1/1 oil painting 4500*6000 px The sun and the sea together, how we all dream of feeling it!
"Yellow" must be a cry for freedom. Contemporary man needs to shake the dust from his soul and to regenerate his energies. "Yellow" is the courage to live one's life, to be its protagonists, to make decisions and to follow one's wishes, quoting Oscar Wilde "Better to be protagonists of one's own tragedy than spectators of one's life". "Yellow" wants to be an act of revolt, the push to go outside the box to create new ones. Yellow is a symbol of energy and strength, it is the color of gold, the metal that has guided human history for centuries.
Yellow is the color of mysticism, which brings man closer to infinity. Yellow can be an idea but also an ideal, in recent years the color yellow has turned into a protest color. In some countries, people dressed in yellow took to the streets to voice their problems. Yellow is a primary color, therefore the freedom of man who finds greater fulfillment in art should also be primary: the freedom to do, to say, to tell and above all to be.
Dreams of the sea
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Dreams of the sea
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1/1 oil painting 4500*6000 px The sun and the sea together, how we all dream of feeling it!
"Yellow" must be a cry for freedom. Contemporary man needs to shake the dust from his soul and to regenerate his energies. "Yellow" is the courage to live one's life, to be its protagonists, to make decisions and to follow one's wishes, quoting Oscar Wilde "Better to be protagonists of one's own tragedy than spectators of one's life". "Yellow" wants to be an act of revolt, the push to go outside the box to create new ones. Yellow is a symbol of energy and strength, it is the color of gold, the metal that has guided human history for centuries.
Yellow is the color of mysticism, which brings man closer to infinity. Yellow can be an idea but also an ideal, in recent years the color yellow has turned into a protest color. In some countries, people dressed in yellow took to the streets to voice their problems. Yellow is a primary color, therefore the freedom of man who finds greater fulfillment in art should also be primary: the freedom to do, to say, to tell and above all to be.