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Considering the cross-border nature of crypto assets, establishing a global standard of conduct for the crypto industry to commit to is an essential way for all the participants. Guided by core values and principles, this Code of Conduct should be the basis for our daily and long-term decisions, actions and practices in the crypto world, which presents bright future for the new economic system by struggling against the fiat enslavement and demonstrating accountability and protection for all the members. Here is “The International Code of Conduct for Representatives of the Crypto World”, which is divided into 5 main categories (Freedom, Honesty, Security, Equality, Support) including the relevant sub-headings, descriptions and explanations.


  1. Financial Liberalization: We support the idea of financial liberalization and empowerment through cryptocurrencies as a form of exchange and transactions in the economy of nations without limitations of traditional financial systems limiting our potential. Our aim is to empower individuals to achieve financial independence through responsible use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

  2. Decentralization of Cryptocurrencies: We emphasize the utmost importance of decentralized cryptocurrencies that reduce reliance on traditional financial systems by promoting financial liberalization. We explore the potential of decentralized digital currencies and promote the benefits to create a fairer and more equitable financial system for all.

  3. Active Struggle Against Fiat Enslavement & Monopolization: We promise to struggle against the fiat enslavement and monopolization actively by means of raising awareness among all the participants and our potential future representatives in the crypto world. Our goal is to challenge the dominance of fiat currencies causing financial dependence, manipulation and break the chains of monetary oppression.

  4. Freedom of Participation & Expression: We encourage everyone to exist in the crypto world without unfair restrictions and express themselves freely by promoting the open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression as long as they do not violate the legal rules and ethical principles. One of our main responsibilities is to assure an environment where all the participants feel safe and are enabled to share their opinion and disclose information without fearing negative consequences.


  1. Credibility: Our main goal is to build trust in the community by communicating honestly, ethically, and without deception. We share accurate information about all projects and initiatives including risk details in the crypto world. We are expected to diligently comply with current laws, the provisions and guiding principles of this Code of Conduct, and all other internal procedures. In all cases, we undertake to act with honesty, showing at all times full respect for all participants. Our efforts uphold the highest standards of truthfulness, never misleading or exploiting our audience, which contributes to our credibility.

  2. Openness & Transparency: We ensure that we are open and transparent in our dealings in the crypto world by providing complete, transparent, understandable and accurate information. We act in a fair and transparent manner during the execution of all types of activities to avoid situations which are or may appear doubtful or lead to any conflicts of interest.

  3. Accountability: We are responsible for carrying out our all actions in an accountable way, which boosts trust in the community. We are aware of the fact that all our actions in the crypto world will be tracked and saved as our digital footprints. Therefore, we commit to being open and transparent and sharing accurate and relevant information about all actions from past to present.

  4. Open Verification: We support open verification to expand participation globally and establish trust in the crypto world. We make prior checks on the participants, based on the information available and based on the requirements as set in the applicable law, including financial information, in order to verify their respectability and the legitimacy of their activities before entering into crypto world. We support all operations by adequate documentation to allow the competent bodies to verify characteristics and reasons of each action and to identify the person that has authorized, carried out, posted, and assessed each action.


  1. Compliance With Laws: We comply with the principles of lawfulness. We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions we operate in, ensuring compliance with financial and data protection standards. Under no circumstances can the alleged pursuit of our interest or benefit justify actions, which would not be in line with policy of honest and lawful conduct.

  2. Privacy Protection & Confidentiality: We guarantee the confidentiality of all the information that comes into our possession and commits to using it in compliance with current laws. We are expected not to use nor distribute confidential information for purposes that are not directly connected with our actions. We act with proper diligence and care when processing personal data and observe at all times principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, storage limitation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality and accountability.

  3. Zero Tolerance For Fraud & Scams: We avoid engaging and/or spreading fraud and scam related projects and activities in the crypto world. We ensure that we report such suspicious and fraudulent activities for prompt actions to be taken.

  4. Penalization of Market Manipulations: We avoid spread of false information on social media, newspapers and other platforms about crypto world. We do not allow any manipulations that will affect the natural flow of crypto world circulation. We promise to impose penalties and sanctions on the user caught in such activity.


  1. Impartiality & Fairness: We do not give any place to discrimination based on sex, race, class, nationality, language, religion, political and philosophical opinions, state of health, age, or any other property. We appreciate impartial and fair attitude all the time. We never embrace bias and favoritism.

  2. Diversity: We empower a diverse community that respects and values individuals from all backgrounds. We believe that diversity is richness. We build a global community which has an inclusive environment where every individual's voice is heard and valued.

