DrinkUP! is a 1/1 digital illustration made by Adam Toksöz. It is a part of the ongoing "A Doodle a Day Keeps the Demons Away" series. As with most of these pieces, it originated as a marker drawing that was then digitized and colored on the computer.
This piece was created c. 2017 when it was featured on a beer can for Collective Arts Brewing, and the black & white marker drawing version was featured in a group show put on by Mtn Dew x NBA the same year.
Comes with unlockable b&w oversized poster printed by MTN Dew x NBA (w/embossed seal), Silkscreen full color poster printed by Collective Arts (w/embossed seal) & (empty/sealed) beer can with the artwork.
A Doodle a Day Keeps the Demons Away is an ongoing (capped at 100) series of digital illustrations made by Adam Toksöz that feature graffiti style creatures/characters using bright colors and bold lines. Most of these originate as sharpie drawings before being digitized, vectored, & colored.
The first ten pieces will be listed for 0.1 $ETH each.
These pieces are inspired by the monsters and creatures that live in many peoples' minds.
Collector has full commercial IP rights & is free to use any piece they own in any way they would like. Selling your piece relinquishes commercial rights & they are transferred to whoever buys the piece. (This goes for any of the 1/1 pieces in this collection that are not collabs or airdrop pieces)
This collection of 1/1s is continued here via my custom manifold contract:
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
- Sales
- Transfers
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityExpirationFrom
- PriceUSD PriceQuantityFloor DifferenceExpirationFrom
DrinkUP! is a 1/1 digital illustration made by Adam Toksöz. It is a part of the ongoing "A Doodle a Day Keeps the Demons Away" series. As with most of these pieces, it originated as a marker drawing that was then digitized and colored on the computer.
This piece was created c. 2017 when it was featured on a beer can for Collective Arts Brewing, and the black & white marker drawing version was featured in a group show put on by Mtn Dew x NBA the same year.
Comes with unlockable b&w oversized poster printed by MTN Dew x NBA (w/embossed seal), Silkscreen full color poster printed by Collective Arts (w/embossed seal) & (empty/sealed) beer can with the artwork.
A Doodle a Day Keeps the Demons Away is an ongoing (capped at 100) series of digital illustrations made by Adam Toksöz that feature graffiti style creatures/characters using bright colors and bold lines. Most of these originate as sharpie drawings before being digitized, vectored, & colored.
The first ten pieces will be listed for 0.1 $ETH each.
These pieces are inspired by the monsters and creatures that live in many peoples' minds.
Collector has full commercial IP rights & is free to use any piece they own in any way they would like. Selling your piece relinquishes commercial rights & they are transferred to whoever buys the piece. (This goes for any of the 1/1 pieces in this collection that are not collabs or airdrop pieces)
This collection of 1/1s is continued here via my custom manifold contract:
- Sales
- Transfers