, gray my temples, grinding away. Never shall I forget the day when I bade hasty farewell at the ancestral temple. The court musicians played the farewell songs, My tears streamed as I gazed at the court maidens.

He was poisoned by the Song emperor Taizong in 978, after he had written a poem that, in a veiled manner, lamented the destruction of his empire and the rape of his second wife Empress Zhou the Younger by the Song emperor.

About “Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty”

“Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty,” also known as “Yu Mei Ren,” is a majestic oil painting created by artist Jiang Yun-Zhong from 1985 to 1998. This artwork features Li Yu, the poet and the last emperor of the Nan Tang Dynasty, and recreates his legendary life of love, life, sufferings, awakenings, and the ultimate death. 18 meters long and 2.8 meters high, this grand masterpiece is divided into four parts. Symbolic green, yellow, and blue colors in traditional Chinese Cloisonne are to represent the four seasons of an Emperor’s life and the rise and fall of a Dynasty.

大唐宦官宣旨图为大唐宇宙meTANGverse图层二的人物群像之一,来源于《梦回大唐·冬》系列。 宦官专权几乎贯穿了唐朝的中晚期,这一时期产生了众多位高权重的大宦官。如号称专门“欺压皇上的老奴”李辅国,亲手杀死皇帝的俱文珍和王守澄,前后经历六代皇帝的仇士良,以及人称“皇帝之父”的田令孜。

《梦回大唐·冬》系列刻画了南唐后主李煜兵败金陵城被俘北宋的故事。开宝四年(971年),宋太祖灭南汉,李煜去除唐号,改称“江南国主”。公元974年,宋与吴越合攻南唐。翌年,金陵城破,李煜投降,随宋军北归。至此,立国四十年,据地三千里的南唐灭亡了。 降宋后,李煜被幽囚汴京。 由南面王变为阶下囚,多舛命运使李煜终于脱颖于晚唐以花间宫体的文人词臣,成为一代词宗。但恰恰是这些词作引来了李煜的杀身之祸。公元978 年,李煜在四十一岁生日宴席间吟下《虞美人》一词,被密探告于宋太宗赵光义。赵大怒,赐李煜毒酒以自尽。


春花秋月何时了,往事知多少,小楼昨夜又东风,故国不堪回首月明中。 雕栏玉砌应犹在,只是朱颜改,问君能有几多愁,恰似一江春水向东流。



关于作者蒋云仲 About Artist Jiang Yun-zhong

蒋云仲授权视频 Copyright Authorization Video

余秋雨作序 Foreword by Yu Qiu-yu


About meTANGverse

图层 2 Layer 2

Dreaming Back to meTANGverse collection image


meTANGverse系列NFT源于知名画家蒋云仲的油画作品《梦回大唐》,每件meTANGverse NFT均为《梦回大唐》中的独立元素。


meTANGverse collection originated from the oil painting “Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty” by artist Jiang Yun-Zhong, each NFT in meTANGverse is a unique piece from the painting.

“Dreaming Back to the Tang Dynasty,” also known as “Yu Mei Ren,” is a grand and majestic oil painting created by artist Jiang Yun-Zhong from 1985 to 1998. This artwork features Li Yu, the poet and the last emperor of the Nan Tang Dynasty, and recreates his legendary life. 18 meters long and 2.8 meters high, it is divided into four parts. Symbolic green, yellow, and blue colors in traditional Chinese Cloisonne are to represent the four seasons of an Emperor’s life and the rise and fall of a Dynasty.

Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Creator Earnings