  3. Respect & Love For Community: We value mutual respect, which builds strong relationships among all the participants belonging to our community. We strive to create a positive and supportive environment for all within the framework of love and respect.

  4. Integrity: We help all the representatives to maintain a high level of ethical integrity, making decisions that align with the best interests of the crypto community and its participants. We are aware of the fact that we all represent the crypto world; one’s misconduct can negatively impact the whole community’s reputation. For this reason, we always act with integrity with our best interest in mind. We conduct our actions with integrity and adhere to the highest ethical standards.


  1. Collaboration & Cooperation: We seek opportunities to collaborate with others in the crypto world, encouraging a supportive atmosphere where community members help each other. We foster a spirit of teamwork and shared progress, which contributes to the community. We encourage the sharing of knowledge in an honest way and ideas for mutual growth.

  2. Financial Literacy & Education: We give importance to financial literacy and education to promote a culture of continuous learning. We offer guidance to the participants about how to make smart decisions on their investments and the activities contributing to the crypto world and we also take on the responsibility of educating newcomers and enthusiasts, which helps the community expand.

  3. Encouragement of Innovations: We strive to adapt to new developments in the crypto world and latest innovations that are in accordance with ethics. We believe that it is important to renew ourselves continuously by following technological advancement. We are open to new ideas and technologies by paying attention to the potential benefits and risks. We also believe that feedback is a good way of evaluating ourselves. Appropriate feedback helps us to build a bridge among all the participants in the community.

  4. Empowerment of Eco-Friendly Solutions: We pay great attention on the environmental issues and development of eco-friendly approach. We strive to find energy-efficient solutions contributing to the protection of the ecosystem. We explore sustainable alternatives and promote energy-efficient solutions by reducing our carbon footprint.

Upholding and implementing the principles given here, we, all the representatives of the Crypto World, will be able to make the whole system flawless and much stronger within the frame of freedom, honesty, security, equality and support. We should be aware of the fact that the crypto world is the future of real freedom!

MeryJones Collection collection image
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated10 months ago
Creator Earnings

The International Code of Conduct for the Representatives of the Crypto World

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The International Code of Conduct for the Representatives of the Crypto World

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    USD Price
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    USD Price
    Floor Difference


Considering the cross-border nature of crypto assets, establishing a global standard of conduct for the crypto industry to commit to is an essential way for all the participants. Guided by core values and principles, this Code of Conduct should be the basis for our daily and long-term decisions, actions and practices in the crypto world, which presents bright future for the new economic system by struggling against the fiat enslavement and demonstrating accountability and protection for all the members. Here is “The International Code of Conduct for Representatives of the Crypto World”, which is divided into 5 main categories (Freedom, Honesty, Security, Equality, Support) including the relevant sub-headings, descriptions and explanations.


  1. Financial Liberalization: We support the idea of financial liberalization and empowerment through cryptocurrencies as a form of exchange and transactions in the economy of nations without limitations of traditional financial systems limiting our potential. Our aim is to empower individuals to achieve financial independence through responsible use of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology.

  2. Decentralization of Cryptocurrencies: We emphasize the utmost importance of decentralized cryptocurrencies that reduce reliance on traditional financial systems by promoting financial liberalization. We explore the potential of decentralized digital currencies and promote the benefits to create a fairer and more equitable financial system for all.

  3. Active Struggle Against Fiat Enslavement & Monopolization: We promise to struggle against the fiat enslavement and monopolization actively by means of raising awareness among all the participants and our potential future representatives in the crypto world. Our goal is to challenge the dominance of fiat currencies causing financial dependence, manipulation and break the chains of monetary oppression.

  4. Freedom of Participation & Expression: We encourage everyone to exist in the crypto world without unfair restrictions and express themselves freely by promoting the open exchange of ideas and the freedom of thought and expression as long as they do not violate the legal rules and ethical principles. One of our main responsibilities is to assure an environment where all the participants feel safe and are enabled to share their opinion and disclose information without fearing negative consequences.


  1. Credibility: Our main goal is to build trust in the community by communicating honestly, ethically, and without deception. We share accurate information about all projects and initiatives including risk details in the crypto world. We are expected to diligently comply with current laws, the provisions and guiding principles of this Code of Conduct, and all other internal procedures. In all cases, we undertake to act with honesty, showing at all times full respect for all participants. Our efforts uphold the highest standards of truthfulness, never misleading or exploiting our audience, which contributes to our credibility.

  2. Openness & Transparency: We ensure that we are open and transparent in our dealings in the crypto world by providing complete, transparent, understandable and accurate information. We act in a fair and transparent manner during the execution of all types of activities to avoid situations which are or may appear doubtful or lead to any conflicts of interest.

  3. Accountability: We are responsible for carrying out our all actions in an accountable way, which boosts trust in the community. We are aware of the fact that all our actions in the crypto world will be tracked and saved as our digital footprints. Therefore, we commit to being open and transparent and sharing accurate and relevant information about all actions from past to present.

  4. Open Verification: We support open verification to expand participation globally and establish trust in the crypto world. We make prior checks on the participants, based on the information available and based on the requirements as set in the applicable law, including financial information, in order to verify their respectability and the legitimacy of their activities before entering into crypto world. We support all operations by adequate documentation to allow the competent bodies to verify characteristics and reasons of each action and to identify the person that has authorized, carried out, posted, and assessed each action.


  1. Compliance With Laws: We comply with the principles of lawfulness. We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations in the jurisdictions we operate in, ensuring compliance with financial and data protection standards. Under no circumstances can the alleged pursuit of our interest or benefit justify actions, which would not be in line with policy of honest and lawful conduct.

  2. Privacy Protection & Confidentiality: We guarantee the confidentiality of all the information that comes into our possession and commits to using it in compliance with current laws. We are expected not to use nor distribute confidential information for purposes that are not directly connected with our actions. We act with proper diligence and care when processing personal data and observe at all times principles of lawfulness, fairness and transparency, purpose limitation, data minimisation, storage limitation, accuracy, integrity and confidentiality and accountability.

  3. Zero Tolerance For Fraud & Scams: We avoid engaging and/or spreading fraud and scam related projects and activities in the crypto world. We ensure that we report such suspicious and fraudulent activities for prompt actions to be taken.

  4. Penalization of Market Manipulations: We avoid spread of false information on social media, newspapers and other platforms about crypto world. We do not allow any manipulations that will affect the natural flow of crypto world circulation. We promise to impose penalties and sanctions on the user caught in such activity.


  1. Impartiality & Fairness: We do not give any place to discrimination based on sex, race, class, nationality, language, religion, political and philosophical opinions, state of health, age, or any other property. We appreciate impartial and fair attitude all the time. We never embrace bias and favoritism.

  2. Diversity: We empower a diverse community that respects and values individuals from all backgrounds. We believe that diversity is richness. We build a global community which has an inclusive environment where every individual's voice is heard and valued.

  3. Respect & Love For Community: We value mutual respect, which builds strong relationships among all the participants belonging to our community. We strive to create a positive and supportive environment for all within the framework of love and respect.

  4. Integrity: We help all the representatives to maintain a high level of ethical integrity, making decisions that align with the best interests of the crypto community and its participants. We are aware of the fact that we all represent the crypto world; one’s misconduct can negatively impact the whole community’s reputation. For this reason, we always act with integrity with our best interest in mind. We conduct our actions with integrity and adhere to the highest ethical standards.


  1. Collaboration & Cooperation: We seek opportunities to collaborate with others in the crypto world, encouraging a supportive atmosphere where community members help each other. We foster a spirit of teamwork and shared progress, which contributes to the community. We encourage the sharing of knowledge in an honest way and ideas for mutual growth.

  2. Financial Literacy & Education: We give importance to financial literacy and education to promote a culture of continuous learning. We offer guidance to the participants about how to make smart decisions on their investments and the activities contributing to the crypto world and we also take on the responsibility of educating newcomers and enthusiasts, which helps the community expand.

  3. Encouragement of Innovations: We strive to adapt to new developments in the crypto world and latest innovations that are in accordance with ethics. We believe that it is important to renew ourselves continuously by following technological advancement. We are open to new ideas and technologies by paying attention to the potential benefits and risks. We also believe that feedback is a good way of evaluating ourselves. Appropriate feedback helps us to build a bridge among all the participants in the community.

  4. Empowerment of Eco-Friendly Solutions: We pay great attention on the environmental issues and development of eco-friendly approach. We strive to find energy-efficient solutions contributing to the protection of the ecosystem. We explore sustainable alternatives and promote energy-efficient solutions by reducing our carbon footprint.

Upholding and implementing the principles given here, we, all the representatives of the Crypto World, will be able to make the whole system flawless and much stronger within the frame of freedom, honesty, security, equality and support. We should be aware of the fact that the crypto world is the future of real freedom!

MeryJones Collection collection image
Contract Address0x495f...7b5e
Token ID
Token StandardERC-1155
Last Updated10 months ago
Creator Earnings